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executable file
2477 lines (2118 loc) · 84.8 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
2477 lines (2118 loc) · 84.8 KB

‘load-path “~/.config/doom/elisp”)

Yooooooooooo let’s go

;;; $DOOMDIR/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Place your private configuration here! Remember, you do not need to run 'doom
;; sync' after modifying this file!

;; Some functionality uses this to identify you, e.g. GPG configuration, email
;; clients, file templates and snippets.
(setq user-full-name "Thomas F. K. Jorna"
      user-mail-address "")

;; If you use `org' and don't want your org files in the default location below,
;; change `org-directory'. It must be set before org loads!
(setq org-directory "~/Notes/"
      org-roam-directory "~/Notes")

;; This determines the style of line numbers in effect. If set to `nil', line
;; numbers are disabled. For relative line numbers, set this to `relative'.
(setq display-line-numbers-type t)

;; Here are some additional functions/macros that could help you configure Doom:
;; - `load!' for loading external *.el files relative to this one
;; - `use-package!' for configuring packages
;; - `after!' for running code after a package has loaded
;; - `add-load-path!' for adding directories to the `load-path', relative to
;;  .




Basic things you can keep in place without being locked into nano

(setq nano-font-family-monospaced "Overpass Mono")
(setq nano-font-family-proportional "Noto Serif")
(setq nano-font-size 13)

        ;(defvar nano-theme-light-var t)
(require 'disp-table)
(require 'nano-theme-dark)
(require 'nano-theme-light)
;(require 'nano-layout)
;(require 'nano-base-colors)
(require 'nano-faces)

The real fun begins here

(require 'nano-theme)
(require 'nano-modeline)
;(require 'nano-writer)
(setq default-frame-alist
      (append (list
	       ;; '(font . "Roboto Mono Emacs Regular:size=14")
	       '(min-height . 1)  '(height     . 45)
	       '(min-width  . 1) '(width      . 81)
               '(vertical-scroll-bars . nil)
               '(internal-border-width . 20)
               '(left-fringe    . 0)
               '(right-fringe   . 0)
               '(tool-bar-lines . 0)
               '(menu-bar-lines . 0))))


I’m either using nano or doom-theme, this is the latter

(setq doom-theme 'doom-flatwhite)

To set the fringes how i want them, i.e, in the opposite color of the background.

(add-hook! 'solaire-mode-hook
  (set-face-attribute 'fringe nil :background (face-background 'solaire-default-face))


It’s nice to have both mono and proportional fonts in org-mode, but mostly proportional, as we are writing.

(use-package! mixed-pitch
  :hook (org-mode . mixed-pitch-mode)
  (setq mixed-pitch-face 'variable-pitch))

And actually, I would like that in a lot of modes tbh

(add-hook! 'special-mode-hook (mixed-pitch-mode 1)
           'delve-mode-hook (mixed-pitch-mode 1))

There’s not a lot of good fonts I’ve noticed. Fira code is the one I keep coming back to.

(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "FiraCode Nerd Font" :size 15 :weight 'light)
       doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Roboto" :style "Regular" :size 12 :weight 'regular))

;; There are two ways to load a theme. Both assume the theme is installed and
;; available. You an either set `doom-theme' or manually load a theme with the
;; `load-theme' function. This is the default:


It’s been a while since I checked but good-scroll-mode has gotten quite good since I last used it, so let’s just use it all the time!

(use-package! good-scroll
  :init (good-scroll-mode 1))


Love hovering

(tooltip-mode 1)


Doom-modeline settings

(after! doom-modeline
  (setq doom-modeline-enable-word-count t
        doom-modeline-header-line nil
        ;doom-modeline-hud nil
        doom-themes-padded-modeline t
        doom-flatwhite-brighter-modeline nil
        doom-plain-brighter-modeline nil))
(add-hook! 'doom-modeline-mode-hook
  (set-face-attribute 'header-line nil
                      :background (face-background 'mode-line)
                      :foreground (face-foreground 'mode-line))

Trying to make my own thing work

(after! doom-modeline
  (doom-modeline-def-modeline 'main
    '(bar matches buffer-info vcs word-count)
    '(buffer-position misc-info major-mode)))

Centaur tabs

Love me some tabs, but the doom defaults could be better.

Better label function: org-roams timestamp in front of the file is nice, but not very legible.

(defun thomas/centaur-tabs-buffer-tab-label (tab)
  "Return a label for TAB.
That is, a string used to represent it on the tab bar."
  ;; Init tab style.
  ;; Render tab.
  (format " %s"
          (let* ((rawbufname (if centaur-tabs--buffer-show-groups
                             (centaur-tabs-tab-tabset tab)
                           (buffer-name (car tab))))
                (formatted-bufname (if (string= (file-name-extension rawbufname) "org")
                             (if (and (> (length rawbufname) 14)
                                      (string-match-p "[0-9]\\{14\\}" (substring rawbufname 0 14)))
                                 (substring rawbufname 15)
                (bufname (concat "  " formatted-bufname)))
            (if (> centaur-tabs-label-fixed-length 0)
                (centaur-tabs-truncate-string  centaur-tabs-label-fixed-length bufname)
(after! centaur-tabs
  (setq centaur-tabs-display-line nil)
  (setq centaur-tabs-style "bar"
        centaur-tabs-tab-label-function #'thomas/centaur-tabs-buffer-tab-label
        centaur-tabs-label-fixed-length 20
        centaur-tabs-height 40
        centaur-tabs-bar-height 50
        centaur-tabs-close-button ""
        centaur-tabs-icon-scale-factor 0.8)
  (centaur-tabs-change-fonts "Roboto Sans" 140)
(set-face-background 'centaur-tabs-selected (doom-lighten (face-background 'default )0.1))
(set-face-background 'centaur-tabs-selected-modified (doom-lighten (face-background 'default )0.1)))


Allows you to jump in and out of latex fragments without using `C-c C-x C-l` all the time, beautiful.

(use-package! org-fragtog
  :after org
  :hook (org-mode . org-fragtog-mode))

Org-appear for everything else.

(use-package! org-appear
  :after org
  :hook (org-mode . org-appear-mode)
  :config (setq
           org-appear-autolinks t
           org-appear-autoentities t
           org-appear-autosubmarkers t ))

Buggy yet beautiful transclusion of org-content from another file in the current buffer. Very cool that this is possible, but I don’t use it consistently as the “code” is kind of a bitch to write and gets rid of org-roam links.

(use-package! org-transclusion
  :after org-roam)

Having zero-width spaces can be very useful /sometimes/​!

(map! :map org-mode-map
:nie "C-M-SPC" (cmd! (insert "\u200B")))


Fantastic package which allows you to backlink etc.

v2 baby

(setq org-roam-v2-ack t)

(use-package! org-roam
  :after org
  (setq org-roam-v2-ack t)
  (setq org-roam-mode-sections
        (list #'org-roam-backlinks-insert-section

Hotter Buffer

(defun org-roam-buffer-setup ()
  "Function to make org-roam-buffer more pretty."
    (setq-local olivetti-body-width 44)
    (variable-pitch-mode 1)
    (olivetti-mode 1)
    (centaur-tabs-local-mode 1)

  (set-face-background 'magit-section-highlight (face-background 'default))))

;; I don't actually like the buffer that much
(after! org-roam
  (setq +org-roam-open-buffer-on-find-file nil)
(add-hook! 'org-roam-mode-hook #'org-roam-buffer-setup))


My baby It’s of course fantastic so I don’t need a lot of setup.

(use-package! org-roam-ui
  :after org-roam
    (setq org-roam-ui-open-on-start nil)
    (setq org-roam-ui-browser-function #'xwidget-webkit-browse-url))

Org-roam-capture templates

(after! org-roam
    (setq org-roam-capture-templates
          `(("s" "standard" plain "%?"
             (file+head "%<%Y%m%d%H%M%S>-${slug}.org"
                        "#+title: ${title}\n#+filetags: \n\n ")
             :unnarrowed t)
            ("d" "definition" plain
             (file+head "${slug}.org" "#+title: ${title}\n#+filetags: definition \n\n* Definition\n\n\n* Examples\n")
             :unnarrowed t)
            ("r" "ref" plain "%?"
             (file+head "${citekey}.org"
                        "#+title: ${slug}: ${title}\n
\n#+filetags: reference ${keywords} \n
\n* ${title}\n\n
\n* Summary
\n\n\n* Rough note space\n")
             :unnarrowed t)
            ("p" "person" plain "%?"
             (file+head "${slug}.org" "%^{relation|some guy|family|friend|colleague}p %^{birthday}p %^{address}p
#+title:${slug}\n#+filetags: :person: \n"
                        :unnarrowed t)
             ("ts" "standard (thesis)" plain "%?"
              (file+head "thesis/%<%Y%m%d%H%M%S>-${slug}.org"
                         "#+title: ${title}\n#+filetags: \n\n ")
              :unnarrowed t)
             ("tc" "chapter (thesis)" plain "%?"
              (file+head "thesis/${slug}.org"
                         "#+title: ${title}\n#+filetags: :chapter: \n\n
\n - Outline (do this first)\n  -")
              :unnarrowed t)
             ("td" "definition (thesis)" plain
              (file+head "$thesis/{slug}.org" "#+title: ${title}\n#+filetags:     definition \n\n* Definition\n\n\n* Examples\n")
              :unnarrowed t)
             ("tr" "ref (thesis)" plain "%?"
              (file+head "$thesis/{citekey}.org"
                         "#+title: ${slug}: ${title}\n
\n#+filetags: reference ${keywords} \n
\n* ${title}\n\n
\n* Summary
\n\n\n* Rough note space\n")
              :unnarrowed t)))))


