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Releases: telefonicaid/sigfox-iotagent


29 Apr 09:55
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This release removes Nodev10 support. Note that Nodev10 was deprecated in April 2021, according to the node release schedule. You are highly encouraged to use Nodev12 or newer.

Changes (since 1.5.0)

  • Add: graceful shutdown listening to SIGINT (#115)
  • Fix: remove request obsolete library, using iotagent-node-lib.request instead (iotagent-node-lib#858)
  • Upgrade iotagent-node-lib dependency from 2.15.0 to 2.21.0
  • Upgrade underscore dep from 1.8.3 to 1.12.1
  • Upgrade logops dep from 2.1.0 to 2.1.2 due to colors dependency corruption
  • Upgrade NodeJS version from 10 to 14 in Dockerfile
  • Set Nodejs 12 as minimum version in packages.json (effectively removing Nodev10 from supported versions)


07 Apr 11:45
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Changes (since 1.5.0):

  • Upgrade iotagent-node-lib dependency from 2.15.0 to 2.15.1


03 Mar 13:24
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This is the last version of the IOTA supporting Nodev10. Note that Nodev10 will be deprecated in May 2021, according to the node release schedule. You are highly encouraged to use Nodev12 or newer.

Changes (since 1.4.0):

  • Upgrade iotagent-node-lib dependency from 2.12.0 to 2.15.0
  • Update Docker security practices (Add HEALTHCHECK, Use Anonymous User, Use two-stage build)
  • Overall update of dev package dependencies
  • Update codebase to use ES6
    • Remove JSHint and jshint overrides
    • Add esLint using standard tamia presets
    • Replace var with let/const
    • Fix or disable eslint errors
  • Set Nodejs 10 as minimum version in packages.json (effectively removing Nodev8 from supported versions)
  • Allow to configure id field in received callbacks from Sigfox
  • Use nock lib to mock exchanges with a context broker during tests (and avoid depending on a running one)


08 Apr 17:42
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This is the last version of the IOTA supporting Nodev8. Note that Nodev8 was deprecated in December 2019, according to the node release schedule. You are highly encouraged to use Nodev10 or newer.

Changes (since 1.3.0):

  • Upgrade iotagent-node-lib dependency from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0
  • Upgrade NodeJS version from 8.16.1 to 10.19.0 in Dockerfile due to Node 8 End-of-Life


05 Nov 07:37
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Changes (since 1.2.0):

  • Add: PM2_ENABLED flag to Docker
  • Fix: improve MandatoryFieldsNotFound function (errors.js) in order to incorporate which mandatory fields is not found.
  • Fix: upgrade sigfox-test.js to show the status of the response after send a message.
  • Fix: Improve in requiredFields function (sigfoxHandlers.js) in order to know the exactly field that it is not provide
  • Upgrade iotagent-node-lib dependency from 2.9.0 to 2.11.0 (including cluster nodejs functionality)
  • Upgrade NodeJS version from 8.16.0 to 8.16.1 in Dockerfile due to security issues


22 May 13:54
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Changes (since 1.1.0):

  • Upgrade NodeJS version from 8.15.0 to 8.16.0 in Dockerfile due to security issues
  • Upgrade iotagent-node-lib dependency from 2.8.1 to 2.9.0


19 Dec 10:39
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This release removes support from Nodev4 and Nodev6. Note that Nodev4 was deprecated time ago and Nodev6 will be soon, according to the node release schedule. You are highly encouraged to use Nodev8 or newer.

Changes (since 1.0.0):

  • Set Nodejs 8.12.0 as minimum version in packages.json (effectively removing Nodev4 and Nodev6 as supported versions)
  • Fix: save cbHost in configuration
  • Add: use NodeJS 8 in Dockerfile
  • Add: use PM2 in Dockerfile
  • Upgrade: iotagent-node-lib dependence from x to 2.8.1
  • Upgrade: mongoose dependence from ~4.1.15 to 4.13.14
  • Upgrade: requests dependence from 2.74.0 to 2.88.0
  • Upgrade: express dependence from ~4.11.2 to 4.16.4
  • Upgrade: mocha development dependence from 2.4.5 to 5.2.0
  • Upgrade: istanbul development dependence from ~0.1.34 to 0.4.5
  • Remove: old unused development dependencies (closure-linter-wrapper, chai, sinon, sinon-chai, grunt and grunt related module)


13 Jun 08:03
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Initial release:

  • Update Dockerfile to Centos7 and Node 4.8.4
  • Add plugin system (#2).
  • Update iotagent node library to allow use env variables
  • Add Travis conf
  • Check existence of mappings in internalAttributes for device provisioning (#22)
  • Remove mongodb dependence from packages.json (already in iota-node-lib)