Note: this release includes more than 250 commits since 1.11.0! Changelog sums up most of the changes but some might have been omitted.
- Increase top margin for MacOS
- Add custom menu support for plugins
- Last.FM plugin (by @semvis123)
- Taskbar media controls plugin (by @Araxeus)
- In-app-menu plugin (by @Araxeus)
- Improve downloader plugin (download playlist, download if player not in foreground, mutex in FFMpeg, download folder picker by @Araxeus)
- Refactored menu (by @Araxeus)
- Notification plugin: configurable notification urgency (by @SapuSeven)
- Remove 'shortcuts'+'discord' from default plugins (by @Araxeus)
- various updates of dependencies
- Bugfix in Discord plugin (by @Araxeus)
- Precise volume plugin (by @Araxeus)