β = Obsolete/Not recommended
π = Selected topic
See also: Output formats, Accept hit options, Alignment parameters
allpairs_global Align all pairs in FASTx file using global alignment [link]
- E.g.
usearch -allpairs_global pairs.fasta -alnout results.aln
- E.g.
allpairs_local Align all pairs in FASTx file using local alignment [link]
- E.g.
usearch -allpairs_local seqs.fasta -alnout results.aln
- E.g.
pairs_global Align pairs of sequences in FASTx file using global alignment [link]
- E.g.
usearch -pairs_global pairs.fasta -alnout results.aln
- E.g.
pairs_local Align pairs of sequences in FASTx file using local alignment [link]
- E.g.
usearch -pairs_local pairs.fasta -alnout results.aln
- E.g.
- annot Annotate OTU sequences as known (mock or large ref. db.), chimeric etc. [link]
- E.g.
usearch -threads 8 -annot mock_reads.fq -knowndb mock_ref.fa -db silva.udb -tabbedout annot.txt -fastqout annot.fq
- E.g.
- uchime2_ref β Chimera search using UCHIME2 algorithm [link]
- Better using unoise3 or cluster_otus
- E.g.
usearch -uchime_ref reads.fasta -db 16s_ref.udb -uchimeout out.txt -strand plus -mode sensitive
- Read more
- uchime3_denovo β Chimera search using UCHIME3 de-novo algorithm [link]
- Better using unoise3 or cluster_otus
- Read more
- unoise3 π Denoise amplicon reads [link]
- E.g.
usearch -unoise3 uniques.fa -zotus zotus.fa -tabbedout unoise3.txt
- Read more
- E.g.
- closed_ref β Make OTU table using closed-reference clustering [link]
- Not recommended
- cluster_aggd Cluster distance matrix using agglomerative clustering [link]
- E.g.
usearch -cluster_aggd mx.txt -treeout clusters.tree -clusterout clusters.txt -id 0.80 -linkage min
- See calc_distmx
- E.g.
- cluster_edges Find connected components of graph (single-linkage clustering) [link]
- cluster_fast π Cluster sequences using UCLUST [link]
usearch -cluster_fast query.fasta -id 0.9 -centroids nr.fasta -uc clusters.uc
- Read more
- cluster_otus π Cluster sequences using UPARSE [link]
- cluster_smallmem Cluster sequencees using UCLUST [link]
- cluster_tree Construct clusters from tree using distance cutoff [link]
- calc_distmx Calculate sparse distance matrix [link]
- calc_lcr_probs Calculate Lowest Common Rank probabilities from dist. matrix with taxonomy [link]
- distmx_split_identity Split distance matrix into test/training pair for CVI [link]
- tree2distmx Calculate distance matrix implied by tree [link]
- alpha_div Calculate alpha diversity metric(s) from OTU table [link]
- alpha_div_rare Calculate alpha diversity metric(s) from OTU table with rarefaction [link]
- alpha_div_sig Statistical significance of alpha diversity correlation with metadata [link]
- beta_div Calculate beta diversity metric(s) from OTU table [link]
- fastq_chars Report frequencies of Q score ASCII characters in FASTQ file [link]
- fastq_eestats Report quality/e.e. per position for reads in FASTQ file [link]
- fastq_eestats2 Report number of reads retained at difference length and e.e. cutoffs [link]
- fastq_filter Filter reads in FASTQ file by e.e. and other criteria [link]
- fastq_join Concatenate forward (R1) and reverse (R2) paired reads [link]
- fastq_mergepairs Assemble (merge) paired reads [options] [description]
- fastq_sra_splitpairs Recover paired reads from SRA interleaved or concatenated format [link]
- allpairs_global Align all pairs in FASTx file using global alignment [link]
- allpairs_local Align all pairs in FASTx file using local alignment [link]
- fasta_explode De-unique FASTA file with size=nnn annotations [link]
- fasta_stripgaps Remove gap symbols from FASTA file [link]
- fastx2qiime Convert sample labels from usearch to QIIME format [link]
- fastx_demux Assign reads to samples (demultiplex) [link]
- fastx_findorfs Identify ORFs in nucleotide sequences [link]
- fastx_get_sample_names Extract sample names from FASTx file [link]
- fastx_getlabels Extract sequence labels from FASTx file [link]
- fastx_getseq Extract sequence(s) matching label [link]
- fastx_getseqs Extract sequence(s) matching labels [link]
- fastx_getsubseq Extract subsequence given label, start, stop [link]
- fastx_info Report summary information about a FASTx file [link]
- fastx_learn Estimate error rates from amplicon reads [link]
- fastx_mask Mask low-complexity sequence [link]
- fastx_relabel Re-label sequences in FASTx file with prefix plus sequential number [link]
- fastx_revcomp Reverse-complement nucleotide sequence [link]
- fastx_split Divide sequences in FASTx file into given number of files [link]
- fastx_strip_annots Remove usearch-style annotations (name=xxx) from FASTx file [link]
- fastx_subsample Extract random sub-sample from FASTx file [link]
- fastx_syncpairs Sort forward and reverse reads into the same order [link]
- fastx_trim_primer Remove primer-binding sequence from FASTx file [link]
- fastx_truncate Truncate sequences in FASTx file [link]
