TensorFlow Model Analysis 0.46.0
Major Features and Improvements
Removes the metrics modules from experimental now that it is migrated to
py-ml-metrics package.
Adds Constituent Flip Rate Metrics: SymmetricFlipRate, NegToNegFlipRate,
NegToPosFlipRate, PosToNegFlipRate, PosToPosFlipRate.
Depend on tensorflow-estimator package explicitly.
Bug fixes and other Changes
Fix the bug about batching unsized numpy arrays.
Breaking Changes
Removes attrs
Consolidate Matrix definition for semantic segmentation confusion matrix
Provide AggregateFn and interface and default call impl to adapt TFMA
metrics combiner for in-process call.
Move Mean metrics from experimental to metrics.
Fix the bug of size estimator failure.
Depends on tensorflow>=2.15.0,<2.16
Fix the failure in testMeanAttributions.
Fix the input type mismatch in metric_specs_tests between bool and None.
Fix the failure in the slice test due to beam type hints check.
Fix the failure in metric_specs test, all TFMA deps on keras are
keras 2.
Depends on apache-beam[gcp]>=2.53.0,<3
for Python 3.11 and on
for 3.9 and 3.10.
Depends on protobuf>=4.25.2,<5
for Python 3.11 and on protobuf>3.20.3,<5
for 3.9 and 3.10.
Update the minimum Bazel version required to build TFMA to 6.1.0
Refactors BooleanFlipRates computations to a combiner (flip_counts) and a
DerivedMetricComputation (flip_rates).
Deprecated python 3.8 support.
You can’t perform that action at this time.