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Basic Usage

Jeff Felchner edited this page Dec 30, 2020 · 4 revisions

Before starting this guide, make sure you install chamber and initialize it.

Once your app is initialized, you should have a settings.yml file somewhere. A lot of times it's the root of your project and sometimes it's in a framework specific location.

Inside of here you can define any settings you'd like like so:

# settings.yml

smtp_username: 'my_username'
smtp_password: 'my_password'

From there you can access your settings by using the special Chamber.dig constant.

# => 'my_password'

If you want to encrypt a setting, prefix the setting name with _secure_ like so:

# settings.yml

smtp_username:         'my_username'
_secure_smtp_password: 'my_password'

And then run chamber secure. Your settings file will have an encrypted value:

# settings.yml

smtp_username:         'my_username'
_secure_smtp_password: JL5hAVux4tERpv49QPWxy9H0VC2Rnk7V8/e8+1XOwPcXcoH/a7Lh253UY/v9m8nI/Onb+ZG9nZ082J4M/BmLa+f7jwMEwufIqbUhUah9eKIW8xcxlppBYpl7JVGf2HJF5TfCN44gMQNgGNzboCQXKqRyeGFm4u772Sg9V2gEx/q7qJ6F4jg7v/cltCFLmJfXA2SHA5Dai4p9L4IvMVVJGm34k5j7KOegNqpVWs2RY99cagjPuzc9VM2XSUsXgqcUJdmH8YtPW8Kqkyg0oYlRh6VQWABlWXwTZz74QjTTjqtqfoELIoFTMBDh+cCvuUTAE5m06LhlqauVrB4UnBsd5g==

which you still access the same way because Chamber handles the decryption for you:

# => 'my_password'

Next Step: File Layout

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