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77 lines (67 loc) · 1.81 KB

File metadata and controls

77 lines (67 loc) · 1.81 KB

DRAFT: omniwsa assembly

A draft for an unimplemented wsa dialect in omniwsa which interoperates with most features.


First, the file is scanned into simple tokens:

program ::= token*
token ::=
    | word
    | string
    | colon
    | comma
    | semi
    | slash
    | line_comment
    | block_comment
    | nested_comment
    | space
    | lf
word ::=
    | [A-Za-z0-9_.\-+$!%&<>=?@^`|~]+
string ::=
    | "\"" ([^"\\\n] | "\\" [^\n])* "\""
    | """ ([^'\\\n] | "\\" [^\n])* """
colon ::= ":"
comma ::= ","
semi ::= ";"
hash ::= "#"
slash ::= "/"
line_comment ::=
    | "--" [^\n]*
    | "//" [^\n]*
block_comment ::=
    | "/*" [^*]* "*"+ ([^/*] [^*]* "*"+)* "/"
nested_comment ::= "{-" nested_comment_text* "-"+ "}"
nested_comment_text ::=
    | [^{-]
    | "-"+ [^{}-]
    | "-"* "{"+ [^{-]
    | "-"* "{"* nested_comment
space ::= \p{White_Space} NOT '\n'
lf ::= "\n"

Then, words are lexed further:

word ::=
    | integer
    | .+
integer ::=
    | [-+]? [0-9] ("_"? [0-9])*
    | [-+]? "0" [bB] ("_"? [01])+
    | [-+]? "0" [oO] ("_"? [0-7])+
    | [-+]? "0" [oX] ("_"? [0-9a-fA-F])+
    | [-+]? ([01] "_"?)+ [bB]
    | [-+]? ([0-7] "_"?)+ [οΟ]
    | [-+]? [0-9] "_"? ([0-9a-fA-F] "_"?)* [hH]
  • A ; can be either a line comment or an instruction separator.
  • A # can either be a line comment or a littleBugHunter hexadecimal literal.
  • A / can either be an instruction separator or div.
  • C-style octal is configurable. Otherwise, if any contain '8' or '9', decimal will be used, possibly with a warning. TODO: Should the default be octal or decimal?


  • store n can be push n / swap / store or push n / store.