- Design a Martian Rover and a 5 DoF manipulator.
- Calculate and verify the kinematics of the manipulator.
- Simulate the rover in a Martian Environment.
- Control the rover in simulation.
- Execute the task of drilling into the surface in simulation.
- Integration of a camera onto the rover.
ROS is required to this package. Install ROS by follwoing the instructions on: http://wiki.ros.org/noetic/Installation
- Clone the github repo.
$ git clone link-of-repo
Inside the repo under package is the ROS package which is required to run the robot & the package is named as robo_car
Go to your catkin_ws by typing the command
$ cd <your catkin_ws_name>
Place that package in your catkin_ws under src
Then run the command
$ catkin_make clean && catkin_make
to build the package -
Source everytime you open a new terminal or made any changes in the ROS package using the command
source devel/setup.bash
Open two terminals and source ROS using the command mentioned above
Run the command below to launch the toy car in Gazebo environment
roslaunch mars_rover_v8 template_launch.launch
- In your other terminal run the command, to launch RViz
rosrun rviz rviz
- Add the RobotModel and Camera. There you go you can see the Rover and Camera visualization in RViz
Open two terminals and source ROS using the command mentioned above
Run the command below to launch the toy car in Gazebo environment
roslaunch mars_rover_v8 template_launch.launch
- In your other terminal run the command, to launch the teleop controllers
rosrun mars_rover_v8 Script_move.py
Credits to the repsective owners of trademarks and to
- NASA for openly available models of their Mars rovers
- TheConstructCore for their Curiosity Mars Rover package from which the envrionment was used
- https://github.com/marsiitr/Mars-Rover for their Model of the Mars Rover used for this project
- https://github.com/fath25/AachenRover for their model of the Mars Rover, the arm from it being used for this project