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cloudbuildv2_connection represents the google_cloudbuildv2_connection Terraform resource.

This package contains functions and utilities for setting up the resource using Jsonnet code.



fn new

new() injects a new google_cloudbuildv2_connection Terraform resource block into the root module document.

Additionally, this inserts a private function into the _ref attribute that generates references to attributes of the resource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using:

# arguments omitted for brevity'some_id')

You can get the reference to the id field of the created google.cloudbuildv2_connection using the reference:


This is the same as directly entering "${ }" as the value.

NOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use super, self, or $ to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using local.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block.
  • annotations (obj): Allows clients to store small amounts of arbitrary data. When null, the annotations field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • disabled (bool): If disabled is set to true, functionality is disabled for this connection. Repository based API methods and webhooks processing for repositories in this connection will be disabled. When null, the disabled field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • location (string): The location for the resource
  • name (string): Immutable. The resource name of the connection, in the format projects/{project}/locations/{location}/connections/{connection_id}.
  • project (string): The project for the resource When null, the project field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • github_config (list[obj]): Configuration for connections to When null, the github_config sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • github_enterprise_config (list[obj]): Configuration for connections to an instance of GitHub Enterprise. When null, the github_enterprise_config sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • gitlab_config (list[obj]): Configuration for connections to or an instance of GitLab Enterprise. When null, the gitlab_config sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • timeouts (obj): Set the timeouts field on the resulting resource block. When null, the timeouts sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.


  • A mixin object that injects the new resource into the root Terraform configuration.

fn newAttrs


google.cloudbuildv2_connection.newAttrs constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the cloudbuildv2_connection Terraform resource.

Unlike, this function will not inject the resource block into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the attrs argument for the tf.withResource function to build a complete block.

This is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to injecting into a complete block.


  • annotations (obj): Allows clients to store small amounts of arbitrary data. When null, the annotations field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • disabled (bool): If disabled is set to true, functionality is disabled for this connection. Repository based API methods and webhooks processing for repositories in this connection will be disabled. When null, the disabled field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • location (string): The location for the resource
  • name (string): Immutable. The resource name of the connection, in the format projects/{project}/locations/{location}/connections/{connection_id}.
  • project (string): The project for the resource When null, the project field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • github_config (list[obj]): Configuration for connections to When null, the github_config sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • github_enterprise_config (list[obj]): Configuration for connections to an instance of GitHub Enterprise. When null, the github_enterprise_config sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • gitlab_config (list[obj]): Configuration for connections to or an instance of GitLab Enterprise. When null, the gitlab_config sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • timeouts (obj): Set the timeouts field on the resulting object. When null, the timeouts sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.


  • An attribute object that can be used with tf.withResource to construct a new cloudbuildv2_connection resource into the root Terraform configuration.

fn withAnnotations


google.obj.withAnnotations constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the obj Terraform resource block to set or update the annotations field.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (obj): The value to set for the annotations field.

fn withDisabled


google.bool.withDisabled constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the bool Terraform resource block to set or update the disabled field.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (bool): The value to set for the disabled field.

fn withGithubConfig


google.list[obj].withGithubConfig constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform resource block to set or update the github_config field.

This function will replace the array with the passed in value. If you wish to instead append the passed in value to the existing array, use the google.list[obj].withGithubConfigMixin function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the github_config field.

fn withGithubConfigMixin


google.list[obj].withGithubConfigMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform resource block to set or update the github_config field.

This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish to instead replace the array with the passed in value, use the google.list[obj].withGithubConfig function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the github_config field.

fn withGithubEnterpriseConfig


google.list[obj].withGithubEnterpriseConfig constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform resource block to set or update the github_enterprise_config field.

This function will replace the array with the passed in value. If you wish to instead append the passed in value to the existing array, use the google.list[obj].withGithubEnterpriseConfigMixin function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the github_enterprise_config field.

fn withGithubEnterpriseConfigMixin


google.list[obj].withGithubEnterpriseConfigMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform resource block to set or update the github_enterprise_config field.

This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish to instead replace the array with the passed in value, use the google.list[obj].withGithubEnterpriseConfig function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the github_enterprise_config field.

fn withGitlabConfig


google.list[obj].withGitlabConfig constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform resource block to set or update the gitlab_config field.

This function will replace the array with the passed in value. If you wish to instead append the passed in value to the existing array, use the google.list[obj].withGitlabConfigMixin function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the gitlab_config field.

fn withGitlabConfigMixin


google.list[obj].withGitlabConfigMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform resource block to set or update the gitlab_config field.

This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish to instead replace the array with the passed in value, use the google.list[obj].withGitlabConfig function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the gitlab_config field.

fn withLocation


google.string.withLocation constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the string Terraform resource block to set or update the location field.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (string): The value to set for the location field.

fn withName


google.string.withName constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the string Terraform resource block to set or update the name field.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (string): The value to set for the name field.

fn withProject


google.string.withProject constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the string Terraform resource block to set or update the project field.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (string): The value to set for the project field.

fn withTimeouts


google.obj.withTimeouts constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the obj Terraform resource block to set or update the timeouts field.

