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Save commands
Savcom is a tool for managing command shortcuts efficiently, allowing users to create, modify, list, and delete them easily.
bash coreutils
Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/teegre/savcom.git
$ cd savcom
# make install
Important: Make sure you have a directory called .local/bin
in your home directory, and that it is included in your $PATH
Also make sure $EDITOR
environment variable is set to your favorite text editor.
To create default shortcuts for savcom, run this command:
savcom < com/default
# make uninstall
savcom do <name> <command>
savcom do <name> '<command> <arguments>'
savcom ed <name>
savcom cp <name> <newname>
savcom mv <name> <newname>
savcom rm <name>
savcom dp <file>
savcom ls [name|"glob"]
savcom fix
savcom help
savcom version
savcom < <file>
cat <file> | savcom
Invoked without argument, savcom reads from standard input.
Available commands are:
- do: create/replace. (cdo)
- ed: edit. (ced)
- cp: copy. (ccp)
- mv: rename. (cmv)
- rm: delete. (crm)
- dp: dump existing shortcuts into a file. (cdp)
- ls: print/search shortcut list. (cls)
- fix: fix missing shortcut links.
- help: show help and exit.
- version: show program version and exit.
$ savcom do sco savcom '"$@"'
sco: command shotcut created.
The '"$@"'
is mandatory here, since we want be able to pass options to savcom.
Also notice the surrounding single quotes. They are needed to prevent the shell from interpreting "$@".
It is good practice to quote commands, like so:
$ savcom do ma 'if [ -f ./manage.py ]; then ./manage.py "$@"; else echo "Not a Django project directory!"; fi'
ma: command shortcut created.
Otherwise it gets a little tricky :
$ savcom do ma if \[ -f ./manage.py \]\; then ./manage.py '"$@"'\; else echo '"Not a Django project directory!"'\; fi
ma: command shortcut created.
This shortcut launches Django's command-line utility manage.py if it can be found in the current directory.
Now, to invoke a shortcut, simply type it on the command line, i.e:
$ sco version
savcom version 0.2.1.
savcom dp shortcuts.txt
while read -r; do echo "rm $REPLY" | cut -d '=' -f 1 | savcom; done < <(savcom ls)
savcom < shortcuts.txt
For more info, please read man savcom