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oranges edited this page Jun 29, 2020 · 1 revision

TerraGov (Organization)

Location: Capital on Terra in the Sol System, spread throughout Civ-Space with influence dropping as distance increases.

Type of Org: Galactic Governing Body

Description: Easily the most powerful and massive organization in existence, TerraGov is the broadest governing body in the galaxy, operating like an imperium. Based in the Sol System, TerraGov operates on a tiered system for how much influence it exerts in a given region. Within Sol, they maintain a heavy presence and are responsible for maintaining law and order over smaller jurisdictions like planets and countries, as well as managing system-wide policy, elections, and finances. Outside Sol, their influence is much more diffuse and they shift to the role of primary peacekeeper between the smaller governments and organizations that lay within Civ-Space. For regions a short distance from Sol, this may mean appointing large delegations that advise and oversee regional governments while maintaining peacekeeping fleets and martial bases within their borders. Further away, near the peripherals of Civ-Space, they may be limited to sparse government embassies, listening outposts, and expeditionary fleets to maintain their presence.

Taken in total, TerraGov maintains the largest fleets and wields the most resources in the galaxy by several orders of magnitude, but they also claim the most territory by far. While they maintain a number of bases and colonies outside Sol (with a growing concentration in the Alpha Centauri system), they are more than happy to let smaller governments and even large corporations shoulder the bureaucracy of maintaining settlements and order on the edges of Civ-Space. In these scenarios, TerraGov maintains a more hands-off approach and mainly functions to assist with record-keeping, communication, and protection of TG assets/fleets from pirates and other hostile forces.


  • Most crew members are probably citizens of TerraGov and exist in their records in some form or another, unless they hail from an extremely backwoods/peripheral place.
  • Nanotrasen's biggest source of funding, whether from purchasing their products or through research grants.
  • Mostly focused on expanding Trailward of Sol, especially toward Alpha Centauri. Presence near SS13 is mostly limited to a group of embassies in the Spinward Stellar Coaltion.

Spinward Stellar Coalition (Organization)

Location: Coreward of the station, just within Civ-Space

Type of Org: Regional Governing Body

Description: The Spinward Stellar Coalition is the closest governing body to SS13 that isn't an outpost for TerraGov, and controls many of the nearby destinations that the stations' crewmembers spend their extended off-time when not on rotation or staying in an NT housing accomodation. The SSC is fairly small in the grand scale of independent governments, and their territory consists of a few sparsely populated planets and orbital outposts. Life this far from Sol is rather austere, but the citizens of the core SSC are honest, hardworking folk by and large.

The SSC does its best to accommodate Nanotrasen's presence on the Periphery, and a good amount of their economy is based around supporting NT and other large corporations operating on the Space-Westward Periphery, despite their presence here predating NT's by several decades. The government is often characterized as bending over backwards to keep NT happy and avoid losing their business, and often averts its eyes from the frightening events and tales surrounding their nearby space stations. Nanotrasen, fully aware of their bargaining power, takes full advantage of this and often cheats on its taxes, violates SSC cargo and shipping codes, and even hinders or outright ignores investigations and inquisitions coming from the SSC when convenient, all while still maintaining a friendly, pleasant tone in communications. Some more cynical observers speculate that the only thing keeping Nanotrasen from outright ignoring the SSC altogether is the Coalition's embassies and friendly relations with TerraGov.

This power dynamic has begun to change in recent years, however, as TerraGov becomes more interested in NT's constant scandals. Emboldened by the greater TG presence, the SSC have begun standing up for themselves more often, and Nanotrasen has begrudgingly made more attempts to appease the Coalition and abide by their rules.


  • A popular living location for nearby NT crewmembers who are unsatisfied living on NT property and want more freedom and normalcy in their off time. Most seasoned employees can afford a decent living space on one of the planets or orbital facilities, and the commute from the SSC core to NT's Peripheral Dispatch Station is only a day or two by mass transit. If your character has a private apartment or domicile nicer than a closet and isn't at least a head of staff, they probably live here.
  • Lots of neat tourist and recreational destinations for crewmembers on leave from work! The locals will probably hate you though, because of what some dumb band of assistants did to the place last weekend. And the weekend before that. And the weekend before that.......
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