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binary_authorization_policy represents the google_binary_authorization_policy Terraform resource.

This package contains functions and utilities for setting up the resource using Jsonnet code.



fn new

new() injects a new google_binary_authorization_policy Terraform resource block into the root module document.

Additionally, this inserts a private function into the _ref attribute that generates references to attributes of the resource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using:

# arguments omitted for brevity'some_id')

You can get the reference to the id field of the created google.binary_authorization_policy using the reference:


This is the same as directly entering "${ }" as the value.

NOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use super, self, or $ to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using local.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block.
  • description (string): A descriptive comment. When null, the description field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • global_policy_evaluation_mode (string): Controls the evaluation of a Google-maintained global admission policy for common system-level images. Images not covered by the global policy will be subject to the project admission policy. Possible values: ["ENABLE", "DISABLE"] When null, the global_policy_evaluation_mode field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • project (string): Set the project field on the resulting resource block. When null, the project field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • admission_whitelist_patterns (list[obj]): A whitelist of image patterns to exclude from admission rules. If an image's name matches a whitelist pattern, the image's admission requests will always be permitted regardless of your admission rules. When null, the admission_whitelist_patterns sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • cluster_admission_rules (list[obj]): Per-cluster admission rules. An admission rule specifies either that all container images used in a pod creation request must be attested to by one or more attestors, that all pod creations will be allowed, or that all pod creations will be denied. There can be at most one admission rule per cluster spec.

Identifier format: '{{location}}.{{clusterId}}'. A location is either a compute zone (e.g. 'us-central1-a') or a region (e.g. 'us-central1'). When null, the cluster_admission_rules sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.

  • default_admission_rule (list[obj]): Default admission rule for a cluster without a per-cluster admission rule. When null, the default_admission_rule sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • timeouts (obj): Set the timeouts field on the resulting resource block. When null, the timeouts sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.


  • A mixin object that injects the new resource into the root Terraform configuration.

fn newAttrs


google.binary_authorization_policy.newAttrs constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the binary_authorization_policy Terraform resource.

Unlike, this function will not inject the resource block into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the attrs argument for the tf.withResource function to build a complete block.

This is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to injecting into a complete block.


  • description (string): A descriptive comment. When null, the description field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • global_policy_evaluation_mode (string): Controls the evaluation of a Google-maintained global admission policy for common system-level images. Images not covered by the global policy will be subject to the project admission policy. Possible values: ["ENABLE", "DISABLE"] When null, the global_policy_evaluation_mode field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • project (string): Set the project field on the resulting object. When null, the project field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • admission_whitelist_patterns (list[obj]): A whitelist of image patterns to exclude from admission rules. If an image's name matches a whitelist pattern, the image's admission requests will always be permitted regardless of your admission rules. When null, the admission_whitelist_patterns sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • cluster_admission_rules (list[obj]): Per-cluster admission rules. An admission rule specifies either that all container images used in a pod creation request must be attested to by one or more attestors, that all pod creations will be allowed, or that all pod creations will be denied. There can be at most one admission rule per cluster spec.

Identifier format: '{{location}}.{{clusterId}}'. A location is either a compute zone (e.g. 'us-central1-a') or a region (e.g. 'us-central1'). When null, the cluster_admission_rules sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.

  • default_admission_rule (list[obj]): Default admission rule for a cluster without a per-cluster admission rule. When null, the default_admission_rule sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • timeouts (obj): Set the timeouts field on the resulting object. When null, the timeouts sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.


  • An attribute object that can be used with tf.withResource to construct a new binary_authorization_policy resource into the root Terraform configuration.

fn withAdmissionWhitelistPatterns


google.list[obj].withAdmissionWhitelistPatterns constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform resource block to set or update the admission_whitelist_patterns field.

This function will replace the array with the passed in value. If you wish to instead append the passed in value to the existing array, use the google.list[obj].withAdmissionWhitelistPatternsMixin function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the admission_whitelist_patterns field.

fn withAdmissionWhitelistPatternsMixin


google.list[obj].withAdmissionWhitelistPatternsMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform resource block to set or update the admission_whitelist_patterns field.

This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish to instead replace the array with the passed in value, use the google.list[obj].withAdmissionWhitelistPatterns function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the admission_whitelist_patterns field.

fn withClusterAdmissionRules


google.list[obj].withClusterAdmissionRules constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform resource block to set or update the cluster_admission_rules field.

This function will replace the array with the passed in value. If you wish to instead append the passed in value to the existing array, use the google.list[obj].withClusterAdmissionRulesMixin function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the cluster_admission_rules field.

fn withClusterAdmissionRulesMixin


google.list[obj].withClusterAdmissionRulesMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform resource block to set or update the cluster_admission_rules field.