(use-package! org-ref
    ;:after org-roam
         org-ref-completion-library 'org-ref-ivy-cite
         org-ref-get-pdf-filename-function 'org-ref-get-pdf-filename-helm-bibtex
         org-ref-default-bibliography (list "/Users/thomas/Notes/bib/Library.bib")
         org-ref-bibliography-notes "/Users/thomas/Notes/"
         org-ref-note-title-format "* %y - %t\n :properties:\n  :Custom_ID: %k\n  :noter_document: %F\n :ROAM_KEY: cite:%k\n  :AUTHOR: %9a\n  :JOURNAL: %j\n  :YEAR: %y\n  :VOLUME: %v\n  :PAGES: %p\n  :DOI: %D\n  :URL: %U\n :END:\n\n"
         org-ref-notes-directory "/Users/thomas/Notes/"
         org-ref-notes-function 'orb-edit-notes

(after! org-ref
 bibtex-completion-notes-path "/Users/thomas/Notes/"
 bibtex-completion-bibliography "/Users/thomas/Notes/bib/Library.bib"
 bibtex-completion-pdf-field "file"
  "#+TITLE: ${title}\n"
  "#+ROAM_KEY: cite:${=key=}\n"
  "* TODO Notes\n"
  ":Custom_ID: ${=key=}\n"
  ":NOTER_DOCUMENT: %(orb-process-file-field \"${=key=}\")\n"
  ":AUTHOR: ${author-abbrev}\n"
  ":JOURNAL: ${journaltitle}\n"
  ":DATE: ${date}\n"
  ":YEAR: ${year}\n"
  ":DOI: ${doi}\n"
  ":URL: ${url}\n"


(use-package! org-roam-bibtex
  :after org-roam
  :hook (org-mode . org-roam-bibtex-mode)
  (require 'org-ref)
  (setq orb-preformat-keywords
   '("citekey" "title" "url" "file" "author-or-editor" "keywords" "pdf" "doi" "author" "tags" "year" "author-bbrev")))


(use-package! citar
  :after org-roam
  org-cite-global-bibliography '("~/Notes/thesis-writing/bibliography/Academic.bib")
  citar-bibliography org-cite-global-bibliography
  org-cite-insert-processor 'citar
  org-cite-follow-processor 'citar
  org-cite-activate-processor 'citar
      '((main . "${author editor:30}     ${date year issued:4}     ${title:48}")
        (suffix . "          ${=key= id:15}    ${=type=:12}    ${tags keywords:*}")
        (note . "Notes on ${author editor}, ${title}"))
      `((file ,(all-the-icons-faicon "file-o" :face 'all-the-icons-green :v-adjust -0.1) . " ")
        (note ,(all-the-icons-material "speaker_notes" :face 'all-the-icons-blue :v-adjust -0.3) . " ")
        (link ,(all-the-icons-octicon "link" :face 'all-the-icons-orange :v-adjust 0.01) . " "))
citar-symbol-separator "  "
citar-open-note-function 'orb-citar-edit-note
bibtex-completion-bibliography org-cite-global-bibliography
citar-format-note-function 'orb--new-note
org-cite-export-processors '((latex biblatex)
                             (t basic)))

  ;; optional: org-cite-insert is also bound to C-c C-x C-@
  (:map org-mode-map :package org ("C-c b" . #'org-cite-insert)))


(use-package! oc-biblatex
  :after oc)

Convert org-ref to org-cite (from Tecosaur)

(after! oc
  (defun org-ref-to-org-cite ()
    "Attempt to convert org-ref citations to org-cite syntax."
    (let* ((cite-conversions '(("cite" . "//b") ("Cite" . "//bc")
                               ("nocite" . "/n")
                               ("citep" . "") ("citep*" . "//f")
                               ("parencite" . "") ("Parencite" . "//c")
                               ("citeauthor" . "/a/f") ("citeauthor*" . "/a")
                               ("citeyear" . "/na/b")
                               ("Citep" . "//c") ("Citealp" . "//bc")
                               ("Citeauthor" . "/a/cf") ("Citeauthor*" . "/a/c")
                               ("autocite" . "") ("Autocite" . "//c")
                               ("notecite" . "/l/b") ("Notecite" . "/l/bc")
                               ("pnotecite" . "/l") ("Pnotecite" . "/l/bc")))
           (cite-regexp (rx (regexp (regexp-opt (mapcar #'car cite-conversions) t))
                            ":" (group (+ (not (any "\n     ,.)]}")))))))
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (while (re-search-forward cite-regexp nil t)
          (message (format "[cite%s:@%s]"
                                 (cdr (assoc (match-string 1) cite-conversions))
                                 (match-string 2)))
          (replace-match (format "[cite%s:@%s]"
                                 (cdr (assoc (match-string 1) cite-conversions))
                                 (match-string 2))))))))

Custom functions

(defun org-roam-rg-search ()
  "Search org-roam directory using consult-ripgrep. With live-preview."
  (let ((consult-ripgrep-args "rg --null --ignore-case --type org --line-buffered --max-columns=500 --no-heading --line-number --context 2 . "))
    (consult-ripgrep org-roam-directory)))
;(global-set-key (kbd "C-c rr") 'bms/org-roam-rg-search)

Some other rg

(after! consult
  (setq consult-ripgrep-args
  "rg --null --line-buffered --color=never --max-columns=1000 --path-separator /\
   --smart-case --no-heading --line-number --context=3 ."

To do things with pdfs with

Zotero integrations

Speaking of which: the note taking functionality in Zotero is very nice, but I want to copy it to org. This function prettifies that

(defun zotnote-to-org ()
  (replace-string "\\par" "\n"))
  (replace-string "" "#+begin_quote\n/"))
  (replace-string "" "/\n#+end_quote\n\n"))

Old org-noter

   (use-package! org-noter
  :after (:any org pdf-view)
   ;; The WM can handle splits
   ;;org-noter-notes-window-location 'other-frame
   ;; Please stop opening frames
   ;;org-noter-always-create-frame nil
   ;; I want to see the whole file
   org-noter-hide-other nil
   ;; Everything is relative to the rclone mega
   org-noter-notes-search-path "/Users/thomas/Notes"

(use-package! org-pdftools
  :hook (org-load . org-pdftools-setup-link))
(use-package! org-noter-pdftools
  :after org-noter
  (with-eval-after-load 'pdf-annot
    (add-hook 'pdf-annot-activate-handler-functions #'org-noter-pdftools-jump-to-note)))

nroam puts the org-roam buffer on the bottom, much more natural and less obstrustive, but not does cause some problems.

        (use-package! nroam
  :after org-roam
  (add-hook 'org-roam-mode-hook  #'nroam-setup-maybe)


Outliners on the side, neat.

(use-package! org-ol-tree
  :after org
  :commands org-ol-tree
  :hook (org-ol-tree-mode . visual-line-mode)
  (setq org-ol-tree-ui-window-auto-resize nil
        org-ol-tree-ui-window-max-width 0.3))
(add-hook! 'org-ol-tree-mode-hook (lambda () (when (centaur-tabs-mode) (centaur-tabs-local-mode -1))))
(map! :map org-mode-map
      :after org
      :desc "Outline" "O" #'org-ol-tree)


Hook to get rid of stars

You know what I hate? Organized lists. No but when I’m writing I don’t want org’s usual indentation and stars and all that bullshit, I want it to look like a wordprocessor, so no stars!

