Objective : Classify each cassava image into four disease categories or a fifth category indicating a healthy leaf.
BaseLine Code : I used my tensorflow tutorial code as a baseline code for this contest. You can see my code here Tensorflow-Tutorial
- Image Size : 512
- Augmentation : RandomResizedCrop, Transpose, HorizontalFlip, VerticalFlip, RandomRotate90, RandomBrightnessContrast, HueSaturationValue
- SparseCategoricalCrossEntropy
- EfficientNetB3 pretrained with Imagenet with no top.
- EfficientNetB3 top layer : GlobalAveragePooling + Dropout + Dense
Optimizers & LR Scheduler
- Adam + Lookahead + CosineDecay
- Adam + SWA(Stochastic Weight Averaging) + CosineDecay
- RectifiedAdam + Lookahead + CosineDecay
- Adabelief + Lookahead + CosineDecay
- Batch Size: 8
- Epochs :10
- Callbacks : EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint
- I've also tried training my model twice by first training the newly added top layer, and then unfreeze them and fine-tuning the entire model. But it didn't show much improvements.
- Ensemble & TTA(Test Time Augmentation)
Models | TTA | Public Score | Private Score |
Adam | 6 | 0.8600 | 0.8626 |
Adam + SWA | 6 | 0.8548 | 0.8581 |
Adam(5Fold) | 6 | 0.8607 | 0.8652 |
RectifiedAdam | 6 | 0.8571 | 0.8627 |
Adabelief | 6 | 0.8620 | 0.8638 |
Adam, RectifiedAdam | 6 | 0.8609 | 0.8661 |
Adam, RectifiedAdam, Adabelief | 6 | 0.8600 | 0.8685 |
- Improvements
- Ensemble is powerful! I used single model for the final submission because the public score was higher, but in private score ensemble models were higher.
- I wanted to use CutMix and Mixup with label smoothing but OOM kept occur during training. Should study more about this.
- Also I wanted to use ResNeXt50 model, but I couldn't find how to use it from keras.
- Train dataset for this competition had few miss labeled data, and after the competition I've found out that I could have tried different loss, like bi-tempered loss. Also have to study more about this.
- Results
- Private: 0.8652
- Public: 0.8607
- This was my first competition for image classification and I've learned many things during competition. Thanks for all kagglers and organizers for this competition.