A Twitch IRC Bot based on asynchronous programming (asyncio)
- Sends pyramids
Create a Twitch account you will control with the bot: https://www.twitch.tv
The account nickname will be the name used by the bot.
Connect to twitch using the bot account and generate a chat token for the bot
cd <project folder>
virtualenv .venv
.venv/Script/pip.exe install -r requirements.txt
cd <project folder>
virtualenv .venv
.venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
Create the file cfg.py
at the root of the project directory and fill it as follow:
# cfg.py
# Configurations variables
HOST = "irc.twitch.tv"
PORT = 6667
NICK = <bot name in lowercase>
PASS = <chat token>
CHAN = <channel the bot will be connected to in lowercase>
VALID_COMMANDS = ["pyramid"]
DEFAULT_PYRAMID_SYMBOL = <default pyramid char>
DEFAULT_PYRAMID_SIZE = <default pyramid size> # size is thresholded at 5
In the project folder, run:
.venv/Script/python.exe main.py
.venv/bin/python main.py