Configured pacman to install packages on termux. There are two kinds of pacman, arch and termux. The main difference between the two is the support for installing packages (pacman-arch installs arch packages and pacman-termux installs termux packages).
Compiling packages and maintaining the pacman package repository service is provided by the termux-pacman organization.
pkg upd -y
pkg ins pacman -y
Note: If you have installed pacman via apt, then you cannot use it fully, as there is a risk that you will break your system. If you want to use pacman as your default package manager (that is fully), then you will need to take other steps. How to do it is described here.
Compiling and installing pacman (not a recommended way as the source code in this repository is old).
pkg update -y
pkg install git -y
git clone
cd pacman-for-termux
After these commands, restart termux and run the following command.
./pacman-for-termux/ set2