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Python1 ShellAndVariables

Katy Huff edited this page Feb 21, 2012 · 64 revisions

Python 1 : The Shell, Variables, and Basic Data Types

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Presented By: Katy Huff

Based on Lecture Materials By: Milad Fatenejad With help from Tommy Guy and Many More

What is Python ?

Python is an interpreted (pre-compiled) language. Its simple, high level, human readable interface speeds the programming process in exchange for some computation time overhead. Python is implemented mostly in the C programming language, so, as python develops, it is increasingly possible to do everything in Python that is possible in C. Python is also free and open source, so if you find a bug or generate a useful module, the Python Software Foundation will likely be happy to merge your changes into the language.

During this session you are going to learn about some very basics about how to execute python code as well as some examples of the built-in Python data types.

Built-in data types are the basic building blocks of Python programs. They are really basic things like strings and numbers (either integers, complex or floating point numbers). There are simple containers like lists (think of lists as arrays or vectors), tuples and dictionaries.

Hello World

First, we will use python ''interactively''. This means that we will type commands directly into iPython. Once we start performing more complicated tasks we will start writing Python scripts and programs in a text editor, outside of the interpreter.

To get to the python shell, type python into the terminal.

>>> print "Hello World"
Hello World
>>> exit()

To get to the interactive python interpreter, a more sophisticated python shell, type ipython into the terminal.

In [1]: print "Hello World"
Hello World
In [2]: exit

You can also put the commands in a .py file and execute that file in the terminal by typing python [filename]

$ gedit &
<edit myfile with the hello world program.>
$ python
Hello World!

Pasting into iPython


To paste text from another application (i.e. the internet browser) into iPython:

  1. select text from the wiki
  2. copy with ctrl+c
  3. in iPython, type %paste

The code should paste and execute in iPython.


Variables are names, while values are the data assigned to those names.

Questions : Variables and Values

In the code snippet :

  • What is the value of the variable c?
  • What is the value of the variable b ?
  • What is the name given to the variable 2 ?

(The last one is a trick, the value 2 has two names.)

Strings and Numbers

It is really easy to make variables in python. For example, to create a string, s, and print its value, simply type the following into iPython:

 s = "Hello World"
 print s

If you want to see what the type of a variable is, you can use the built-in python function, type. Just enter

print type(s)

into iPython and you should see something like this:

   <type 'str'>

This tells us that s is of type str (i.e. that s is a string). Making numeric variables is equally easy and intuitive. Try entering the following into IPython. Notice that the # symbol is used to start comments so everything after the pound sign is ignored.

i,r,c = -10, 3.5, 1.0 + 2j  # set i to -10, r to 3.5 and c to 1.0+2j

This one line sets the variable i to the integer -10 , r to the floating point value 3.5 (a floating point number is just a real/non-integer number) and c to the value 1.0 + 2j (Notice, how easy and intuitive it is in python to set multiple variables to something. You'll discover a lot of similar syntax that is designed to make your life easier). Lets use the built-in type function to determine the type of each of the three variables we just created:

print type(i), type(r), type(c) 

This will give :

 <type 'int'> <type 'float'> <type 'complex'>

This tells us that "i" is an integer, "r" is a floating point number, and "c" is a complex number. As you can see, Python has built-in support for imaginary numbers!

Aside: Long integers Another way python makes our lives easier is by allowing integers to be arbitrary large. In languages like C/C++ and FORTRAN integer variables can only store values up to a certain size. But entering and manipulating the following forty digit number with iPython is no problem:

i = 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 
print i * 6

Operations in Python are defined by their type. For instance, look the difference between these operations:

In[1]:  1 + 3
In[2]:  1.0 + 3
  4.0  # This is a float
In[3]: "Hello " + "world"
  'Hello world'
In[4]: 1 + "Hello"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

In the first two cases, addition between numbers meant that 1 was added to 3 using the standard type rules (float plus int = float). In the third case, the command was string addition, which concatenates two strings. The final case broke because an 'int' type can not be added to a 'str' type. This is because it's unclear how to interpret an int as a string: should it be the string representation, the ASCII character code, or something else entirely?

One way to handle this is to explicitly convert the int into a string:

 str(1) + "Hello"

Equivalent functions exist for converting to int, float, and other types.

