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Todo MVC

I used the lein reagent default project to get this up and running. I used defaults, so this project uses figwheel for updating code.

Lessons Learned


When you are defining an reagent/atom and you dont want your state to reset after every file update, you can use defonce to ensure the atom is only created once:

(defonce app-db (atom {:filter :all
                       :todos [
                               {:id 1 :text "Learn Reagent" :state :todo}
                               {:id 2 :text "Learn Hiccup" :state :todo}]}))

local component state

When you have local component state, you use let to bind those values. You need to be sure to use a reagent/atom if you want react to rerender you code when that atom updates.

Also, you need to return a new function when creating local state. In this example, you can see that I have init-todo to initialize the input.

(defn todo-text-input [init-todo]
  (let [!display-input (atom true)
        !input (atom (:text init-todo))]
    (fn [todo]
      [:div {:on-double-click #(reset! !display-input (not @!display-input))}
       (if @!display-input [:div (:text todo)]
           [:input {:type "text"
                    :value @!input
                    :on-change #(reset! !input (-> % .-target .-value))
                    :on-key-press (fn [e]
                                      (= (-> e .-key) "Enter") (do (update-todo (:id todo)
                                                                (reset! !display-input (not @!display-input)))))}])])))

I also am recieving todo in the inner function. This was a gotcha for me: the argument for the outer function wont recieve updates on rerender, you have to use the inner function argmuents.

I was editing the todo, saving the atom and the list item would still have the old value:

Updating state on input change

I wanted to get the input of an element when I typed into it. At first I thought I needed a ref, but it turns out I just needed a reagent/atom and use a controlled input with that atom.

I would update the atom with :on-change handler.

(defn add-todo []
  (let [!input (atom (str))]
    (fn []
       [:input {:type "text"
                :value @!input
                :on-change #(reset! !input (-> % .-target .-value))}]
       [:button {:on-click (fn []
                              (conj-new-todo @!input)
                              (reset! !input (str)))}
        "Add Todo"]])))

We use reset! to update the state of the atom. We use the thread first macro -> to help us grab the input. If we didnt use this macro we’d have to write the function like this:

#(reset! !input (-> % .-target .-value))
;; vs
#(reset! !input (.-value (.-target %)))

This reads much more clearly in english.

Use app-db

At first I was just using an atom for todos. And then I wanted to add filtering logic. I refactored this atom to contain:

{:filter :all :todos []}

In retrospect, I could have just used two atoms and not had to refacter all my calls to @todos but I think using a single atom for your app is more in line with re-frame or datascript.

Deploying to heroku

This was really easy!

heroku create
git push heroku master

You can view the app here.


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