(defun org-mode-remove-stars ()
   '(("^\\*+ "
       (prog1 nil
         (put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
                            'invisible t)))))))

(add-hook! 'org-mode-hook #'org-mode-remove-stars)

Setup very pretty org-mode

  ;; hide title / author ... keywords

;;; Ugly org hooks
(defun nicer-org ()
  (+org-pretty-mode 1)
  (mixed-pitch-mode 1)
  (hl-line-mode -1)
  (display-line-numbers-mode -1)
  (olivetti-mode 1)
  ;(org-num-mode 1)
  (org-superstar-mode -1)
  (org-indent-mode -1)

(add-hook! 'org-mode-hook  #'nicer-org)

Org variables

fuckin latex For some reason it can’t find the dang latex executable, so we’re just adding the path to it by hand like some sort of caveman

(setq org-preview-latex-process-alist
     :programs ("/Library/TeX/texbin/latex" "/Library/TeX/texbin/dvipng")
     :description "dvi > png"
     :message "you need to install the programs: latex and dvipng."
     :image-input-type "dvi"
     :image-output-type "png"
     :image-size-adjust (1.0 . 1.0)
     :latex-compiler ("/Library/TeX/texbin/latex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f")
     :image-converter ("/Library/TeX/texbin/dvipng -D %D -T tight -bg Transparent -o %O %f"))
     :programs ("/Library/TeX/texbin/latex" "/Library/TeX/texbin/dvisvgm")
     :description "dvi > svg"
     :message "you need to install the programs: latex and dvisvgm."
     :image-input-type "dvi"
     :image-output-type "svg"
     :image-size-adjust (1.7 . 1.5)
     :latex-compiler ("/Library/TeX/texbin/latex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f")
     :image-converter ("/Library/TeX/texbin/dvisvgm %f -n -b min -c %S -o %O"))
     :programs ("latex" "convert")
     :description "pdf > png"
     :message "you need to install the programs: latex and imagemagick."
     :image-input-type "pdf"
     :image-output-type "png"
     :image-size-adjust (1.0 . 1.0)
     :latex-compiler ("pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f")
     ("convert -density %D -trim -antialias %f -quality 100 %O"))))
(after! org
  (setq org-startup-with-latex-preview nil ;don't preview latex
        ;org-latex-create-formula-image-program 'dvipng
        ;LaTeX-command "latex"
        ;latex-run-command "latex"
        org-startup-with-inline-images 1 ;always preview images
        ;org-hide-leading-stars 1
        org-startup-indented nil         ; don't indent
  ;      org-startup-folded nil
        org-hidden-keywords '(filetags title author date startup roam_tags)
        org-pretty-entities 1            ; show unicode characters
        org-num-max-level 3              ; no
        org-indirect-buffer-display 'other-window
        line-spacing 3 ; let me B R E A T H E
  (setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH") ":/Library/TeX/texbin")))

Better indirect buffers

Sometimes I want to move a tree to an indirect buffer, but sometimes I want to put it in another window, sometimes the same one, and sometimes to another frame. By default there are no functions for this but are controlled by org-indirect-buffer-display. This is a hacky way of achieving this

(defun +org-tree-to-indirect-buffer-options (option)
    (let* ((old-value org-indirect-buffer-display))
            (setq org-indirect-buffer-display option)
          (setq org-indirect-buffer-display old-value))))

(defun +org-tree-to-indirect-other-window ()
  (+org-tree-to-indirect-buffer-options 'other-window))

(defun +org-tree-to-indirect-current-window ()
  (+org-tree-to-indirect-buffer-options 'current-window))

(defun +org-tree-to-indirect-dedicated-frame ()
  (+org-tree-to-indirect-buffer-options 'dedicated-frame))

Custom faces

A lil bigger. No a lil smaller. Peeerrrfect.

(after! org
  '((org-block) :background nil)
  (defface redd
    '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
      :foreground "red"))
    :group 'basic-faces)

  (set-face-font 'org-quote (font-spec :family "Noto Serif"))
    ;'(org-document-title :height 1.6 :weight bold)
    '(org-level-1 :height 1.3 :weight extrabold :slant normal)
    '(org-level-2 :height 1.2 :weight bold :slant normal)
    '(org-level-3 :height 1.1 :weight regular :slant normal)
    ;'(org-document-info  :inherit 'nano-face-faded)
    '(org-document-title   ;:foreground ,(doom-color 'black)
                           :family "Roboto"
                           :height 250
                           :weight medium)))

Emphasis faces

I want to be able to do some kind of custom highlighting, so = becomes red.

(after! org
(setq org-emphasis-alist
        '(("*" (bold))
          ("/" italic)
          ("_" underline)
          ("=" redd)
          ("~" code)
          ("+" (:strike-through t)))))

Ideally I would be able to add my own custom bullshit in here, but I don’t know how to do that.


Yes make them pretty

        (after! org
(setq org-ellipsis "")
  (appendq! +ligatures-extra-symbols
          `(:checkbox      ""
            :pending       ""
            :checkedbox    ""
            :list_property ""
            :em_dash       ""
            :ellipses      ""
            :arrow_right   ""
            :arrow_left    ""
            :title         ""
            :subtitle      "𝙩"
            :author        "𝘼"
            :date          "𝘿"
            :property      ""
            :options       ""
            :startup       ""
            :macro         "𝓜"
            :html_head     "🅷"
            :html          "🅗"
            :latex_class   "🄻"
            :latex_header  "🅻"
            :beamer_header "🅑"
            :latex         "🅛"
            :attr_latex    "🄛"
            :attr_html     "🄗"
            :attr_org      ""
            :begin_quote   ""
            :end_quote     ""
            :caption       ""
            :header        ""
            :results       "🠶"
            :begin_export  ""
            :end_export    ""
            :properties    ""
            :end           ""
            :priority_a   ,(propertize "" 'face 'all-the-icons-red)
            :priority_b   ,(propertize "" 'face 'all-the-icons-orange)
            :priority_c   ,(propertize "" 'face 'all-the-icons-yellow)
            :priority_d   ,(propertize "" 'face 'all-the-icons-green)
            :priority_e   ,(propertize "" 'face 'all-the-icons-blue)
            :roam_tags nil
            :filetags ""))
(set-ligatures! 'org-mode
  :merge t
  :checkbox      "[ ]"
  :pending       "[-]"
  :checkedbox    "[X]"
  :list_property "::"
  :em_dash       "---"
  :ellipsis      "..."
  :arrow_right   "->"
  :arrow_left    "<-"
  :title         "#+title:"
  :subtitle      "#+subtitle:"
  :author        "#+author:"
  :date          "#+date:"
  :property      "#+property:"
  :options       "#+options:"
  :startup       "#+startup:"
  :macro         "#+macro:"
  :html_head     "#+html_head:"
  :html          "#+html:"
  :latex_class   "#+latex_class:"
  :latex_header  "#+latex_header:"
  :beamer_header "#+beamer_header:"
  :latex         "#+latex:"
  :attr_latex    "#+attr_latex:"
  :attr_html     "#+attr_html:"
  :attr_org      "#+attr_org:"
  :begin_quote   "#+begin_quote"
  :end_quote     "#+end_quote"
  :caption       "#+caption:"
  :header        "#+header:"
  :begin_export  "#+begin_export"
  :end_export    "#+end_export"
  :results       "#+RESULTS:"
  :property      ":PROPERTIES:"
  :end           ":END:"
  :priority_a    "[#A]"
  :priority_b    "[#B]"
  :priority_c    "[#C]"
  :priority_d    "[#D]"
  :priority_e    "[#E]"
  :roam_tags     "#+roam_tags:"
 ;; :filetags      "#+filetags:"
  :something     "#+filetags:"
  :filetags      "#+FILETAGS:")
(plist-put +ligatures-extra-symbols :name "")

(with-eval-after-load 'org
  (plist-put org-format-latex-options :background 'default))

Getting Things Done/Agenda

Oh yeah this is definitely working for me I’ve definitely changed as a person.


I kind of like the idea of org-agenda, but it requires way too much manual intervention in order to be useable. That’s why I mostly use it outside of org-mode, and for that CalDAV is what you want.

(use-package! org-caldav
  :after org
  :config (setq org-caldav-url ""
                org-caldav-calendar-id "personal"
                org-caldav-inbox "/Users/thomas/Notes/GTD/"
                org-caldav-files '("/Users/thomas/Notes/GTD/")
                org-caldav-sync-changes-to-org 'all
                org-icalendar-alarm-time 20
                org-icalendar-use-deadline '(event-if-not-todo todo-due)
                org-icalendar-use-scheduled '(event-if-not-todo)
                org-icalendar-include-todo 'all
                org-caldav-sync-todo t
                org-icalendar-categories '(local-tags)
                org-icalendar-timezone "Europe/Amsterdam"))

GTD package

It’s pretty good, but it doesn’t do my organizing for me sadly.

(use-package! org-gtd
  :after org
  ;; where org-gtd will put its files. This value is also the default one.
  (setq org-gtd-directory "~/Notes/")
  ;; package:
  ;; this is so you can see who an item was delegated to in the agenda
  (setq org-agenda-property-list '("DELEGATED_TO"))
  ;; I think this makes the agenda easier to read
  (setq org-agenda-property-position 'next-line)
  ;; package:
  ;; org-edna is used to make sure that when a project task gets DONE,
  ;; the next TODO is automatically changed to NEXT.
  (setq org-edna-use-inheritance t)
  (("C-c d c" . org-gtd-capture) ;; add item to inbox
  ("C-c d a" . org-agenda-list) ;; see what's on your plate today
  ("C-c d p" . org-gtd-process-inbox) ;; process entire inbox
  ("C-c d n" . org-gtd-show-all-next) ;; see all NEXT items
  ("C-c d s" . org-gtd-show-stuck-projects)) ;; see projects that don't have a NEXT item
  (bind-key "C-c c" 'org-gtd-clarify-finalize)) ;; the keybinding to hit when you're done editing an item in the processing phase

Set agenda files

Because you can’t trust custom.el

(setq org-agenda-files '("~/Notes/inbox" "~/Notes/"
                         "~/Notes/" "~/Notes/"

Org capture Templates

Set some capture templates, which I rarely use tbrqhwy

(after! org
(setq org-capture-templates `(("i" "Inbox"
                                 entry (file "~/Notes/GTD/")
                                 "* TODO %?\n%U\n\n  %i"
                                 :kill-buffer t)
                                ("l" "Todo with link"
                                 entry (file "~/OneDrive/org-rom/")
                                 "* %?\n%U\n\n  %i\n  %a"
                                 :kill-buffer t)
                                ("m" "Meeting"
                                 entry (file+headline "/Users/thomas/Notes/GTD/" "Future")
                                ,(concat "* %? :meeting:\n" "<%<%Y-%m-%d %a %H:00>>")
                                :kill-buffer t)
                                ("o" "Open Question Thesis"
                                 entry (file+headline "~/Notes/" "Questions")
                                 "* OPEN %? \n %U\n")))
(set-face-attribute 'org-headline-done nil :strike-through t)

Org-super agenda

Why yes, I also copied this one example from the org-super-agenda github, how could you tell?