Basic data types in Python have a lot of functionality already built in. For example, lets say that you are reading names from a file one line at a time and that sometimes the names have leading and trailing spaces that we want to strip away. We can just use the strip string method to accomplish this. For example, type the following into iPython:

In[1]: name = "   Milad    "
In[2]: print name + "is here"
      Milad     is here

Now enter name.strip() instead of name:

In[1]: print name.strip() + " is here"
 Milad is here

Notice that the extra spaces are gone. We used the strip() method, which removes leading and trailing white space from strings. You can think of a method as being a function that is attached to a particular variable. You call methods by typing: <variable>.<method name>.

Aside : Tab Completion

Maybe you've noticed this already, but check out what happens you begin typing a variable name (the first two letters of name, for example) and press tab.

Convenient, right? This is also true of many built in functions.

Dynamic Typing

Importantly, python is a dynamically typed language. That is, an explicit type is not needed when creating a variable. Also, this means that variables in Python which are initialized to a variable of one type can be re-assigned to a variable of a different type. Try this:

 sillystring = "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
 print type(sillystring)

You'll see:

  <type 'str'>

If you reassign silly string to an integer, what happens? That is, when you type :

 sillystring = 98
 print type(sillystring)

You should see:

  <type 'int'>

This is an interesting feature. Can you think of ways it can be helpful? Are there ways it might be troublesome?

What is the type of sillystring be after this :

sillystring += 0.1

Aside: In Place Equivalency

What is the += syntax about? This is an in-place way to write `sillystring = sillystring + 0.1`. It is common in a number of languages.

Importantly, though we do not explcity state them, variables always have exactly one type. The number 98 is an int. For the variable holding this value to be treated as a float, it must be assigned as 98.0.

Questions : Dynamic Typing

Imagine that I first assign :


Then, I assign :

a="Welcome to the ministry of silly walks."

What has happened to the memory that was pointing to the number 2??

Getting Help

One of the really nice features in Python is that a lot of the help and documentation is built into the code. Practically, this means that much of the time you don't have to go digging through some web site to find help. You can get help in Python using the help function. Lets look at an example - enter


into IPython. You should then see documentation for the strip method pop up. (NOTE: if you don't automatically return to the python interpreter, just hit "q" to exit the help screen). You can also use the question mark, "?", character to display the documentation as well. For example, enter


into IPython to view the documentation.

Now try entering


You should see documentation for the entire string type, including all of the string methods. This can be useful when you are trying to perform a specific task, but you don't know the right function to call. For example, lets say we want to convert the string "cooper" to uppercase, and we want to know if there is a string method which can do the job for us. Start by typing "help(str)" to pull up the string documentation. You can scroll through the string methods until you find a method called "upper" which has documentation that looks like:

|  upper(...)
|      S.upper() -> string
|      |      Return a copy of the string S converted to uppercase.

These lines tell us that the string class has a method called "upper" which can be used to convert strings to uppercase. Now enter:

name = "cooper"
print name.upper()

At which point, you should see the word "COOPER" printed to the screen.

Aside: Using Methods Directly on Data

In the previous example, we first created a string variable, name, assigned it the value "cooper", then used the upper string method to obtain the uppercased version of the string. We didn't have to create a variable, however. We could simply enter:

print "cooper".upper()

To generate the uppercased version.

As we saw above, the str type has a lot of documentation associated with it, and we had to sift through most of it to find the upper method. If we had a way to simply print all of the str methods, we could have probably figured out that the upper method is what we wanted by the name and in a lot less time. Luckily, python has a built in function, "dir", for just this situation. The dir function takes a type name and prints all of the methods associated. Try entering "print dir(str)" to see a list of every method and variable associated with the string class. You can ignore the methods that start and end with double underscores for now. Try printing the methods associated with the int, and complex types.

Finally, there are some really basic functions that are built right into python that we have been using. For example, we used the "float" function above to convert a string to a floating point number. You can see a list of built in functions by entering dir(__builtins__). If you see something interesting, such as the zip function, you can examine what it does using help(zip).

Example : Manipulating Basic Data Types

Use the basic data types we've learned about along with the help and dir functions to figure out how to do the following using either one function or one method call:

  • Take the absolute value of the number -1.4
  • Begin with the string "a MaN and His DOG" and create the string "A man and his dog"
  • Return the position of the character 'e' in the string "my test string" (The answer is 4, since m is is at position 0 not position 1)