- fastx_uniques Identify unique sequences in FASTx file (dereplicate) [link]
- fastx_uniques_persample Identify unique sequences per sample in FASTx file [link]
- filter_lowc Filter low-complexity sequences from FASTx file [link]
- filter_phix Remove PhiX spike sequences from FASTx file [link]
- sortbylength Sort sequences in FASTx file by decreasing length [link]
- sortbysize Sort sequences in FASTx file by decreasing size=nnn [link]
- forest_classify Classify data using random forest [link]
- forest_train Train random forest [link]
- otutab_core Identify core microbiome in OTU table [link]
- otutab_forest_classify Classify samples using random forest [link]
- otutab_forest_train Train random forest on OTU table [link]
- otutab_select Identify OTUs which are informative (predictive of metadata) [link]
- search_16s Identify 16S sequences in chromosomes or contigs [link]
usearch -search_16s contigs.fa -bitvecgg97.bitvec -fastaout 16s.fa
- See search_16s to prepare the database
- udb2bitvec Create database for search_16s command [link]
- alpha_div Calculate alpha diversity metric(s) from OTU table [link]
- alpha_div_rare Calculate alpha diversity metric(s) from OTU table with rarefaction [link]
- alpha_div_sig Statistical significance of alpha diversity correlation with metadata [link]
- annot Annotate OTU sequences as known (mock or large ref. db.), chimeric etc. [link]
- beta_div Calculate beta diversity metric(s) from OTU table [link]
- closed_ref Make OTU table using closed-reference clustering [link]
- cluster_aggd Cluster distance matrix using agglomerative clustering [link]
- cluster_otus Cluster sequences using UPARSE [link]
- fastx_learn Estimate error rates from amplicon reads [link]
- filter_lowc Filter low-complexity sequences from FASTx file [link]
- filter_phix Remove PhiX spike sequences from FASTx file [link]
- nbc_tax Predict taxonomy using RDP Naive Bayesian Classifier algorithm [link]
- otutab Generate OTU table [link]
- otutab2biom Convert OTU table from tabbed to biom (json) format [link]
- otutab_binary Convert OTU table with counts to presence(1)/absence(0) [link]
- otutab_core Identify core microbiome in OTU table [link]
- otutab_counts2freqs Convert counts to frequencies in OTU table [link]
- otutab_forest_classify Classify samples using random forest [link]
- otutab_forest_train Train random forest on OTU table [link]
- otutab_group Sum subsets of samples in OTU table [link]
- otutab_merge Merge two or more OTU tables [link]
- otutab_octave Generate octave plot visualizing OTU abundance distribution [link]
- otutab_otu_subset Extract subset of OTUs from OTU table [link]
- otutab_otus Extract OTU names from OTU table [link]
- otutab_rare Rarefy OTU table so that samples have same number of reads [link]
- otutab_sample_subset Extract subset of samples from OTU table [link]
- otutab_samples Extract sample names from OTU table [link]
- otutab_select Identify OTUs which are informative (predictive of metadata) [link]
- otutab_sortotus Sort OTU table in order of decreasing OTU size [link]
- otutab_stats Report summary information about OTU table [link]
- otutab_trim Trim OTU table to remove small counts, OTU and/or samples [link]
- otutab_xtalk Estimate and filter cross-talk in OTU table [link]
- qiimemap2otutab Convert QIIME map file to OTU table [link]
- search_oligodb Search for matches to short nucleotide sequences, e.g. primers [link]
- search_pcr In-silico PCR, search for matches to pairs of primers in database [link]
- search_pcr2 In-silico PCR, search for matches to primer pair [link]
- search_phix Search for matches to PhiX sequence [link]
- sinaps Predict traits [link]
- sintax Predict taxonomy using SINTAX algorithm [link]
- sintax_summary Generate summary report from sintax output [link]
- tabbed2otutab Convert read mapping file (read+OTU) to OTU table [link]
- uchime2_ref Chimera search using UCHIME2 algorithm [link]
- uchime3_denovo Chimera search using UCHIME3 de-novo algorithm [link]
- unbias Correct abundance bias in OTU table [link]
- unoise3 Denoise amplicon reads [link]
- uparse_ref Classify sequences derived from mock community sample [link]
- alpha_div Calculate alpha diversity metric(s) from OTU table [link]
- alpha_div_rare Calculate alpha diversity metric(s) from OTU table with rarefaction [link]
- alpha_div_sig Statistical significance of alpha diversity correlation with metadata [link]
- beta_div Calculate beta diversity metric(s) from OTU table [link]
- otutab Generate OTU table [link]
- otutab2biom Convert OTU table from tabbed to biom (json) format [link]
- otutab_binary Convert OTU table with counts to presence(1)/absence(0) [link]
- otutab_core Identify core microbiome in OTU table [link]
- otutab_counts2freqs Convert counts to frequencies in OTU table [link]
- otutab_forest_classify Classify samples using random forest [link]
- otutab_forest_train Train random forest on OTU table [link]
