Hub v1.15.0 π
This release bumps API, Swagger and UI packages and also bumps postgres to 15. This release includes gh cli support in release script.
This release uses Pipeline Version of v0.53.0.
- Bump swagger-ui-react from 5.5.0 to 5.7.1 in /swagger #1127
- Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 6.5.0 to 6.7.0 in /swagger #1123
- Bump @testing-library/jest-dom from 6.1.2 to 6.1.3 in /swagger #1112
- Bump @types/node from 20.6.0 to 20.6.3 in /swagger #1135
- Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 6.7.0 to 6.7.2 in /swagger #1133
- Fixes Hub CI by bumping postgres to postgres 15 and node to 18.x #1156
- Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 #1154
- Bump github.com/tektoncd/pipeline from 0.52.1 to 0.53.0
#1192 - Bump github.com/spf13/viper from 1.16.0 to 1.17.0 [#1164] (#1164)
- Bump gotest.tools/v3 from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 #1181
- Bump github.com/go-co-op/gocron from 1.33.1 to 1.35.3 #1189
- Bump github.com/docker/docker #1185
- Bumps goa version and updates the gen folder #1191
- Bumps Goa to v3.13.0 #1128
- Bump sigs.k8s.io/yaml from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 #1174
- Bump gorm.io/gorm from 1.25.4 to 1.25.5 #1175
- Bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.58.2 to 1.58.3 #1170
- Bump alpine from 3.18.3 to 3.18.4 in /images #1144
- Bump goa.design/plugins/v3 from 3.12.4 to 3.14.0 #1218
- Update release script to use gh cli #1217
- Bump github.com/gorilla/sessions from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 #1215
- Bump github.com/ikawaha/goahttpcheck from 1.14.2 to 1.15.2 #1214
- Bump swagger-ui-react from 5.9.1 to 5.9.2 in /swagger #1213
- Bump github.com/gorilla/mux from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 #1202
- Bump browserify-sign from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 in /ui #1183
- Bump github.com/go-gormigrate/gormigrate/v2 from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 #1125
- Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 6.5.0 to 6.9.0 in /ui #1169