This does not work nearly as well as I would like it to, like, utility wise. Way too long, way too much information, bubububuh. I want more of a calendar than an agenda I think.

(use-package! org-super-agenda
  :hook (org-agenda-mode . org-super-agenda-mode)

  (setq org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t
      org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t
      org-agenda-include-deadlines t
      org-agenda-include-diary t
      org-agenda-block-separator nil
      org-agenda-compact-blocks t
      org-agenda-start-with-log-mode t
      org-agenda-start-day nil)
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("d" "Get Things DONE"
         ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 1)
                       '((:name "Today"
                                :time-grid t
                                :date nil
                                :todo "TODAY"
                                :scheduled nil
                                :order 1)))))
          (alltodo "" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "")
                        '((:discard (:todo "TODO"))
                          (:name "Important"
                                 :tag "Important"
                                 :priority "A"
                                 :order 1)
                          (:name "Due Today"
                                 :deadline today
                                 :order 2)
                          (:name "Due Soon"
                                 :deadline future
                                 :order 8)
                          (:name "Overdue"
                                 :deadline past
                                 :order 7)
                          (:name "Thesis"
                                 :tag "thesis"
                                 :order 10)
                          (:name "ESN"
                                 :tag "esn"
                                 :order 12)
                          (:name "JOTE"
                                 :tag "jote"
                                 :order 13)
                          (:name "Emacs"
                                 :tag "emacs"
                                 :order 14)
                          (:name "Home"
                                 :tag "home"
                                 :order 30)
                          (:name "Waiting"
                                 :todo "WAITING"
                                 :order 20)
                          (:name "Notes"
                                 :tag "notes"
                                 :order 20)
                          ;(:name "Open Questions"
                          ;       :todo "OPEN"
                          ;       :order 3)
                          (:name "trivial"
                                 :priority<= "C"
                                 :tag ("Trivial" "Unimportant")
                                 :todo ("SOMEDAY" )
                                 :order 90)
                          (:discard (:tag ("Chore" "Routine" "Daily")))))))))))


I want notifications to work so bad but it just isn’t working :( Seems like alert is not working, should fix that at some point.

(use-package! org-notifications
  :init (org-notifications-start) )

Nice writing environment for big babies

Just because I use emacs doesn’t mean I don’t want things to look a e s t h e t i c

Frame parameters

Nice big border with the color of the fringe

(setq default-frame-alist
      (append (list
	       ;; '(font . "Roboto Mono Emacs Regular:size=14")
	       '(min-height . 1)  '(height     . 45)
	       '(min-width  . 1) '(width      . 81)
               '(vertical-scroll-bars . nil)
               '(internal-border-width . 30)
               '(left-fringe    . 0)
               '(right-fringe   . 0)
               '(tool-bar-lines . 0)
               '(menu-bar-lines . 0))))

(add-hook! 'solaire-mode-hook (set-face-background 'internal-border (face-background 'fringe)))

(set-frame-parameter nil 'internal-border-width 60)

Paper-like header/mode-line

Lil’ minor mode which gives you a nice distraction free header and footer. At the moment its automatically enabled in org-mode, but I would like it to only be enabled in “writing” buffers, not sure how to implement that yet though.

(defvar writing-header--default-format header-line-format
  "Storage for the default `mode-line-format'.
So it can be restored when 'writer-header-line-mode' is disabled.")

(defvar writing-modeline--default-format mode-line-format)

(define-minor-mode writing-header-line-mode
  "Adds a bar with the same color as the fringe as the header-line.
Imitates the look of wordprocessors a bit."
  :init-value nil
  :global nil
  (if writing-header-line-mode
      (setq header-line-format
             (propertize " " 'display (list 'space :width 'left-fringe) 'face 'fringe)
             (propertize " " 'display (list 'space :width 'left-margin) 'face (list (list :height 400) 'default))
             (propertize " " 'display (list 'space :width 'text) 'face (list (list :height 400) 'default))
             ;(propertize (format " %dW" (count-words (point-min) (point-max))) 'face 'default)
             (propertize " " 'display (list 'space :width 'left-margin) 'face (list (list :height 400) 'default))
    ;;(propertize (format " %dW" (count-words (point-min) (point-max))) 'face 'fringe)
   ;; '("" mode-line-misc-info)
             (propertize " " 'display (list 'space :width 'left-fringe) 'face 'fringe))) ;
        (setq mode-line-format header-line-format))
    (setq header-line-format writing-header--default-format
          mode-line-format writing-modeline--default-format)))

Experiment with Rougier’s double modeline

;; -------------------------------------------------------------------
;; A proof of concept for a multi header or mode line
;; Multi line header or mode line is made possible by generating an
;; SVG image made of two small lines of text. It is certainly memory
;; hungry but it seems to be fast enough to display line/column while
;; typing text. It can probably be extended in a number of ways.
;; Feel free to modify it for your own needs.
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------
(require 'svg)

(defun tag (line-1 font-size-1 font-family-1 foreground-1
            line-2 font-size-2 font-family-2 foreground-2
  (let* ((font-size-1   (or font-size-1 14))
         (char-width-1  (* font-size-1 0.6))
         (char-height-1 (+ font-size-1 0.0))
         (width-1       (* char-width-1 20))
         (height-1      (+ (* char-height-1 2) 1))

         (font-size-2   (or font-size-2 14))
         (char-width-2  (* font-size-2 0.6))
         (char-height-2 (+ font-size-2 0.0))
         (width-2       (* char-width-2 20))
         (height-2      (+ (* char-height-2 2) 1))

         (width         (max width-1 width-2))
         (height        (max height-1 height-2))

         (x1 (if left 0 (- width (* char-width-1 (+ (length line-1) .0)))))
         (x2 (if left 0 (- width (* char-width-2 (+ (length line-2) .0)))))
         (y1 char-height-1)
         (y2 (+ (* char-height-2 2) 1))
         (svg (svg-create width height)))
    (svg-text svg line-1
              :font-family font-family-1
              :font-size font-size-1 :fill foreground-1
              :x x1 :y y1)

    (svg-text svg line-2
              :font-family font-family-2
              :font-size font-size-2 :fill foreground-2
              :x x2 :y y2)

(define-key mode-line-major-mode-keymap [header-line]
  (lookup-key mode-line-major-mode-keymap [mode-line]))

(defun mode-line-render (left right)
  (let* ((available-width (- (window-width) (length left))))
    (format (format "%%s %%%ds" available-width) left right)))

(setq header-line-format
          (propertize (make-string 20 ?\ )
                      'display (svg-image
                        (tag (format-mode-line "%m") 12 "Roboto Mono Light" "#00008b"
                             (format-mode-line "%b") 14 "Roboto Mono"       "black"
                             t) :ascent 100)))
          (propertize (make-string 18 ?\ )
                      'display (svg-image
                        (tag (format-mode-line "GNU Emacs 26.3  ") 12 "Roboto Mono Light" "#00008b"
                             (format-mode-line "%4l:%2c") 12 "Roboto Mono Light" "#999999"
                             nil) :ascent 100)))))))

My much better version

(defcustom double-modeline-margin-inner-height 60
  :type 'integer)
(defcustom double-modeline-margin-outer-height 10
  :type 'integer)
(after! org
        (require 'svg))
(defun make-svg-rectangle (width height-1 bg-1 height-2 bg-2)
  (let* ((svg (svg-create width (+ height-1 height-2))))
    (svg-rectangle svg 0 0 width height-1 :fill-color bg-1)
    (svg-rectangle svg 0 height-1 width height-2 :fill-color bg-2)

(defun make-svg-rectangles (width height-1 bg-1 &rest other)
  (let* ((temptt 0)
         (height-temp height-1)
         (svg (svg-create width
                           (+ height-1
                                (i (/ (length other) 2) temptt)
                                         (setq temptt
                                          (nth (* i 2) other)
    (svg-rectangle svg 0 0 width height-1 :fill-color bg-1)
    (when other
      (dotimes (i (/ (length other) 2))
    (svg-rectangle svg 0
                   (if (eq i 0) height-1
                     (setq-local height-temp
                                 (+ height-temp
                                    (nth (* (- i 2) 2) other))))
                   (nth (* i 2) other)
                   :fill-color (nth (+ (* i 2) 1) other))))

(defun mode-line-compose (height-1 bg-1 height-2 bg-2
  (let* ((fringe-width (car (window-fringes nil)))
         (body-width (window-body-width nil t))
         (margin-width (* (frame-char-width)
                        (+ (car (window-margins))
                          (cdr (window-margins))))))
   (propertize " " 'display (svg-image
    (make-svg-rectangle fringe-width height-1
      bg-1 height-2 bg-1))))
   (propertize " " 'display (svg-image
                            (if header
                              (+ margin-width body-width)
                        height-1 bg-1 height-2 bg-2)
                              (+ margin-width body-width)
                        height-2 bg-2 height-1 bg-1)))))
   (propertize " " 'display (svg-image
    (make-svg-rectangle fringe-width height-1
      bg-1 height-2 bg-1)))))))

(defvar double-modeline--default-header-format header-line-format
  "Storage for the default `mode-line-format'.
So it can be restored when 'writer-header-line-mode' is disabled.")

