For years, I have dedicated myself to the development of several projects and the authoring of several papers in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). With the knowledge and expertise I have accumulated, I aspire to meet and exceed the expectations of both the industry and the academic community. My goal is to contribute significantly to advancements in NLP, bridging the gap between theoretical research and practical applications.
- 作業系統類:Ubuntu、Windows
- 程式設計類:PHP、Python、Node.js、R
- 網頁技術類:JavaScript、jQuery、HTML
- 地理資訊類:Leaflet.js
- 資料庫設計類:MySQL、MariaDB、RDBMS
- 神經網路類:Pretrained / Finetuning model
- 教育訓練類:Python、PHP、JavaScript、MySQL
- 記憶體快取類:memcached、redis
- 全文檢索類:Solr、Elasticsearch、Faiss
- 版本控制類:Git(Hub)
- 影音轉檔類:ffmpeg
- 聊天介面類:LINE Bot (Message API)
- 國立臺灣大學計算機中心資訊課程講師
- 資策會數位教育所數位人才培育中心講師(現為 資展國際股份有限公司)
- 聯成電腦講師