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Handwritten digits detection using a YOLOv8 detection model and ONNX pre/post processing. An example of how model works in real world scenario can be viewed at


The dataset consists of images created with the use of a HWD+ dataset.


The HWD+ dataset consists of gray images of single handwritten digits in high resolution (500x500 pixels).


The yolo_HWD+ dataset is composed of images which are produced with the use of HWD+ dataset. Each yolo_HWD+ image has many single digits on one image and each digit is properly annotated (class x_center y_center width height). The processing of HWD+ to obtain yolo_HWD+:

  1. Cut the digit from each image (HWD+ images have a lot of white background around)
  2. Create background image of size imgsz and apply transform to it (pre_transform attribute) - e.g. RGB shift/shuffle
  3. Take nrows * ncols digit images and form a nrows x ncols grid.
  4. For each digit:
    1. Apply transform (obj_transform attribute) - e.g. invert color, RGB shift/shuffle
    2. Randomly place the digit in ij cell and save its label and location as annotation.
  5. Apply transform to the fully formed grid (post_transform attribute) - e.g. rotation

Example below:

Raw digits (before any processing)


Cut digits (after step 1)


Formed grid (left) and with annotations (right)


Tech stack

  • PyTorch - neural networks architectures and datasets classes
  • ONNX - All processing steps used in pipeline
  • ONNX Runtime - Pipeline inference
  • OpenCV - Image processing for the server-side model inference (optional)
  • React - Web application used to test object detection models in real world examples


Each pipeline step is done with ONNX models. The complete pipeline during inference is the following:

  1. Image preprocessing - resize and pad to match model input size (preprocessing)
  2. Object detection - Detect objects with YOLOv8 model (yolo)
  3. Non Maximum Supression - Apply NMS to YOLO output (nms)
  4. Postprocessing - Apply postprocessing to filtered boxes (postprocessing)

Model's results