(defvar double-modeline--default-modeline-format mode-line-format)

(define-minor-mode double-header-line-mode
  "Adds a bar with the same color as the fringe as the header-line.
Imitates the look of wordprocessors a bit."
  :init-value nil
  :global nil
  (if double-header-line-mode
(set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil :box nil)
(set-face-attribute 'header-line nil :box nil)
(set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :box nil)
        (setq header-line-format '((:eval (mode-line-compose
                                   (face-background 'fringe)
                                   (face-background 'default)
        (setq mode-line-format '((:eval (mode-line-compose
                                   (face-background 'fringe)
                                   (face-background 'default)
    (setq header-line-format 'double-modeline--default-header-format
          mode-line-format 'double-modeline--default-modeline-format)))

(after! olivetti-mode (setq double-modeline-margin-inner-height  (round (* 0.6 (* (frame-char-width) (car (window-margins)))))))


(use-package! page-break-mode)

KILL obsolete pages break

(defun change-page-break ()
  (font-lock-add-keywords 'org-mode
      ;; variable with the regexp (usually "^\f" or "^^L")
       (prog1 nil
         ;(compose-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) "")
  (put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
              'display (svg-image (make-svg-rectangles
                                   ;; just to be sure
                                   (* 3 (window-body-width nil t))
                                   30 "red" 40 "yellow" 30 "red"))
         ;(put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 'display (make-svg-rectangle (window-body-width nil t) 40 (face-background 'fringe) 30 (face-background 'default)))
         )) t))))
 (defun change-page-break ()
   (font-lock-add-keywords 'org-mode
       ;; variable with the regexp (usually "^\f" or "^^L")
        (prog1 nil
          ;(compose-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) "")
          ;(put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 'display (make-svg-rectangle (window-body-width nil t) 40 (face-background 'fringe) 30 (face-background 'default)))
;; don't display ^L
          (make-line-break (* (frame-char-width) (car (window-margins)))
                           (face-background 'default) 40 (face-background 'fringe))) t))))

(defun make-line-break (h1 bg1 h2 bg2)
         (compose-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) "")
          ;; make an overlay (like in hl-line)
          (let ((pdl (make-overlay (line-beginning-position)                                   (line-beginning-position 2))))
            (overlay-put pdl 'put-image t)
            ;(overlay-put pdl 'after-string
            ;             (propertize "x"
            ;                         'display (list (list 'margin 'left-margin)
            ;                                        (svg-image (make-svg-rectangles (* (frame-char-width) (car (window-margins))) h1 bg1 h2 bg2 h1 bg1 )))))
            (overlay-put pdl 'before-string
                         (propertize "x"
                                     'display (list (list 'margin 'right-margin)
                                                    (svg-image (make-svg-rectangles (* (frame-char-width) (car (window-margins))) h1 bg1 h2 bg2 h1 bg1))))
                         (propertize "x"
                                     'display (list (list 'margin 'left-margin)
                                                    (svg-image (make-svg-rectangles (* (frame-char-width) (car (window-margins))) h1 bg1 h2 bg2 h1 bg1 ))))))
            (overlay-put pdl 'map image-map)
            (overlay-put pdl  'display (svg-image (make-svg-rectangles (- (window-body-width nil t) 0 ) h1 bg1 h2 bg2 h1 bg1)))
            (overlay-put pdl 'modification-hooks
                         ;; these arguments are received from modification-hooks
                         '((lambda (overlay after-p begin end &optional length)
                             (delete-overlay overlay))))
               (overlay-put pdl 'insert-in-front-hooks                         '((lambda (overlay after-p begin end &optional length)
                            (delete-overlay overlay))))))

This should go somewhere else

(after! org (change-page-break))
(defun testtest ()
  (aayyy 30 (face-background 'default) 40 (face-background 'fringe)))

(defun aayyy (h1 bg1 h2 bg2)
   ;(propertize " "
   ;'display '((margin left-margin) "a"))
   ;(propertize " "
    ;           'display '((margin right-margin) "b"))
   (insert-image (svg-image (make-svg-rectangles (* (frame-char-width) (car (window-margins))) h1 bg1 h2 bg2 h1 bg1)) nil 'left-margin)
   (insert-image (svg-image (make-svg-rectangles (* (frame-char-width) (cdr (window-margins))) h1 bg1 h2 bg2 h1 bg1)) nil 'right-margin)
   (insert (propertize " "
               'display (svg-image (make-svg-rectangles (window-body-width nil t) h1 bg1 h2 bg2 h1 bg1))))

Pseudocode to get what i want

This basically sets up the structure for how I want the minor-mode to work. It’s not very complicated and there are probably a lot of edge cases, but its rather close to what I want ti

(defun change-lines-hook ()
  (unless (check-if-we-need-to-change-anything)

(add-hook! 'after-save-hook 'change-lines-hook)

;;or, much too expensive probably.
(add-hook! 'after-change-functions 'change-lines-hook)
;mwah maybe okay, org-num-verify also does this and it's somewhat complicated. Really depends on how hard it is to change things.

(defun check-if-no-annoying-env ()
;; some regex which determines where we are in basically anything that's not a paragraph, such as a heading, a latex environment, a link , a table, or a src block
;; There's probably a function that already does this
;; This is not super important for environtments since the overlay won't be part of the text, but it do be kind of annoying

        ;check whether we are in a paragraph and not a latex section
(and (eq (car  (org--paragraph-at-point) 'headline))
    (not (latex))))

(define-minor-mode auto-page-break-overlay-mode nil
  "Adds out page breaks, neat."
  :global nil
  :group wysiwyg
  (if auto-page-break-overlay-mode
      (setq some-defaults-i-need-to-rememeber)
      (progn    ;else
        (setq-default some-defaults-i-need-to-remember)

Big problem with visual line approach is that you cannot scale past a certain point, only until the margins run out, when it suddenly scaling becomes bigger font size. I need to make this work with olivetti mode better, or if necessary implement it myself. Don’t really want to do that though, would rather rely on olivetti mode.

;; custom pagebreakinterval
(defcustom pagebreakinterval 40)

;; getting visual line number pos
(defun get-visual-line-number-pos (number)
;; putting the overlay there
(defun put-overlays ()
(dotimes (i (/ (count-screen-lines) pagebreakinterval))
  (make-overlay (visual-line-number (* pagebreakinterval i)) ;start
                (same)                                       ;end
                'display (svg-image (rectangle))             ;

(defun check-if-we-need-to-change-anything ()
  "Check if we need to change anything."
  (dolist (list-of-overlays overlay)
    (if (eq (position overlay) (* pagebreakinterval i)) t
      (add-to-list 'overlays-to-change (overlay . new-pos)))))

;; some way of making sure that stays like it should

Another way of keeping track of position would be keeping track of the number of charachters and setting, somewhat intelligently, a “characters of a certain size per page”.

  • Pros
    • Don’t care about changing lines
    • Finding nth carachter is easier
  • Cons
    • Can happen in the middle of a visual line (would be on me to compute that). This makes inserting the page-break even trickier
    • Possibly more computation heavy, but probably not, the other thing is already very heavy
;;similar as above, only the (check-if-we-need-to-change-anything)
;; and (put-overlays) need to change
(defcustom number-of-charchters-per-page 2500
  "Page is like 500 words, word has 5 characters by default, badabing badoom.")

(defun put-overlays-chars ()
  (dotimes (i (round (/ (char-count) number-of-characters-per-page)))
    (if (check-if-no-annoying-env)
        (make-overlay (* number-of-charachters-per-page i)
                      'display etc)
      (progn   ;else
        (make-overlay (+ (* number-of-charachters-per-page i) (check-closest-distance-to-safety)) ;;maybe do it anyway if it's too far

ANSWER: I should use both! Count characters, but also lines: if there are too many lines, pagebreak, if there are too many characters, page break as well! Maybe just use the lines then anyway.

Creating some cohesion between margins, line-numbers and font-size

One of the big problems i need to solve (or opitons i need to provide) is whether zooming=zooming or zooming=scaling, i.e. does it just change the visual appearance of everything or does it increase the font size? I think the best would be if that were two options, and by default it would do it badly like you would expect, and then I provide a new command which keeps everything nice.

The main problem now is that the margins do not scale at all when zooming. This is probably something mr olivetti can fix, but I should take it into account nonetheless.

