diff --git a/script.ps1 b/script.ps1 index 3401a28..4f59860 100644 --- a/script.ps1 +++ b/script.ps1 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ # Script Metadata # =============== -$version = "0.2.2" +$version = "0.2.3" # MAL Usernames, without @ $gfxAdmin = "nattadasu" @@ -2299,15 +2299,28 @@ Write-Host @" [size=120] [size=230][color=$($Thread_color)]💬 [b]GFX and Deliverer Staff Request[/b][/color][/size][/size][quote][center] [size=120][color=$($Thread_color)][i]For GFX staff who hasn't send the format yet, please DM me, and insert template to message using [[i][/i]code] tag.[/i][/color][/size] -`[spoiler=requests`] -[code][quote][b]Staff Nickname: [/b] +`[spoiler=requests`]`[spoiler=template`] +[b]If send via MyAnimeList DM:[/b] +[code][[i][/i]quote][[i][/i]b]Staff Nickname: [[i][/i]/b] +[[i][/i]b]Delivery: [[i][/i]/b] +[[i][/i]i]—Cards by—[[i][/i]/i] +$($Staff1_nickname): $( if ($Edition_staffCount -ge 2) { "`n$($Staff2_nickname): " } else {""} ) $( if ($Edition_staffCount -ge 3) { "`n$($Staff3_nickname): " } else {""} )$( if ($Edition_staffCount -ge 4) { "`n$($Staff4_nickname): " } else {""} )$( if ($Edition_staffCount -ge 5) { "`n$($Staff5_nickname): " } else {""} ) +-- +[[i][/i]b]Comments: [[i][/i]/b] +[[i][/i]b]Edition Suggestion: [[i][/i]/b] +[[i][/i]/quote][/code] + +[b]If send via Discord DM:[/b] +[code]```accesslog +[quote][b]Staff Nickname: [/b] [b]Delivery: [/b] [i]—Cards by—[/i] $($Staff1_nickname): $( if ($Edition_staffCount -ge 2) { "`n$($Staff2_nickname): " } else {""} ) $( if ($Edition_staffCount -ge 3) { "`n$($Staff3_nickname): " } else {""} )$( if ($Edition_staffCount -ge 4) { "`n$($Staff4_nickname): " } else {""} )$( if ($Edition_staffCount -ge 5) { "`n$($Staff5_nickname): " } else {""} ) -- [b]Comments: [/b] [b]Edition Suggestion: [/b] -[/quote][/code] +[/quote]```[/code] +[/spoiler] `[/spoiler`] [/center][/quote]