DineEase-POS is a modern Point of Sale (POS) system designed to streamline your restaurant or cafe operations. With an intuitive user interface and a powerful set of features, DineEase-POS makes managing your business easier than ever.
Landing Page: https://dineease.vercel.app/ App Url: https://dine-ease-pos.onrender.com/
Product Management: Easily add and manage products on your menu with detailed information, including prices and availability.
Payment Gateway Integration: Seamless integration with Razorpay to accept payments securely and efficiently.
Real-time Chat: Enable chat functionality between registered users, making it easy for staff members to communicate and coordinate.
User Status: Keep track of whether users are online or offline, helping you manage your team more effectively.
Lockscreen: Automatically lock the system after a period of inactivity to enhance security and privacy.
Sales Dashboard: Access a comprehensive dashboard with sales graphs, sales tables, and other relevant data to make informed business decisions.
Axios Interceptors: Utilizing Axios interceptors, DineEase-POS attaches authentication tokens to all API requests, ensuring data security. Additionally, it enables a loader to display during request initiation and hide upon response receipt, enhancing user experience and data protection.
React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows us to create interactive and dynamic frontend components.
Redux Toolkit: A state management library for managing application state and data flow efficiently.
Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making API requests and handling responses.
Tailwind CSS: Tailwind CSS is used for styling.
Emoji Picker React: A library for adding emoji picker functionality to enhance user communication.
Formik: A form management library for handling form state, validation, and submission.
Framer Motion: A library for creating smooth animations and transitions in React applications.
Howler: A JavaScript audio library for handling audio playback.
React ApexCharts: A charting library for creating interactive and visually appealing charts.
React Calendar: A flexible and customizable calendar component for scheduling and events.
React Hot Toast: A library for displaying toast notifications in React applications.
React Icons: A collection of popular icon sets as React components for easy integration.
React Redux: A library for connecting React components to a Redux store for global state management.
React Router DOM: A routing library for handling navigation and URL routing in React applications.
React Select: A highly customizable select input component for React.
React Table: A library for creating feature-rich and highly customizable tables in React.
React-to-Print: A library for enabling printing of React components.
Socket.io-client: A client library for using Socket.io to enable real-time communication.
Node.js with Express: A server-side JavaScript runtime and web application framework for building robust and scalable backend services.
MongoDB with Mongoose: A NoSQL database and ODM (Object-Document Mapping) library for storing and managing data.
bcrypt: A library for securely hashing passwords and sensitive data.
cors: Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing to allow client-side requests from different origins.
dotenv: A utility for managing environment variables in Node.js applications.
jsonwebtoken: A library for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for user authentication.
Razorpay: A payment gateway integration for processing payments securely.
Socket.io: A library for enabling real-time chat and user status updates through WebSocket connections.
DineEase-POS offers a complete solution for restaurant and cafe owners to manage their operations efficiently and securely.