Super small DOM builder that supports chaining.
It exposes one function called create(tagName, attributes)
that can be used to create elements with attributes.
It checks for a special fragment
case which cannot have attributes.
The response is a builder
object that has the methods:
- append(builder)
- addEventListener(event, listener)
create('h1', {
className: 'title',
textContent: 'DOM Creator'
create('div', {className: 'main-column'})
create('ul', {className: 'primary-nav'})
.append(create('li', {className: 'primary-nav-item', textContent: 'Home'}))
.append(create('li', {className: 'primary-nav-item', textContent: 'Blog'}))
.append(create('li', {className: 'primary-nav-item', textContent: 'Contact'}))
create('button', {className: 'main-column'})
.append(create('img', {className: 'button-icon', src: ''}))
.append(create('span', {className: 'button-title', textContent: 'Submit'}))
.addEventListener('click', function() {