The goal of this project is the design and implementation of an intelligent wireless
sensor network used to monitor and control a regolith transport solution for the Moon.
Lunar regolith is one of the most common resources present on the moon and it is
an important material used for different ISRU activities, but also mineral processing
and construction.
A set of regolith transport solutions is turned into a set of smart transportation systems
that can be used to monitor and control the extraction and transportation process
while minimizing dust hazards, possible errors in the amount of regolith transported,
and considering the typical moon’s temperature extreme conditions.
The project is organized as follows:
- coap/ contains the source code of CoAP nodes
- mqtt/ contains the source code of MQTT nodes
- sensing/ contains the source code of the emulated sensors
- utils/ contains utility functions
- border_router/ contains the source code of the Contiki-NG Border Router
- collector/ contains the source code of the Java collector
- grafana/ contains the grafana dashboard
- is the Cooja simulation
- SMTS_MySQL.sql is the SQL file that can be used to build the database
- Contiki-NG
- Cooja simulator for the simulation
- Grafana
- Mosquitto MQTT broker
Step 1. Download the project into the contiki-ng/examples folder
Step 2. Import the Grafana dashboard
Step 3. Setup the database
Create the SMTS DB:
mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE SMTS;
Import the database structure:
mysql -u root -p SMTS < SMTS_MySQL.sql
Step 4. Run the MQTT broker
sudo service mosquitto start
Step 5. Run the collector
java -jar collector/collector.jar
The can be changed to change the metrics to monitor or other parameters.
Step 1. Import the "COOJA" file in Cooja
Step 2. Use tunslip6
cd border_router && make TARGET=cooja connect-router-cooja
Step 1. Flash the code on all sensor nodes:
Border router:
cd border_router && make TARGET=cc26x0-cc13x0 BOARD=/launchpad/cc2650 border_router
MQTT node:
cd mqtt && make TARGET=cc26x0-cc13x0 BOARD=/launchpad/cc2650 mqtt-sensor
CoAP node:
cd coap && make TARGET=cc26x0-cc13x0 BOARD=/launchpad/cc2650 coap-sensor
Step 2. Power on all sensors
Step 3. Use tunslip6 to connect with the border router
make TARGET=cc26x0-cc13x0 BOARD=/launchpad/cc2650 connect-router PORT=/dev/ttyACM0