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Open source C++ Utility for easy and organized data export/import, of almost any type of data (using C++ templates) to other platforms like MatLab, Octave, Python etc for data analysis or data sharing purposes. Instead of hard-coding your own data I/O snippets in your code when you temporary need it, making it hard to maintain/share, you could t…


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You can clone CCEXP with MVECTOR:

git clone --recursive

or use MVECTOR later if need:

git submodule init
git submodule update

CCEXP Presentation

You can take a look at CCEPX presentation video at this vimeo link!

What is CCEXP ?

CCEXP (Class C EXPort) is a library in C++, based on templates and standard C/C++ libraries and functions, for organized data extraction and sharing between C++ code and other software (i.e. MatLab/Octave, Python etc). The sharing is currently done via files, which can store large amount of data.

Why should I use CCEXP ?

  • Data Export / Analysis / Debugging
  • Data Sharing in different platforms (C++, MatLab/Octave, Python)

Data Export / Analysis / Debugging

You make a piece of code and need to export different runtime values and data that are going to be analyzed in another software (i.e. MatLab/Octave, Python etc). Instead of writing down your own code using fopen/fstream etc, you can just include the CCEXP.hpp and CCEXP.cpp files in your project and use them, for exporting multiple different types of data in an organized form.

An example:

#include "CCEXP.hpp"
// Initialize an CCEXP object and add your Tables...
CCEXP::Initialize(FileA, "FileNameA.ccexp");
	CCEXP::AddTable <uint8_t>(FileA,"Image","uint8");
	CCEXP::AddTable <float>(FileA,"Resulted_Coeffs","single");

// On a running environment, capture images and calc data..
for (int i=0; i < NImages; i++) {
	uint8_t* pImage = CaptureImage(Camera.getImage());
	vector<float> Coeffs = CalcCoeffs(pImage);

	// Add the data fast and easy to CCEXP for export
	CCEXP::AddRow<uint8_t>(FileA, "Image", pImage, 640*480);
	CCEXP::AddRow<float>(FileA, "Resulted_Coeffs",, Coeffs.size());    

// During termination store the file with all the captures and data..

At MatLab/Octave you can read and check if everything is ok, as:

% Get Nth Image
testImage = reshape(d.Image{N},[256 256]}';
% Get Nth Images' coeffs
testCoeffs = d.Resulted_Coeffs{N};

And what if you need to stop exporting the 'Image' table (because the camera's data are ok, and you don't need anymore those data)?... With CCEXP you can ignore or not easily each Table:

// Just add an 'I' (I-gnore) at the AddTable function, and the table will be
// completely ignored. If need again to enable data of this table, remove the
// 'I' from the name. An easy way to enable/disable export data without messing
// up with a lot of the code!

Data Sharing in different platforms (C++, MatLab/Octave, Python)

CCEXP is a very good tool, if you need to exchange exported data from C++ to another collaborator which works in any (supported) language. The CCEXP I/O system is hidden to clients, thus as far as all collaborators understand the data organizaton of CCEXP (Files, Tables(of different types), Rows and Colums) and the relative API in each language, the data can be shared easily between the different platforms.

Below an analytical example of data sharing from a MatLab/Octave script is given, following by an example of C++ data import to a program.

clear all; close all; clc;

% ################ PART #1 #####################################################
%Suppose we have to share those data...

% Table 1 Rows (float)
T1_1 = [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5];
T1_2 = [];
T1_3 = [6.6 7.7];

% Table 2 Rows (uint8)
T2_1 = [1];
T2_2 = [1 2];
T2_3 = [1 0 3];
T2_4 = [1 0 3 4];
T2_5 = [1 0 3 4 5];
T2_6 = [1 0 3 4 5 6];

% Then we have to convert the data to the following format:

% Table 1
% 1. Each row of a table is becoming a Cell
TVData1{1} = T1_1;
TVData1{2} = T1_2;
TVData1{3} = T1_3;
% 2. The table is created as following:
% Name, Type, Bytes per Element, The Table-data-cell, MaxRows (0=ALL)
Table1 = {'Table_1', 'single', 4, TVData1, 0 };

% Table 2
TVData2{1} = T2_1;
TVData2{2} = T2_2;
TVData2{3} = T2_3;
TVData2{4} = T2_4;
TVData2{5} = T2_5;
TVData2{6} = T2_6;
Table2 = {'Table_2', 'uint8', 1, TVData2, 4}; % Store only 4 first rows!

% Final CELL
% Create the Cell with all the wanted Tables (using ';')
CCEXPData = {Table1; Table2};

% Now use CCEXP_WRITE:

The "SharedData.ccexp" file can now be shared with a C++ program and loaded as follows:

#include "CCEXP.hpp"
// Define a CCEXP object, open the data file and load any wanted table.


// Then you can access elements like this:
for (size_t r = 0; r < CCEXP::Rows(LD, "Table_2"); r++) {
	for (size_t c = 0; c < CCEXP::Cols(LD, "Table_2", r); c++) {
		uint8_t* v1 = CCEXP::getVal<uint8_t>(LD, "Table_2", r, c);
		if (v1 != NULL) printf("%u ", v1);


CCEXP is now based on the MVECTOR library, as std::vector library may or may not work the same in all libraries.
MVECTOR library also can track allocated memory. More info about MVECTOR can be found here:

Build with CMAKE

You can clone CCEXP with MVECTOR:

git clone --recursive

Then build like:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
# Test t00_Basics.cpp
cls && CCEXP t00
# Test t01_Load.cpp
cls && CCEXP t01
# Test t02_ExternalWriteLoad.cpp
# (First create SharedData.ccexp with /MATLAB/test/t02_ExternalWriteLoad.m file)
cls && CCEXP t02


Using CCEXP Version 0.068, users can find at the folder /C++/test/CCEXPViewer/ a simple C++ demo example which creates an .exe to display .ccexp files data. The code is given here too.
The macro __CCEXP_PRINT_TABLES__ is just an example macro on how to use the new Analyze() functions of CCEXP.

#include "../../src/include/CCEXP.hpp"

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		printf("Please provide a filename\n");
		return -1;

	printf("CCEXP Library (%1.3f): "
	printf("------- CCEXP Viewer >> [%s] ------------\n", argv[1]);

	return 0;


CCEXPGet example is a tool, that can be modified/compiled and used directly to extract rows of CCEXP arrays from command-line.


Open source C++ Utility for easy and organized data export/import, of almost any type of data (using C++ templates) to other platforms like MatLab, Octave, Python etc for data analysis or data sharing purposes. Instead of hard-coding your own data I/O snippets in your code when you temporary need it, making it hard to maintain/share, you could t…








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