Bit vector files are created by the udb2bitvec command. The recommended sequence database is the Greengenes 97% representative set. You should use the -wordlength 13
option of makeudb_usearch to create the udb file, as shown below.
wget ""
gunzip 97_otus.fasta.gz
mv 97_otus.fasta gg97.fa
usearch -makeudb_usearch gg97.fa -wordlength 13 -output gg97.udb
usearch -udb2bitvec gg97.udb -output gg97.bitvec
OUT=$(echo $CONTIGS | rev | cut -f 2- -d . | rev )
usearch -search_16s $CONTIGS -bitvec $DB -fastaout ${BASENAME}.16s.fa -tabbedout ${BASENAME}.16Sresults.txt -fragout ${BASENAME}.part16s.fa -hitsout ${BASENAME}.16Shits.fa
- FASTA file with the predicted genes (-fastaout, -hitsout, -fragout)
- Tabular file with the predictions (-tabbedout):
ctg1 query length=4584796 wins=7 genes=7 frags=0
ctg1 win strand=+ lo=3633812 hi=3636839 un=947956 len=3028 genes=1 starts=1(458)/0 ends=1(1929)/0
ctg1 win strand=+ lo=3727139 hi=3730189 un=854606 len=3051 genes=1 starts=1(475)/0 ends=1(1946)/0
ctg1 win strand=+ lo=3860285 hi=3863331 un=721464 len=3047 genes=1 starts=1(479)/0 ends=1(1950)/0
ctg1 win strand=+ lo=3901582 hi=3904664 un=680131 len=3083 genes=1 starts=1(507)/0 ends=1(1978)/0
ctg1 win strand=+ lo=4558872 hi=4561911 un=22884 len=3040 genes=1 starts=1(467)/0 ends=1(1941)/0
ctg1 win strand=- lo=1461040 hi=1464066 un=3120729 len=3027 genes=1 starts=1(456)/0 ends=1(1928)/0
ctg1 win strand=- lo=2156711 hi=2159775 un=2425020 len=3065 genes=1 starts=1(484)/0 ends=1(1956)/0
ctg1 gene strand=+ lo=3634271 hi=3635762 len=1492 start=GTTTGATCATGGC/0 end=AGTCGTAACAAGGTAACCGTA/0
ctg1 gene strand=+ lo=3727615 hi=3729106 len=1492 start=GTTTGATCATGGC/0 end=AGTCGTAACAAGGTAACCGTA/0
ctg1 gene strand=+ lo=3860765 hi=3862256 len=1492 start=GTTTGATCATGGC/0 end=AGTCGTAACAAGGTAACCGTA/0
ctg1 gene strand=+ lo=3902090 hi=3903581 len=1492 start=GTTTGATCATGGC/0 end=AGTCGTAACAAGGTAACCGTA/0
ctg1 gene strand=+ lo=4559340 hi=4560834 len=1495 start=GTTTGATCATGGC/0 end=AGTCGTAACAAGGTAACCGTA/0
ctg1 gene strand=- lo=1461497 hi=1462989 len=1493 start=GTTTGATCATGGC/0 end=AGTCGTAACAAGGTAACCGTA/0
ctg1 gene strand=- lo=2157196 hi=2158688 len=1493 start=GTTTGATCATGGC/0 end=AGTCGTAACAAGGTAACCGTA/0
if [ -e "$1" ]; then
if [ "NO$2" == "NO" ]; then
OUT=$(readlink -f "$CONTIGS" | rev | cut -f 2-100 -d . | rev)
echo "Output fasta: $OUT.16S.fa"
echo "Fragments fa: $OUT.16Spart.fa"
echo "Tabular file: $OUT.16S.txt"
echo "Fasta hits: $OUT.16S.hits"
$usearch -search_16s "$CONTIGS" -bitvec "$DB" -fastaout "$OUT.16S.fa" \
-fragout "$OUT.16Spart.fa" -tabbedout "$OUT.16S.txt" -hitsout "$OUT.16S.hits"
echo "USAGE: Contigs.fa OutPrefix"
echo "Specify contigs file"