This is the PCB for the project. I've checked in the gerber files in
, so you can just upload that to a PCB manufacturer and get PCBs
made. I like JLCPCB.
Here are the parts I used:
- ESP-12F for WiFi China
- BME280 for temp / humidity over I2C
- PMS5003 for Air Quality
- MCP1700 3.3v regulator
- 100nf capacitor (4.7mm ceramic disc)
- 47nf capacitor (4.7mm ceramic disc)
- 10uf capacitor (4mm radial)
- 2x 10k resistors (THT, 0207)
- 2x 5.1k resistors (THT, 0207)
- WM7626CT-ND Molex SMD connector for the AQ sensor Europe
- USB4085-GF-A for 5v power supply and serial communication
- 4 pin header to plug in the BME280 breakout board Europe
- MCP2221a for programming the ESP and serial communication
- 2x JST SH 4 pin Vertical Connector. These are optional, they're just for future extension to the board
- IC Socket for mounting the MCP2221a
Some of these parts are surface mount parts and they can be somewhat tricky to solder. I recommend using a flux pen and fine solder wire.
I recommend soldering in the following order:
- Resistors
- Ceramic capacitors
- MCP1700 Voltage regulator
- IC Socket for MCP2221a
- 10uf radial capacitor
- Molex socket
- JST headers (if using)
- Header socket for BME breakout board
- USB connector
I soldered in that order because I found it easiest to keep the connectors close to the PCB.