In this work, we use Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to estimate the distributions of high DoF robot configurations in a constraint manifold. It is then used for speeding up inverse kinematics and sampling-based constrained motion planning. This repository contains the code for this work.
Install scipy:
sudo apt-get install scipy
Install tensorflow:
pip install tensorflow
Install networkx:
pip install networkx
Install pinocchio:
Install transforms3d:
pip install transforms3d
Install pybullet:
pip install pybullet
Then run the following code in the main folder (tf_robot_learning) for installing the library :
pip install -e .
The library contains general tools for working with probability distributions of robotic systems. For running the specific experiments in the paper, you can look at the following notebooks:
in the notebook folder (tf_robot_learning/notebooks/motion_planning_sampling/).