Remembering pages

I should just create a list with pages. Either with line or character positions. I can update this instead of the page immediately, should save some trouble.

(setq page-list (0))

Numbering pages

I would like to not only have pages, but give them a page number, you know, for that extra pizzaz.

The way to do this is probably to a) keep track of page numbers, see above b) give make-svg-rectangles the possibility of having a page number displayed c) give the big assigning function/minor mode the tools to assign it to it

;; for the svg
(defun make-svg-rectangles h1 bg1 &opt page &rest other
       ;;let part
;; actual svg part
      (when page
       (svg-text svg
                 page ; maybe have options for roman numerals at some point
                 :font-size 60 ;idk
                 :x (round (/ (margin-width-pixel) 2))
                 :y (/ h1 2)
                 :text-anchor "middle"
                 :fill-color (foreground-color 'comment)


I want thing to be in the middle, and with olivetti mode the fringes become larger so it looks like a word processor, fantastic!

(use-package! olivetti
  :after org
  ;:hook (olivetti-mode . double-header-line-mode)
    (setq olivetti-min-body-width 50
          olivetti-body-width 68
          olivetti-style 'fancy ; fantastic new layout
          olivetti-margin-width 12)
    (add-hook! 'olivetti-mode-hook (window-divider-mode -1))
    (add-hook! 'olivetti-mode-hook (set-face-attribute 'window-divider nil :foreground (face-background 'fringe) :background (face-background 'fringe)))
    (add-hook! 'olivetti-mode-hook (set-face-attribute 'vertical-border nil :foreground (face-background 'fringe) :background (face-background 'fringe))))

Trying to get overviews

(require 'org-inlinetask)
;(use-package! org-sidebar
;  :after org
;  :config
  ;(setq org-sidebar-default-fns '(org-sidebar--todo-items))
  ;(add-hook! 'org-sidebar-window-after-display-hook (solaire-mode 1))
;   )
(after! org
  (remove-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook '+org-exclude-agenda-buffers-from-workspace-h)
  (remove-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook

(defun thomas/org-get-overview ()
  "Open outline and sidebar."


Pretty cool: focus only the paragraph you’re looking at. Don’t really use it though.

(use-package! focus
  :after org-roam
        (add-to-list 'focus-mode-to-thing '(org-mode . paragraph))
;(require 'nano-writer)

My eyes, they don’t work so good no more

Increase the font-size a bit in org-mode

FIXME: This is not how you do that dipshit This increas the font size every singe time you open an org file, not ideal.

(add-hook! 'org-mode-hook (doom/increase-font-size 1))

Custom org-mode profiles

I would like org-mode to look and behave differently depending on what kind of note I’m visiting. Sometimes I want to write in an undistracted environment, sometimes I want to take notes and see a lot of things, sometimes I am configuring this thing and other times I’m going through my tasks: there’s no real reason for org to look the same for all of these, and in fact that will probably end up more distracting than anything.

I’m not sure what the best way of going about this is, but I’m thinking a minor mode will do.

(define-minor-mode org-profile-mode
  "Sets a profile of hooks and minor-modes depending on the file-name."
  :init-value nil
  :global t
(when org-profile-mode
  (when (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
      ((string-match-p "[0-9]\\{14\\}" buffer-file-name)
       (message "Note buffer"))
      ((string-match-p "" buffer-file-name)
       (message "Config buffer"))
      ((string-match-p "chapter" buffer-file-name)
       (message "chapter buffer"))
      ((org-agenda-file-p buffer-file-name)
       (message "org-agenda buffer")

Something like: if file name contains, notes profile. If file name is in org-agedenda, GTD profile. Else, writing? No, would be better to have writing be a separate tag/file name thing.

You should be able to indefinitely add profiles. This could be a big list, but that would get kind of hard and I don’t know how those work.

For now I can just hard code it, it’s fine.

Custom Minor Modes

Guaranteed not stolen. Thank you Prot


;;    Custom Minor Modes

(define-minor-mode prot/scroll-center-cursor-mode
  "Toggle centred cursor scrolling behavior"
  :init-value nil
  :lighter " S="
  :global nil
  (if prot/scroll-center-cursor-mode
      (setq-local scroll-margin (* (frame-height) 2)
                  scroll-conservatively 0
                  maximum-scroll-margin 0.5)
    (dolist (local '(scroll-preserve-screen-position
      (kill-local-variable `,local)))

Make everything variable pitch, who the hell likes reading fixed-pitch?

(define-minor-mode prot/variable-pitch-mode
  "Toggle 'mixed-pitch-modei, except for programming modes"
  :init-value nil
  :global nil
  (if prot/variable-pitch-mode
      (unless (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
        (variable-pitch-mode 1))
    (variable-pitch-mode -1)))

NO line numbers.

(define-minor-mode prot/display-line-number-mode
  "Disable line numbers, except for programming modes."
  :init-value nil
  :global nil
  (if prot/display-line-number-mode
      (unless (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
        (display-line-numbers-mode -1))
    (display-line-numbers-mode 1)))

Throw everything together, but in a bad way. I don’t use this anymore, but it did work, except for nano’s writing mode, which was very hacky.

(define-minor-mode thomas/writing-mode
  "Toggle mixed-pitch-mode, center-text, scroll-center and disable line numbers, in writing modes."
  :init-value nil
  :global nil
  (if thomas/writing-mode
      (unless (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
        (nano/writer-mode 1)
        (prot/display-line-number-mode 1)
        (prot/variable-pitch-mode 1)
        (prot/scroll-center-cursor-mode 1)
        (olivetti-mode 1)
        (focus-mode 1)
        (org-fragtog-mode 1)
        (hl-line-mode -1)
        (org-indent-mode -1)
        ;(centaur-tabs-mode -1)
        (prot/display-line-number-mode -1)
        (prot/variable-pitch-mode -1)
        (prot/scroll-center-cursor-mode -1)
        (nano/writer-mode -1)
        (olivetti-mode -1)
        (focus-mode -1)
        (org-fragtog-mode -1)
        ;(centaur-tabs-mode 1 )
        (org-indent-mode 1)
        (minimap-mode -1)


(defun thomas/writing-mode-fun ()
  "Toggle mixed-pitch-mode, center-text, scroll-center and disable line numbers, in writing modes."
  (org-superstar-mode -1)
  (require 'nano-writer)
        (prot/display-line-number-mode 1)
        (prot/mixed-pitch-mode 1)
        (prot/scroll-center-cursor-mode 1)
        (olivetti-mode 1)

Nano writer mode implementation, not used atm

(defun writer-mode--num-format (numbering)
  "Alternative numbering format for org-num.
First level: 1 | xxx
Second level: 1.1 — xxx
Third level: 1.1.1 - xxx
  (if (= (length numbering) 1)
      (propertize (concat (mapconcat
                           numbering ".") " | " )
                  'face `(:family "Roboto Condensed"
                          :height 250
                          :foreground ,nano-color-faded))
    (propertize (concat (mapconcat
                         numbering ".") "" )
                'face `(:family "Roboto Condensed"
                        :foreground ,nano-color-faded))))

;; Specific face for headline stars
;(font-lock-add-keywords 'writer-mode
;             '(("^*+ " 0 `(:family "Roboto Mono"
;                           :height 140
;                           :foreground ,nano-color-faded) prepend)
;               ) 'append)

(defun writer-mode--compute-prefixes ()
  "Compute prefix strings for regular text and headlines."

  (setq org-indent--heading-line-prefixes
        (make-vector org-indent--deepest-level nil))
  (setq org-indent--inlinetask-line-prefixes
        (make-vector org-indent--deepest-level nil))
  (setq org-indent--text-line-prefixes
        (make-vector org-indent--deepest-level nil))

  (let* ((min-indent 5)
         (indent (+ 1 (seq-max
                      (org-element-parse-buffer) 'headline
                    #'(lambda (item)
                        (org-element-property :level item))))))
         (indent (max indent min-indent)))

  (dotimes (n org-indent--deepest-level)
    (aset org-indent--heading-line-prefixes n
           (min indent (max 0 (- indent 1 n))) ?\s))
    (aset org-indent--inlinetask-line-prefixes n
          (make-string indent ?\s))
    (aset org-indent--text-line-prefixes n
          (make-string indent ?\s)))))

(define-minor-mode nano/writer-mode
  "Minor mode which makes writing a lot nicer by moving all the headllines to the left."
  :init-value nil
  :global nil
  ;; Faces
  (face-remap-add-relative 'org-level-1
                           :height 180)
  (face-remap-add-relative 'org-level-2
                            :height 160)
  (face-remap-add-relative 'org-level-3
                            :height 150)
  (face-remap-add-relative 'org-document-info
                           :inherit 'nano-face-faded)
  (face-remap-add-relative 'org-document-title
                           :foreground (face-foreground 'default)
                           :family "Roboto Slab"
                           :height 200
                           :weight 'medium)
  ;; hide title / author ... keywords
  (setq-local org-hidden-keywords '(title author date startup))

  ;; Header line
  (setq header-line-format nil)

  ;; Layout
  (setq fill-column 72)
  (setq-default line-spacing 1)

