This repo has small codes and algorithms that I do for fun. Sometimes my brain tries to be nerd.
All entries should soon have a pdf file that explains the idea behind each code.
Entry 001 Water Droplet Model
An intuitive equation to create a water drop form, written in Mathematica. The pdf shows the pipeline.
Entry 002 Line Flowers
Some program in Python that makes random flowers. The pdf shows the pipeline.
Entry 003 Custom Line Module
Some program in Python that implements a line function to paint a straight line from point to point inside an image. The pdf shows the pipeline.
Entry 004 Worm-like Animation
Small Mathematica notebook that creates a worm-like animation in a .mov file. The preview output is the following.
Entry 005 Flower Torus Mesh
Script in Python that creates a flower-like torus object in Autodesk Maya. The pdf shows the overall algorithm.
Entry 006 Regular Polygon Spiral
Some program in Python that draws an exact regular polygon spiral image, importing my custom line module from Entry 003. The pdf shows the pipeline and mathematical analysis to make it exact for any polygon. I had so much fun.
Entry 007 Fractal Tree
Some program in Python that draws a simple fractal tree, importing my custom line module from Entry 003. A sample output I got was the following.
Entry 008 Sierpinski Triangle
Program in Python that draws a Sierpinski Triangle fractal, importing my custom line module from Entry 003. The pdf file explains the logic followed.
Entry 009 Koch Curve Snowflake
Program in Python that draws a Koch Snowflake fractal, importing my custom line module from Entry 003. The pdf shows the algorithm followed.
Entry 010 Longest Unique Substring
Program in Python that, given a string, finds the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
Input: "awwebbz"
Output: 3 // "web"
Entry 011 Numerical Derivative Visualization
Program in Python that approximates the derivative of a function (sine function) using the limit definition of the derivative. The pdf explains the logic followed.
Program in Python that, given a matrix perlin noise values (reward), finds the optimal trayectory given a random start point inside a grid of dimensions