This generates certificates for 5 year maintenance required by the Code of Federal Regulations.
pip install reportlab
- Clone the repository
- Update the jobdata.json file within the CSVdata (isRemote: "yes" or "no")
- Create an equipment.csv within CSVdata folder (format below)
- from the command line run (python
- Follow the prompts
- Files will be in output folder
each row of the equipment.csv shall be formatted as follows:
id,equipment name, GSI#, OEM, OEM Model#, OEM Serial #, Pressure rating, Inspection Procedure, earliest inspection
EX. equipment.csv
6, DOUBLE WING: 2" 1502 15M, 20284, FMC, 3257099, 09230800W017, 15M, QMSF-2041-5Y, 9/23/2019
7, DOUBLE WING: 2" 1502 15M, 19165, MSI, DA0071, A486171, 15M, QMSF-2041-5Y, 10/18/2019
9, DOUBLE WING: 2" 1502 15M, 7798, FMC, 3257099, 09240200W019, 15M, QMSF-2041-5Y, 1/1/2020
Example jobdata.json
"project": "5YM_GSI_190107",
"revision": "00",
"clientName": "Gulfstream Services Inc.",
"releaseDate": "8-Jan-19",
"inspectionLocation": "Houma Rental Facility",
"isRemote": "yes",
"clientTechnicians": ["Edward Skinner","Joseph Allen","Justin Neil"],
"OTCwitness": {
"name": "John Griffitt",
"signatureFile": "sigGriffitt.png"
"OTCapprover": {
"name": "David Hanks",
"signatureFile": "sigHanks.png"