  ;; Indentation
  (setq org-startup-folded nil)
  (setq org-level-color-stars-only nil)
  (setq org-hide-leading-stars nil)
  (advice-add 'org-indent--compute-prefixes :override

  ;; Numbering
  (setq org-num-skip-unnumbered t)
  (setq org-num-skip-footnotes t)
  (setq org-num-max-level 3)
  (setq org-num-face nil)
  (setq org-num-format-function 'writer-mode--num-format))

;; Fringe shit

Trying to make olivetti-mode better, and failing

(setq solaire-mode-remap-fringe nil)
;(set-face-background 'solaire-fringe-face (face-background 'solaire-hl-line-face))

(setq thomas-fringe-size 500)
(setq thomas-margin-size 10)
;  "Variable which sets the size of the fringes."
;  :type 'integer
;  :group 'thomas-aesthetics)

(after! solaire-mode
  (define-minor-mode thomas-fringe-mode
  "Minor mode to hide the mode-line in the current buffer."
  :init-value nil
  :group 'thomas-aesthetics
  (if (not thomas-fringe-mode)
        (set-face-background 'solaire-fringe-face (face-background 'solaire-default-face))
        (setq left-fringe-width nil
              right-fringe-width nil))
    (progn (set-face-background 'solaire-fringe-face (face-background 'solaire-hl-line-face))
      (setq left-fringe-width thomas-fringe-size
            right-fringe-width thomas-fringe-size
            left-margin-width thomas-margin-size
            right-margin-width thomas-margin-size)))))

;(add-hook! 'org-mode-hook #'thomas-fringe-mode)
(add-hook! thomas-fringe-mode-hook (custom-set-faces! '(solaire-fringe-face :background (face-background))))
;(setq solaire-mode-remap-fringe nil)

Org-latex export

Why does it not simply do what I intend?

;; org-latex-export

(after! org
   (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes
                  ("\\part{%s}" . "\\part*{%s}")
                  ("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}")
                  ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
                  ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
                  ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")))
   (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes
                  ("\\part{%s}" . "\\part*{%s}")
                  ("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}")
                  ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
                  ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
                  ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}"))
    (setq org-latex-text-markup-alist '((bold . "\\textbf{%s}")
                                        (code . protectedtexttt)
                                        (italic . "\\emph{%s}")
                                        (strike-through . "\\sout{%s}")
                                        (underline . "\\uline{%s}")
                                        (verbatim . "{\\color{red}%s}")))
(setq org-latex-default-packages-alist
 ;("AUTO" "inputenc" t
 ; ("pdflatex"))
 ;("T1" "fontenc" t
 ; ("pdflatex"))
 ("utf8" "inputenc" nil)
 ("" "graphicx" t)
 ("" "grffile" t)
 ("" "longtable" nil)
 ("" "wrapfig" nil)
 ("" "rotating" nil)
 ("normalem" "ulem" t)
 ("" "amsmath" t)
 ("" "textcomp" t)
 ("" "amssymb" t)
 ("" "capt-of" nil)
 ("style=apa, backend=biber" "biblatex" nil)
 ("" "braket" nil)
 ("" "xcolor" nil)
 ("" "hyperref" nil))
(setq  org-latex-pdf-process
       '("latexmk -shell-escape -bibtex -pdf %f -f")
       org-latex-compiler "xelatex"
       org-latex-bib-compiler "biber")
    ;(add-to-list 'org-latex-default-packages-alist
    ;             '("" "xcolor" nil))
    ;(add-to-list 'org-latex-default-packages-alist
    ;             '("" "braket" nil))
    ;(add-to-list 'org-latex-default-packages-alist '("style=apa, backend=biber" "biblatex" nil)))
    ;(setq org-format-latex-header (concat org-format-latex-header "\n\\")))


My eternal enemy


I almost always want to fuck around with the fonts, so XeTeX is pretty much necessary. Although I would really like to learn LuaTex, I just haven’t really seen any cool usecases of it.

(add-hook! 'latex-mode-hook (setq TeX-engine 'luatex) 99)

    ;  (call-process TeX-shell nil (TeX-process-buffer-name file) nil
     ;               TeX-shell-command-option (concat command file))))
(after! latex
        '(("Evince" "evince --page-index=%(outpage) %o")
         ("preview-pane" latex-preview-pane-mode)))
(setq TeX-view-program-selection
'((output-pdf "Evince")
 (output-dvi "open")
 (output-pdf "open")
 (output-html "open")
 (output-pdf "preview-pane"))))
(after! latex
(defun latex-dwim ()
  "Compile the current file if it's a .tex file using LaTeXMK.
Otherwise compile the TeX file with the same name as the current TeXey file,
such as a .cls or .bib.
Otherwise compile all the .tex files you find using LaTexMK."
  (if-let ((files (thomas/find-tex-file))
            "latexmk -pdf -pdflatex=lualatex --synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode  -file-line-error ")
        (hook (nth 2 (assoc "LatexMk" TeX-command-list))))
      (if (stringp files)
      (TeX-run-format "LatexMk" (concat command files) files)
        (dolist (file files)
      (TeX-run-format "LatexMk" (concat command file) file)))
    (message "No file found, whoops.")))

(defun thomas/find-tex-file ()
  "Find the correct TeX file(s)."
  (let* ((fname (buffer-file-name))
         (ext (file-name-extension fname))
         (potential-main  (f-join (f-slash (f-parent fname)) (concat (f-base fname) ".tex")))
         (alltex (f-entries (f-parent fname) (lambda (f) (f-ext-p f "tex"))))
     (cond ((string= ext "tex")
           ((seq-contains-p '("bib" "cls" "sty") ext)
            (if (f-exists-p potential-main)
           (t nil))))
(map! :map 'doom-leader-regular-map
      :desc "LatexMk dwim" "l" #'latex-dwim)

Project management


Pretty useful, and looks cool. I almost always want it on, so let’s just add a hook for that.

(add-hook! 'after-init-hook #'treemacs)

Get rid of that fugly divider

(after! treemacs
(add-hook! 'treemacs-mode-hook (setq window-divider-mode -1
                                     variable-pitch-mode 1
                                     treemacs-follow-mode 1))


The future is here.

(use-package! eva
(setq ess-history-file "~/OneDrive/self/data/.Rhistory")
(setq ess-ask-for-ess-directory nil)
  (setq eva-ai-name "Ea"
        eva-user-name "Thomas"
        eva-user-birthday "2021-07-16"
        eva-user-short-title "Bruh"
        eva-fallback-to-emacs-idle t)
     ; (setq eva--idle-secs-fn #'eva--idle-secs-gnome)
  (setq eva-idle-log-path         "~/OneDrive/self/data/idle.tsv")
  (setq eva-buffer-focus-log-path "~/OneDrive/self/data/buffer-focus.tsv")
  (setq eva-buffer-info-path      "~/OneDrive/self/data/buffer-info.tsv")
  (setq eva-main-ledger-path      "~/OneDrive/self/journal/finances/l.ledger")
  (setq eva-main-datetree-path    "~/Notes/")
  (setq org-journal-dir "~/Notes/journal")
    (setq org-journal-file-format "")
    (require 'eva-builtin)
  (require 'eva-activity)
    (add-hook 'eva-after-load-vars-hook #'eva-check-dangling-clock)
  (add-hook 'eva-after-load-vars-hook #'eva-check-org-variables)
   (setq eva-items
         (eva-item-create :fn #'eva-greet
                          :min-hours-wait 1)

         (eva-item-create :fn #'eva-query-mood
                          :dataset "~/OneDrive/self/data/mood.tsv"
                          :min-hours-wait 1)

         (eva-item-create :fn #'eva-query-activity
                          :dataset "~/OneDrive/self/data/activities.tsv"
                          :min-hours-wait 1)

         (eva-item-create :fn #'eva-present-diary
                          :max-successes-per-day 1)

         (eva-item-create :fn #'eva-query-weight
                          :dataset "~/OneDrive/self/data/weight.tsv"
                          :max-entries-per-day 1)

         (eva-item-create :fn #'eva-plot-weight
                          :max-entries-per-day 1)

         (eva-item-create :fn #'eva-query-sleep
                          :dataset "~/OneDrive/self/data/sleep.tsv"
                          :min-hours-wait 5
                          :lookup-posted-time t)

         (eva-item-create :fn #'eva-present-ledger-report)

         (eva-item-create :fn #'eva-present-org-agenda)

         (eva-item-create :fn #'eva-query-ingredients
                          :dataset "~/OneDrive/self/data/ingredients.tsv"
                          :min-hours-wait 5)

         (eva-item-create :fn #'eva-query-cold-shower
                          :dataset "~/OneDrive/self/data/cold.tsv"
                          :max-entries-per-day 1)

         ;; you can inline define the functions too
          :fn (eva-defun my-bye ()
                (message (eva-emit "All done for now."))
                (bury-buffer (eva-buffer-chat)))
          :min-hours-wait 0)))
        (transient-replace-suffix 'eva-dispatch '(0)
    '["General actions"
      ("q" "Quit" bury-buffer)
      ("l" "View Ledger report" eva-present-ledger-report)
      ("f" "View Ledger file" eva-present-ledger-file)
      ("a" "View Org agenda" org-agenda-list)])

  (define-key eva-chat-mode-map (kbd "l") #'eva-present-ledger-report)
  (define-key eva-chat-mode-map (kbd "a") #'org-agenda-list)

  ;; Activities
  (setq eva-activity-list
        (list (eva-activity-create :name "sleep"
                                   :cost-false-pos 3
                                   :cost-false-neg 3)

              (eva-activity-create :name "studying"
                                   :cost-false-pos 8
                                   :cost-false-neg 8)

              (eva-activity-create :name "coding"
                                   :cost-false-pos 5
                                   :cost-false-neg 5)

              (eva-activity-create :name "working"
                                   :cost-false-pos 5
                                   :cost-false-neg 5)
              (eva-activity-create :name "unknown"
                                   :cost-false-pos 0
                                   :cost-false-neg 0)))

Some other things, such as vterm


(require 'nano-mu4e)
(require 'nano-agenda)


;;; Other

(setq vterm-shell "/usr/bin/fish")

(setq evil-escape-key-sequence "qd")

I would like to use tree-sitter instead of font-lock, but it does not really work well with .tsx and org-mode, so for now it will remain here.