This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish to instead replace the array with the passed in value, use the google.list[obj].withClusterAdmissionRules function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the cluster_admission_rules field.

fn withDefaultAdmissionRule


google.list[obj].withDefaultAdmissionRule constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform resource block to set or update the default_admission_rule field.

This function will replace the array with the passed in value. If you wish to instead append the passed in value to the existing array, use the google.list[obj].withDefaultAdmissionRuleMixin function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the default_admission_rule field.

fn withDefaultAdmissionRuleMixin


google.list[obj].withDefaultAdmissionRuleMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform resource block to set or update the default_admission_rule field.

This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish to instead replace the array with the passed in value, use the google.list[obj].withDefaultAdmissionRule function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the default_admission_rule field.

fn withDescription


google.string.withDescription constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the string Terraform resource block to set or update the description field.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (string): The value to set for the description field.

fn withGlobalPolicyEvaluationMode


google.string.withGlobalPolicyEvaluationMode constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the string Terraform resource block to set or update the global_policy_evaluation_mode field.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (string): The value to set for the global_policy_evaluation_mode field.

fn withProject


google.string.withProject constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the string Terraform resource block to set or update the project field.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (string): The value to set for the project field.

fn withTimeouts


google.obj.withTimeouts constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the obj Terraform resource block to set or update the timeouts field.

This function will replace the map with the passed in value. If you wish to instead merge the passed in value to the existing map, use the google.obj.withTimeoutsMixin function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (obj): The value to set for the timeouts field.

fn withTimeoutsMixin


google.obj.withTimeoutsMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the obj Terraform resource block to set or update the timeouts field.

This function will merge the passed in value to the existing map. If you wish to instead replace the entire map with the passed in value, use the google.obj.withTimeouts function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (obj): The value to set for the timeouts field.

obj admission_whitelist_patterns


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the admission_whitelist_patterns Terraform sub block.


  • name_pattern (string): An image name pattern to whitelist, in the form 'registry/path/to/image'. This supports a trailing * as a wildcard, but this is allowed only in text after the registry/ part.


  • An attribute object that represents the admission_whitelist_patterns sub block.

obj cluster_admission_rules


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the cluster_admission_rules Terraform sub block.


  • cluster (string): Set the cluster field on the resulting object.
  • enforcement_mode (string): The action when a pod creation is denied by the admission rule. Possible values: ["ENFORCED_BLOCK_AND_AUDIT_LOG", "DRYRUN_AUDIT_LOG_ONLY"]
  • evaluation_mode (string): How this admission rule will be evaluated. Possible values: ["ALWAYS_ALLOW", "REQUIRE_ATTESTATION", "ALWAYS_DENY"]
  • require_attestations_by (list): The resource names of the attestors that must attest to a container image. If the attestor is in a different project from the policy, it should be specified in the format 'projects//attestors/'. Each attestor must exist before a policy can reference it. To add an attestor to a policy the principal issuing the policy change request must be able to read the attestor resource.

Note: this field must be non-empty when the evaluation_mode field specifies REQUIRE_ATTESTATION, otherwise it must be empty. When null, the require_attestations_by field will be omitted from the resulting object.


  • An attribute object that represents the cluster_admission_rules sub block.

obj default_admission_rule


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the default_admission_rule Terraform sub block.


  • enforcement_mode (string): The action when a pod creation is denied by the admission rule. Possible values: ["ENFORCED_BLOCK_AND_AUDIT_LOG", "DRYRUN_AUDIT_LOG_ONLY"]
  • evaluation_mode (string): How this admission rule will be evaluated. Possible values: ["ALWAYS_ALLOW", "REQUIRE_ATTESTATION", "ALWAYS_DENY"]
  • require_attestations_by (list): The resource names of the attestors that must attest to a container image. If the attestor is in a different project from the policy, it should be specified in the format 'projects//attestors/'. Each attestor must exist before a policy can reference it. To add an attestor to a policy the principal issuing the policy change request must be able to read the attestor resource.

Note: this field must be non-empty when the evaluation_mode field specifies REQUIRE_ATTESTATION, otherwise it must be empty. When null, the require_attestations_by field will be omitted from the resulting object.


  • An attribute object that represents the default_admission_rule sub block.

obj timeouts


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the timeouts Terraform sub block.


  • create (string): Set the create field on the resulting object. When null, the create field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • delete (string): Set the delete field on the resulting object. When null, the delete field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • update (string): Set the update field on the resulting object. When null, the update field will be omitted from the resulting object.


  • An attribute object that represents the timeouts sub block.