#Custom Http PEP proxy for Cosmos Content:
##Installation ###Prerequisites This PER proxy has no sense if an Identity Manager (Keyrock implementation can be found here) is not installed. The same applies to Cosmos.
cosmos-proxy is a Node.js application, therefore install it from the official download. An advanced alternative is to install Node Version Manager (nvm) by creationix/Tim Caswell, which will allow you to have several versions of Node.js and switch among them.
Of course, common tools such as git
and curl
may be needed.
###Installation This is a software written in JavaScript, specifically suited for Node.js (JavaScript on the server side). JavaScript is an interpreted programming language thus it is not necessary to compile it nor build any package; having the source code downloaded somewhere in your machine is enough.
Start by creating, if not yet created, a Unix user named cosmos-proxy
; it is needed for installing and running the application. You can only do this as root, or as another sudoer user:
$ sudo useradd cosmos-proxy
$ sudo passwd cosmos-proxy <choose_a_password>
While you are a sudoer user, create a folder for saving the cosmos-proxy log traces under a path of your choice, typically /var/log/cosmos/cosmos-proxy
, and set cosmos-proxy
as the owner:
$ sudo mkdir -p /var/log/cosmos/cosmos-proxy
$ sudo chown cosmos-proxy:cosmos-proxy /var/log/cosmos/cosmos-proxy
Additionally, while you are a sudo user, create a folder for store the cache file that will provide the pairs user:token
if proxy shutdown.
$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/cosmos/cosmos-proxy
$ sudo chown cosmos-proxy:cosmos-proxy /etc/cosmos/cosmos-proxy
Now, change to the new fresh cosmos-proxy
$ su - cosmos-proxy
Then, clone the Cosmos repository somewhere of your ownership:
$ git clone https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-cosmos.git
Change to the cosmos-proxy
directory, change the branch from master
to develop
and execute the installation command:
$ cd fiware-comos/cosmos-proxy
$ git checkout release/x.y.z
$ npm install
That must download all the dependencies under a node_modules
##Configuration cosmos-proxy is configured through a JSON file. These are the available parameters:
- host: FQDN or IP address of the host running the proxy.
- port: TCP listening port for incoming proxied requests.
- target:
- host: FQDN or IP address of the host running the real service.
- port: TCP listening port of the real service.
- idm:
- host: FQDN or IP address where the Identity Manager runs. Do not write it in URL form!
- port: port where the Identity Manager listens for requests. Typically 443.
- public_paths_list: paths can be reached for all users.
- superuser: superuser authorized to access all the HDFS paths.
- log:
- file_name: path of the file where the log traces will be saved in a daily rotation basis. This file must be within the logging folder owned by the the user
. - date_pattern: data pattern to be appended to the log file name when the log file is rotated.
- file_name: path of the file where the log traces will be saved in a daily rotation basis. This file must be within the logging folder owned by the the user
- cache_file: path of the file where the pairs
will be saved. This file will be used in the case the proxy shutdown.
The PEP proxy implemented by cosmos-proxy is run as (assuming your current directory is cosmos-proxy
$ npm start
If everything goes well, you should be able to see in the logs at /var/log/cosmos/cosmos-proxy
{"level":"info","message":"Starting cosmos-proxy in","timestamp":"2016-07-14T11:48:10.968Z"}
##Administration Within cosmos-proxy there is a single source of information useful for administrating it: the logs.
Logging traces are typically saved under /var/log/cosmos/cosmos-proxy
. These traces are written in JSON format, having the following fields: level, message and timestamp. For instance:
{"level":"info","message":"Starting cosmos-proxy in","timestamp":"2016-07-14T11:48:10.968Z"}
Logging levels follow this hierarchy:
debug < info < warn < error < fatal
Within the log it is expected to find many info
messages, and a few of warn
or error
types. Of special interest are the errors:
- Authentication error: The user could not be authenticated either because the token is not valid, either because the communication with the Keyrock Identity Manager is down.
- Authorization error: The user could not be authorized or using the requested Cosmos resource: his/her ID did not match the Cosmos ID in the resource.