;(use-package! tree-sitter
;  :config
;  (require 'tree-sitter-langs)
;  (global-tree-sitter-mode)
;  (add-hook 'tree-sitter-after-on-hook #'tree-sitter-hl-mode))

;(use-package tree-sitter-langs
;  :ensure t
;  :after tree-sitter
;  :config
; (tree-sitter-require 'tsx)
;(add-to-list 'tree-sitter-major-mode-language-alist '(typescript-tsx-mode . tsx)))

Colors in the info box, jeej.

(use-package! info-colors
  :commands (info-colors-fontify-node))

(add-hook 'Info-selection-hook 'info-colors-fontify-node)

Keyboard shortcuts

Great keybindings by moi

I just map everything to SPC-r because doom is not using it and r stands for roam.

(map! :leader
      (:prefix-map ("r" . "regular")
       :desc "edit org-block"       "e"   #'org-edit-special
       :desc "find note"            "f"   #'org-roam-node-find
       :desc "find ref"             "F"   #'org-roam-ref-find
       :desc "sync calendar"        "s"   #'org-caldav-sync
       :desc "center scroll"        "S"   #'prot/scroll-center-cursor-mode
       :desc "toggle buffer"        "b"   #'org-roam-buffer-toggle
       :desc "insert note"          "i"   #'org-roam-node-insert
       :desc "rg search roam"       "g"   #'org-roam-rg-search
       :desc "quit notes"           "q"   #'org-noter-kill-session
       :desc "tag (roam)"           "t"   #'org-roam-tag-add
       :desc "tag (org)"            "T"   #'org-set-tags-command
       :desc "pomodoro"             "p"   #'org-pomodoro
       :desc "rebuid db"            "d"   #'org-roam-db-build-cache
       :desc "cite"                 "c"   #'helm-bibtex
       :desc "thesaurus this word"  "w"  #'powerthesaurus-lookup-word-at-point
       :desc "thesaurus lookup word" "W"   #'powerthesaurus-lookup-word
       :desc "outline"              "o"   #'org-ol-tree
       (:prefix  ("r" . "orui")
                :desc "orui-mode" "r" #'org-roam-ui-mode
                :desc "zoom" "z" #'orui-node-zoom
                :desc "open" "o" #'orui-open
                :desc "local" "l" #'orui-node-local
                :desc "sync theme" "t" #'orui-sync-theme
                :desc "follow" "f" #'orui-follow-mode)
       (:prefix ("m" . "transclusion")
                :desc "make link"            "m"   #'org-transclusion-make-from-link
                :desc "transclusion mode"    "t"   #'org-transclusion-mode
                :desc "add at point"         "a"   #'org-transclusion-add-at-point
                :desc "add all in buffer"    "A"   #'org-transclusion-add-all-in-buffer
                :desc "remove at point"      "r"   #'org-transclusion-remove-at-point
                :desc "remove all in buffer" "R"   #'org-transclusion-remove-all-in-buffer
                :desc "start live edit"      "s"   #'org-transclusion-live-sync-start-at-point
                :desc "stop live edit"       "S"   #'org-transclusion-live-sync-exit-at-point) )
      (:prefix ("d" . "GTD")
       :desc  "process inbox" "p"#'org-gtd-process-inbox
       :desc  "agenda list" "a"#'org-agenda-list
       :desc  "capture" "c"#'org-gtd-capture
       :desc  "show next" "n" #'org-gtd-show-all-next
       :desc  "show stuck project" "s" #'org-gtd-show-stuck-projects))

Window movement

The default window movement keys are super cumbersome, here are some better defaults.

(map! "C-w" nil)
(global-set-key  (kbd "C-<tab>") #'evil-window-next)
 (global-set-key             (kbd "C-<iso-lefttab>") #'evil-window-prev)
     (global-set-key   (kbd "C-w") #'ace-window)

    :nvig "C-<iso-lefttab>" #'evil-window-prev
      :nvig  "C-w" #'ace-window)
(map! :nvig "C-<tab>" #'evil-window-next)


Wow, I wish I knew this was a thing before

(map!  :nvig "C-'" #'er/expand-region)


I use the Workman keyboard layout, this package sets most of the evil shortcuts to more sensible positions. I still need to add some more specific shortcuts, for instance for moving windows.

(evil-workman-global-mode t)
(evil-define-key '(normal)
    "n"         'evil-next-visual-line
    "e"         'evil-previous-visual-line

This does not fix the window bindings, so we have to do that manually

 :map evil-window-map
      "y" #'evil-window-left
      "Y" #'+evil/window-move-left
      "n" #'evil-window-down
      "N" #'+evil/window-move-down
      "e" #'evil-window-up
      "E" #'+evil/window-move-up
      "o" #'evil-window-right
      "O" #'+evil/window-move-right)

This does not apply them to org-mode, which uses evil-org.el, but those are easily customized

(defun set-evil-keybindings ()
  ;(iscroll-mode 1)
  (setq evil-org-movement-bindings
        '((up . "e")
          (down . "n")
          (left . "y")
          (right . "o")))
  (evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map
    "o"         'evil-forward-char
    "l"          'evil-org-open-below
    "L"         'evil-org-open-above
    "gy"        'org-backward-element
    "gn"        'org-down-element
    "ge"        'org-up-element
    "go"        'org-forward-element
    "n"         'evil-next-visual-line
    "e"         'evil-previous-visual-line
;    "n"         'iscroll-forward-line
;    "e"         'iscroll-previous-line
    "N"         'evil-next-line
    "E"         'evil-previous-line
    (kbd "C-n") 'follow-scroll-up
    (kbd "C-e") 'follow-scroll-down
    "zn"        '+org-tree-to-indirect-other-window
    "zs"        '+org-tree-to-indirect-current-window
    "zv"        '+org-tree-to-indirect-other-frame)

(after! org (set-evil-keybindings))

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'set-evil-keybindings 99)
(defun iscroll-mode-keybinds ()
  (when (eq iscroll-mode t)
      (evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map
        "n" 'iscroll-forward-line
        "e" 'iscroll-previous-line)))
(add-hook! 'org-mode-hook #'iscroll-mode)
(add-hook! 'iscroll-mode-hook #'iscroll-mode-keybinds)


(use-package! all-the-icons-ivy-rich
  :init (all-the-icons-ivy-rich-mode))


(use-package! vertico-posframe
  :after vertico
  :config (vertico-posframe-mode 1)
  (setq vertico-posframe-border-width 10
        vertico-posframe-parameters '((internal-border-width . 10)))
  (add-hook! 'vertico-posframe-mode-hook (set-face-background 'vertico-posframe-border (face-background 'fringe))))


Add .mdx support

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.mdx\\'" . markdown-mode))

Custom functions I keep using

Get margin width in pixel

(defun margin-width-pixel (&optional right)
  "Return the width of the left or optionally right margin in pixels."
  (if (window-margins)
     (if right
           (* (frame-char-width) (cdr (window-margins))) ;;right margin
          (* (frame-char-width) (car (window-margins))))

Refresh org-latex

(defun org-latex-refresh ()
  (org--latex-preview-region (buffer-end -1) (buffer-end 1))))
(defun org-latex-clear-preview ()

To configure

Some packages to check out

Binder Org-marginalia …

Tweaks I want to make

Make olivetti mode margins scale with the text size better

Smaller headings, they are a bit ridiculous. Zoom in a bit by default.

Set org env based on title

I want some way to have emacs recognize settings based on either the title of the org file or its tags. The way I set things up is not conducive for every situation.


Not sure yet.


Colorful theme so you can see the parentheses well. No flyspell etc.


Less extreme distraction freeness, possibility to open multiple notes Sans serif Nroam/org-roam-buffer Little EAF window with the map Treemacs?


Distraction free layout with olivetti Org num Marginalia Serif



Works, but “forward-line” is very slow compared to “evil-next-visual-line”, should make that compatible with both.


Emacs daemon gives me nothing but headaches. This is not ideal, but it at least works.