This function will replace the map with the passed in value. If you wish to instead merge the passed in value to the existing map, use the google.obj.withTimeoutsMixin function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (obj): The value to set for the timeouts field.

fn withTimeoutsMixin


google.obj.withTimeoutsMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the obj Terraform resource block to set or update the timeouts field.

This function will merge the passed in value to the existing map. If you wish to instead replace the entire map with the passed in value, use the google.obj.withTimeouts function.


  • resourceLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (obj): The value to set for the timeouts field.

obj github_config


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the github_config Terraform sub block.


  • app_installation_id (number): GitHub App installation id. When null, the app_installation_id field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • authorizer_credential (list[obj]): OAuth credential of the account that authorized the Cloud Build GitHub App. It is recommended to use a robot account instead of a human user account. The OAuth token must be tied to the Cloud Build GitHub App. When null, the authorizer_credential sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.


  • An attribute object that represents the github_config sub block.

obj github_config.authorizer_credential


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the authorizer_credential Terraform sub block.


  • oauth_token_secret_version (string): A SecretManager resource containing the OAuth token that authorizes the Cloud Build connection. Format: projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*. When null, the oauth_token_secret_version field will be omitted from the resulting object.


  • An attribute object that represents the authorizer_credential sub block.

obj github_enterprise_config


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the github_enterprise_config Terraform sub block.


  • app_id (number): Id of the GitHub App created from the manifest. When null, the app_id field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • app_installation_id (number): ID of the installation of the GitHub App. When null, the app_installation_id field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • app_slug (string): The URL-friendly name of the GitHub App. When null, the app_slug field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • host_uri (string): Required. The URI of the GitHub Enterprise host this connection is for.
  • private_key_secret_version (string): SecretManager resource containing the private key of the GitHub App, formatted as projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*. When null, the private_key_secret_version field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • ssl_ca (string): SSL certificate to use for requests to GitHub Enterprise. When null, the ssl_ca field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • webhook_secret_secret_version (string): SecretManager resource containing the webhook secret of the GitHub App, formatted as projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*. When null, the webhook_secret_secret_version field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • service_directory_config (list[obj]): Configuration for using Service Directory to privately connect to a GitHub Enterprise server. This should only be set if the GitHub Enterprise server is hosted on-premises and not reachable by public internet. If this field is left empty, calls to the GitHub Enterprise server will be made over the public internet. When null, the service_directory_config sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.


  • An attribute object that represents the github_enterprise_config sub block.

obj github_enterprise_config.service_directory_config


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the service_directory_config Terraform sub block.


  • service (string): Required. The Service Directory service name. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{service}.


  • An attribute object that represents the service_directory_config sub block.

obj gitlab_config


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the gitlab_config Terraform sub block.


  • host_uri (string): The URI of the GitLab Enterprise host this connection is for. If not specified, the default value is When null, the host_uri field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • ssl_ca (string): SSL certificate to use for requests to GitLab Enterprise. When null, the ssl_ca field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • webhook_secret_secret_version (string): Required. Immutable. SecretManager resource containing the webhook secret of a GitLab Enterprise project, formatted as projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*.
  • authorizer_credential (list[obj]): Required. A GitLab personal access token with the api scope access. When null, the authorizer_credential sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • read_authorizer_credential (list[obj]): Required. A GitLab personal access token with the minimum read_api scope access. When null, the read_authorizer_credential sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • service_directory_config (list[obj]): Configuration for using Service Directory to privately connect to a GitLab Enterprise server. This should only be set if the GitLab Enterprise server is hosted on-premises and not reachable by public internet. If this field is left empty, calls to the GitLab Enterprise server will be made over the public internet. When null, the service_directory_config sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.


  • An attribute object that represents the gitlab_config sub block.

obj gitlab_config.authorizer_credential


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the authorizer_credential Terraform sub block.


  • user_token_secret_version (string): Required. A SecretManager resource containing the user token that authorizes the Cloud Build connection. Format: projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*.


  • An attribute object that represents the authorizer_credential sub block.

obj gitlab_config.read_authorizer_credential


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the read_authorizer_credential Terraform sub block.


  • user_token_secret_version (string): Required. A SecretManager resource containing the user token that authorizes the Cloud Build connection. Format: projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*.


  • An attribute object that represents the read_authorizer_credential sub block.

obj gitlab_config.service_directory_config


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the service_directory_config Terraform sub block.


  • service (string): Required. The Service Directory service name. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{service}.


  • An attribute object that represents the service_directory_config sub block.

obj timeouts


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the timeouts Terraform sub block.


  • create (string): Set the create field on the resulting object. When null, the create field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • delete (string): Set the delete field on the resulting object. When null, the delete field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • update (string): Set the update field on the resulting object. When null, the update field will be omitted from the resulting object.


  • An attribute object that represents the timeouts sub block.