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A sim- and real Panda robot integration based on the ros2_control framework

This project implements most features from the original franka_ros repository in ROS2 Humble, specifically for the Franka Emika Robot (Panda). This project significantly expands upon the original franka_ros2 from the company, who dropped the support for the Pandas.

Additionally, multi-arm mujoco simulation has been integrated, meaning you can now run the same controller on both simulated and real robots.

Work is ongoing to integrate FR3 into the architecture.

As of 15.07.24, both the real and simulation robot interfaces are complete. GARMI (a robot platform with 2 panda arms and a non-holonomic base) is also available.

This repository is a copy of an internal repo, that we try to keep up to date. Unfortunately, it means it doesn't get nearly as much attention as it should. We plan to migrate fully over to this public repo in the near future.


Documentation for this project is available here.

Working (not thoroughly tested) features

More thorough information is available in the documentation.

  • Real robot:
    • FrankaState broadcaster
    • All control interfaces (torque, position, velocity, Cartesian).
    • Example controllers for all interfaces
    • Controllers are swappable using rqt_controller_manager
    • Runtime franka::ControlException error recovery via ~/service_server/error_recovery
      • Upon recovery, the previously executed control loop will be executed again, so no reloading necessary.
    • Runtime internal parameter setter services much like what is offered in the updated franka_ros2
  • Sim robot:
    • Same as the real robot, except Cartesian command interface is not available, and there is no plan to implement this for now.
    • Gripper server with identical interface to the real gripper (i.e. action servers)
    • Example controllers for the real single-arm listed above, that correspond to those interfaces, work out of the box.
    • FrankaState implements the basics: torque, joint position/velocity, O_T_EE and O_F_ext_hat.
    • Model provides all the existing functions: pose, zeroJacobian, bodyJacobian, mass, gravity, coriolis.
      • Gravity for now just returns the corresponding qfrc_gravcomp force from mujoco.
      • Coriolis = qfrc_bias - qfrc_gravcomp

Known issues

  • Joint position controller might cause some bad motor behaviors. Suggest using torque or velocity for now.
  • The default franka_moveit_config package depends on warehouse_ros_mongo, which has been deprecated. It has been changed to warehouse_ros_sqlite for now to ensure that rosdep install works properly. For now, please refer to this discussion here for a potential solution; once a proper solution has been identified, it will be added.

Using with Docker

  1. Build the docker image:
    1. at the root of the repository (where Dockerfile is located), run sudo docker build -t "bimanual:garmi" ./, or whatever name you want; just adjust them in the docker-compose.yml or the docker run command below.
    2. This installs all the required packages including rosdep.
  2. Start the docker container with docker compose (for iGPUs):
    • xhost +; sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up
      • xhost + is needed to give the Docker container access to the host's screen.
      • The docker-compose.yml file defines configurations that allow the container to run on the realtime kernel of the host, assuming that the host has one. The instructions were found in here.
      • Currently, running GUI apps outputs warnings in the console. Those can be ignored.
    • Alternatively, with docker run (this has no RT kernel, so only the sim would work)
      xhost +
      sudo docker run \
      -dit \
      -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
      --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri \
      --env="DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" \
      --name=my_container \
      --network="host" \
      • The --network="host" is what enables the FCI IP address to be found from inside Docker without any additional configuration. TODO: Add a more elegant way to handle this.
    • For other GPUs, please refer online.
  3. Access the container with:
    • for compose, sudo docker exec -it realtime_humble bash
    • for run, sudo docker exec -it my_container bash
  4. (OPTIONAL) Check that the connection to the robot, RT kernel and screen are all working fine.
    • You can check if docker is properly linked to your screen by running:
      • ros2 run rviz2 rviz2 or
      • ~/Libraries/mujoco/bin/simulate
    • For RT kernel and robot connection, run
      • ~/Libraries/libfranka/bin/communication_test <robot-ip>

Installation guide

(Tested on Ubuntu 22.04, ROS2 Humble, Panda 4.2.2 & 4.2.1, libfranka 0.9.2 and MuJoCo 3.1.6) On a computer running Ubuntu 22.04 and real-time kernel (if you wish to use it with a real robot), do the following:

  1. Build libfranka 0.9.2 from source by following the instructions.
  2. Build MuJoCo from source by following the instructions (tested with 3.1.3).
  3. Install library dependencies:
    • Install GLFW with sudo apt-get install libglfw3;sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev
    • Install Eigen 3.3.9. Remove Eigen 3.4.0 if that was installed from following the libfranka steps.
      • Some functions will break if you use Eigen 3.4.0, and will fail to compile.
    • Install dq-robotics C++ version
  4. Install ROS2 Humble by following their instructions and create a workspace.
  5. Clone this repository (i.e. the multipanda) into your workspace's src folder.
  6. Install the dependencies by running this rosdep command from the workspace root: rosdep install --from-paths src -y --ignore-src
  7. Export the {mujoco/libfranka}/lib/cmake directories as a CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in your environment, i.e.
    • in ~/.bashrc, export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH={path to mujoco installation}/lib/cmake}:{path to libfranka installation}/lib/cmake
  8. Source the workspace, then in your workspace root, call: colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    • The paths to mujoco and libfranka are added to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, so no separate args are needed.
  9. Add the build path to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH by adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:{path to libfranka install}/lib:{path to mujoco's install}/lib
    • The MuJoCo path is the INSTALLED folder's directory. The lib folder should only have the two .so files, and a folder called cmake.
    • Likewise, the libfranka path should contain the cmake folder and the .so files.
  10. To run:
    • Single arm:
      1. with real robot, source the workspace, and run:
        • Default: ros2 launch franka_bringup robot_ip:=<fci-ip>.
        • Multi-mode: ros2 launch franka_bringup robot_ip:=<fci-ip>.
        • arm_id is fixed to panda.
      2. with sim robot, source the workspace, and run:
        • Default: ros2 launch franka_bringup
        • Multi-mode: ros2 launch franka_bringup
        • arm_id is fixed to panda.
        • Currently, only the robot with gripper attachment is available.
    • Dual arm:
      1. with real robot, source the workspace, and run:
        • Default: ros2 launch franka_bringup robot_ip_1:=<robot-1-fci-ip> robot_ip_2:=<robot-2-fci-ip> arm_id_1=<robot-1-name> arm_id_2=<robot-2-name>.
        • Multi-mode: ros2 launch franka_bringup robot_ip_1:=<robot-1-fci-ip> robot_ip_2:=<robot-2-fci-ip> arm_id_1=<robot-1-name> arm_id_2=<robot-2-name>.
        • There is no default arm_id.
        • Grippers are set to true by default; add hand_n=false to disable this.
      2. with sim robot, source the workspace, and run:
        • Default: ros2 launch franka_bringup
        • Multi-mode: ros2 launch franka_bringup
        • arm_id_1=mj_left and arm_id_2=mj_right by default.
    • Garmi:
      1. with sim robot, source the workspace, and run:
        • ros2 launch franka_bringup


The original version is forked from mcbed's port of franka_ros2 for humble.


All packages of multipanda_ros2 are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, following franka_ros2.


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