- otutab_group Sum subsets of samples in OTU table [link]
- otutab_merge Merge two or more OTU tables [link]
- otutab_octave Generate octave plot visualizing OTU abundance distribution [link]
- otutab_otu_subset Extract subset of OTUs from OTU table [link]
- otutab_otus Extract OTU names from OTU table [link]
- otutab_rare Rarefy OTU table so that samples have same number of reads [link]
- otutab_sample_subset Extract subset of samples from OTU table [link]
- otutab_samples Extract sample names from OTU table [link]
- otutab_select Identify OTUs which are informative (predictive of metadata) [link]
- otutab_sortotus Sort OTU table in order of decreasing OTU size [link]
- otutab_stats Report summary information about OTU table [link]
- otutab_trim Trim OTU table to remove small counts, OTU and/or samples [link]
- otutab_xtalk Estimate and filter cross-talk in OTU table [link]
- qiimemap2otutab Convert QIIME map file to OTU table [link]
- tabbed2otutab Convert read mapping file (read+OTU) to OTU table [link]
- unbias Correct abundance bias in OTU table [link]
- fastq_chars Report frequencies of Q score ASCII characters in FASTQ file [link]
- fastq_eestats Report quality/e.e. per position for reads in FASTQ file [link]
- fastq_eestats2 Report number of reads retained at difference length and e.e. cutoffs [link]
- fastq_filter Filter reads in FASTQ file by e.e. and other criteria [link]
- fastq_join Concatenate forward (R1) and reverse (R2) paired reads [link]
- fastq_mergepairs Assemble (merge) paired reads [link]
- fastq_sra_splitpairs Recover paired reads from SRA interleaved or concatenated format [link]
- fastx2qiime Convert sample labels from usearch to QIIME format [link]
- fastx_demux Assign reads to samples (demultiplex) [link]
- fastx_findorfs Identify ORFs in nucleotide sequences [link]
- fastx_get_sample_names Extract sample names from FASTx file [link]
- fastx_info Report summary information about a FASTx file [link]
- fastx_learn Estimate error rates from amplicon reads [link]
- fastx_subsample Extract random sub-sample from FASTx file [link]
- fastx_syncpairs Sort forward and reverse reads into the same order [link]
- fastx_trim_primer Remove primer-binding sequence from FASTx file [link]
- fastx_truncate Truncate sequences in FASTx file [link]
- filter_lowc Filter low-complexity sequences from FASTx file [link]
- filter_phix Remove PhiX spike sequences from FASTx file [link]
- search_oligodb Search for matches to short nucleotide sequences, e.g. primers [link]
- search_pcr In-silico PCR, search for matches to pairs of primers in database [link]
- search_pcr2 In-silico PCR, search for matches to primer pair [link]
- search_phix Search for matches to PhiX sequence [link]
- β makeudb_sintax Make UDB database file for sintax [link]. See makeudb_usearch instead.
- makeudb_ublast Make UDB database file for ublast [link]
- makeudb_usearch Make UDB database file for usearch_global [link]
- search_exact Search for identical sequences [link]
- search_global Search database using global alignment without speed heuristics [link]
- search_local Search database using locbal alignment without speed heuristics [link]
- search_oligodb Search for matches to short nucleotide sequences, e.g. primers [link]
- search_pcr In-silico PCR, search for matches to pairs of primers in database [link]
- search_pcr2 In-silico PCR, search for matches to primer pair [link]
- search_peptidedb Search for matches to short peptide sequences [link]
- search_phix Search for matches to PhiX sequence [link]
- ublast Fast database search using local alignment (much faster than BLAST) [link]
- usearch_global Fast database search using global alignment [link]
- usearch_local Fast database search using local alignment [link]
- calc_lcr_probs Calculate Lowest Common Rank probabilities from dist. matrix with taxonomy [link]
- makeudb_sintax Make UDB database file for sintax [link]
- nbc_tax Predict taxonomy using RDP Naive Bayesian Classifier algorithm [link]
- sintax Predict taxonomy using SINTAX algorithm [link]
- sintax_summary Generate summary report from sintax output [link]
- calc_distmx Calculate sparse distance matrix [link]
- cluster_tree Construct clusters from tree using distance cutoff [link]
- subtree Extract subtree under given node [link]
- tree2distmx Calculate distance matrix implied by tree [link]
- tree_cvt Convert tree between tabbed and Newick formats [link]
- tree_subset Extract tree for subset of leaves [link]
- fastx2qiime Convert sample labels from usearch to QIIME format [link]
- fastx_getlabels Extract sequence labels from FASTx file [link]
- fastx_relabel Re-label sequences in FASTx file with prefix plus sequential number [link]
- fastx_strip_annots Remove usearch-style annotations (name=xxx) from FASTx file [link]
- otutab_otus Extract OTU names from OTU table [link]
- otutab_samples Extract sample names from OTU table [link]