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A coder's Bible


  • Open-Source Bible Translation
  • Initially based on YLT


  • Augment Bible study through clarity and consistency of meaning
  • Normalize word translations whose meaning is obfuscated by disparate translation (e.g. "Holy Ones" vs. Saints, firstfruits vs. myriad first___)
  • Undo the obscurity of certain English words/phrases
  • Leverage version control tech to give both dependability and visibility to the process
  • Simple, easily parsable structure avoiding tradition baggage


Original language words that are loanable are transliterated.

  • Hebrew transliteration is done via a revised Michigan/Claremont mapping that is more ASCII friendly
  • Greek transliteration is done via the mapping below.
  • e.g. Yahweh; well-known enough to understandable as the name God gives Hisself
  • e.g. Shalom; recognizable enough to have meaning on its own Preserve the original word order via conjugations and punctuation as much as possible. When the same English word has been used for different original language words this is undone to use different words.


The thinking is: if we are going to preserve the spelling in a friendlier font (ASCII, LTR) then we might as well go all the way.

  • Hebrew has several 'H'-ish letters and a couple 'S'-ish letters- most western languages do not have enough Arab/Klingon guttural sounding letters.
  • Greek is much closer to English but a couple letters are transliterated as 2 english letters that approximate well.
  • There are subtle meaning influences in the spelling and word composition of both Hebrew and Greek.
  • It is easier to compute a 2nd language, derived word from the tranliteral than vice-versa. Here is the chosen mapping

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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