curl -L "" > snippets.json
- BIT-general : easy BIT general with range updates by diff array too
- Efficient-Divsibility-Trick-7-and-13 : used here:
- ExtendedGcdDiophantine : Diophantine any and all soln
- General-Hash : General Hash functions that returns two hashes, takes in 0 indexed arr or string, allows hash query on range, beware that this uses the decreasing power convention
- Inline-break : Inline Break by defining break to a function that basically breaks but returns value and hence can be used as a expression with comma operator
- LCA-RMQ : LCA using Range Min Query(Sparse) on ETT (Reference)
- PrefSum2D : 2D Prefix Sum
- Segtree-General : General segree, needs node struct (with members def and epsilon(default) for all of them) and operation lambda (merge)
- Simpler-Segtree : Init with an array simply using the build fn, customize operation and epslion in the struct itself, supports point updates and range queries
- Sparse-General : General Implementation of Sparse table with the template structure
- Weird_Lazy_Segtree : A lazy segtree taken from a abc340 E mridulahi submission, it's supposed to be able to do range updates and point queries
- Xor-Of-First-N-Natural-Numbers : based on the fact that if n%4==3 then xor till n from 1 is 0
- arr-inp : arr-inp
- arr-pref : arr-pref
- bfs-dist : bfs that measures levels/dist
- binpow : binpow
- binsearch : binsearch
- bp-small : bp-small
- bp : bp
- clock_for_TL : clock
- combi-mint : combi template with mint
- combi-struct : combi-struct
- combination-non-mod : combination-non-mod
- combination-small : combination-small
- combination : combination
- crt : crt
- cute-lcm : [a,b,c]=abc(a,b,c)/(a,b)(b,c)(c,a), where []=lcm adn ()=gcd or [a,b,c]=abc/gcd(ab,bc,ca)
- derangments : derangments
- dfs-full : dfs with lots of stuff implemented
- dfs : weird ass dfs
- diophantine : linear diophantine
- dsu-rr : dsu-rr
- easy_seive : easy_seive
- euclid : euclid
- explanation_binsearch : explanation_binsearch
- fac : fac
- factorization : factorization
- fenwick : binary indexed tree
- file_io : for coding competetions
- freq-map : freq-map
- gr-inp-Fwt : graph input weight
- gr-inp : graph input
- highest_exponent : power_in_fac
- interactive : essential measures for interactive problems
- ip-overloads : I/O Overloads that I don't use
- kadane : max subarray sum O(n)
- kahn's algo : toposort using bfs (kahn's algo)
- kosaraju : kosaraju
- kruskal : kruskal
- lambda_function : lambda_function
- lca-isAncestor : lca that uses isAncestor instead of level jumping, sets a level upper limit of 25 itself since 2^25 is bigger than any N give anyways
- lca : LCA path satisfying some condition
- log : log
- matrix : matrix
- mint : modular integer
- modpow : modpow
- pbds : pbds
- pq : pq
- prime-related-stuff : implements prime fac, fac list and is_prime in both space optimized and time optimized ways
- re-write : a bunch of re and write functions based on template meta programming heklpful in cp.
- recur-binsearch : recursive binary search implementation to make intution easier ig
- recur-modpow : recur-modpow
- rng : rng
- rr-segtree : best segtree
- segtree : sextree
- seive : seive
- splay-tree-rr-sir : used here by rr sir, I have no idea how to use it or what it's used in mostly, RR Sir ABC F Submission
- tokenizer : tokenizer that has no use
- totient-seive : totient-seive
- totient : totient
- trie : trie
- troll : troll
- two-sat (kosaraju) : two-sat (kosaraju)
- variadic : variadic lambdas with 1 and 2 arguments
- xor-basis : xor-basis