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Our goal is to study numerically and theoretically new adaptive 
methods for solving systems of partial differential equations (PDEs). 
To achieve this goal, we have developed a few focused software 

Our objective was to make these packages as INDEPENDENT as possible.

These packages provide libraries that could be used in development 
of other user-specific software (located in directory src/):

   aniAFT - the flexible generator of tetrahedral meshes using the 
            advanced front technique. It contains a set of libraries 
            which can be used in various combinations. The package 
            does not contain binaries and precompiled libraries and 
            may be installed on any computer with C and C++ compilers.

   aniRCB - local hierarchical refinement and coarsening of tetrahedral
            meshes using the marked edge bisection method. It
            takes on input any conformal tetrahedrization and refines it and
            coarsens back preserving the shape of the input tetrahedra.

   aniMBA - generation (or re-generation) of adaptive tetrahedral
            meshes which are quasi-uniform in a metric. The metric 
            may be given analytically, to generate a mesh with 
            desired properties, or may be computed from a discrete
            solution, to generate a mesh adapted to the solution.

   aniFEM - generation of finite element matrices for different
            types of finite elements, and systems of bilinear and 
            linear forms.

   aniILU - an incomplete LU solver for sparse linear systems with 
            non-singular matrices. It can replace package aniLU.

   aniINB - a black box iterative solver for systems of nonlinear equations
            based on the inexact Newton-Krylov backtracking method.

   aniLMR - generation of nodal tensor metric on the basis
            of nodal discrete solution (via discrete Hessian recovery)
            or cell-based or edge-based error estimators

   aniVIEW- a simple visualizing library producing PostScript and
            GMV files of a mesh and discrete solution.

   aniC2F - a simple C-wrapper to call mesh generation routines 
            from package aniMBA in a C program.

Please look inside README  files in src/ani* for more detail.

The current release includes all the above packages plus a few 
supplementary packages:

   lapack -  a collection of a few linear algebra algorithms (Real*8). 
             We recommend to use the corresponding system library if 
             you have one (see src/Rules.make).

   blas   -  a collection of basic linear algebra Real*8 subroutines
             such as x*y, a*x+y, etc where x and y are vectors.
             We recommend to use the corresponding system library if         
             you have one (see src/Rules.make).

   umfpack - a set of routines solving sparse linear systems via the
             LU factorization. Requires two other packages: BLAS 
             (dense matrix operations) and AMD (sparse matrix minimum 
             degree ordering). Includes a C-callable and MATLAB 
             interface, and a basic FORTRAN 77 interface to a subset 
             of the C-callable routines.

   umfpack_amd - a set of routines for permuting sparse matrices prior 
             to factorization. Includes a version in C, a version in 
             FORTRAN, and a MATLAB mexFunction.

   cgm      - interface library for Open CASCADE

We propose three complementary approaches for learning capabilities of 
the developed packages:

  1. Read PDF document doc/user_guide.pdf

  2. Look examples of using each package separately in sub-directories of src/
     Tutorials/PackageAFT,  Tutorials/PackageRCB, Tutorials/PackageLMR,
     Tutorials/PackageMBA, Tutorials/PackageFEM, Tutorials/PackageC2F,
     Tutorials/PackageILU,  Tutorials/PackageLU, Tutorials/PackageINB.
     We prepared extensive comments to facilitate code understanding. 

  3. Study seven multi-package academic examples showing how to combine the
     packages in a simple FORTRAN77 program to address four basic steps 
     of every adaptive computation: 
        (a) generation of an initial mesh,
        (b) generation of a finite element system, 
        (c) solution of the FEM system, and 
        (d) mesh adaptation.

     The examples are located in the following sub-directories of 
         Interpolation/  AnisotropicBVP/  ConvectionDiffusion/  
         Elasticity/  HybridMixedFem/  Stokes/  StokesNavier/

         - Interpolation/ is a simple example of generation of a mesh 
           which minimizes the maximum error of the P_1 (piecewise linear)

         - AnisotropicBVP/ is an example of solving an elliptic BVP with
           anisotropic coefficient using an adaptive mesh.
           The computational domain is the double ramp.

         - ConvectionDiffusion/ is an example of the adaptive solution of 
           a convection-diffusion equation.

         - Elastisity/ is an example of the  adaptive solution of an elastisity problem.

         - HybridMixedFem/ is an example of the  adaptive solution of a diffusion problem
           based on the hybrid mixed finite element discretization.

         - Stokes/ is an example of solving the Stokes problem using 
           mixed P2-P1 discretization

         - StokesNavier/  is an example of mixed P2-P1 discretization of the
           Navier-Stokes problem (backward step).     



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