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Releases: thevarunaditya/SparxMaths-Solver

SparxSolver v1.2

03 Jun 21:02
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Use Electron-builder instead of Electron-packager.
Use Jimp instead of Sharp.
Build to a single easy-to-run file.

Instructions [Windows]

Make sure to click allow to the popups during the setup, or the app won't work properly.

  1. Run SparxSolverSetup.1-2.win_64.exe
  2. [Will be added soon]

Instructions [Mac]

  1. Determine if your mac is x64 or ARM64. If you need help, watch the installation video.
  2. Either download SparxSolverSetup.1-2.mac_x64.dmg (x64) or SparxSolverSetup.1-2.mac_arm64.dmg (arm64)
  3. If an error popups up, run this command in terminal: xattr -cr [sparxsolver app's file path] and relaunch the app


If tha app launches and lets you put images in, but INSTANTLY says "No answer for _____":

  1. Download nodejs from
  2. Run these commands in terminal
  npm install playwright
  npx playwright install

SparxSolver v1.1

31 May 08:57
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⚠️ This ia a beta, things might break (and they probably will)


Added proper logging for future releases/fixes
Added reloading questions for wrong answers
Added partial developer support for macOS
Added Setup.bat for installation, and removed installer. (Not working currently)

Instructions [Windows]

Make sure to click allow to the popups during the setup, or the app won't work properly.

  1. Install NodeJS from
  2. Download and unzip the file.
  3. Run these commands in terminal:
  npm install playwright
  npx playwright install
  1. Open the sparxsolver.exe
  2. If you need help with installing, watch the video: [coming soon]

Instructions [Mac]

  1. Determine if your mac is x64 or ARM64. If it's x64 it will be from before November 2020, and will have an Intel chip. If it's ARM64, it will have a M1, M2, or M3 chip and will from after November 2020.
  2. Install NodeJS from with the correct x64/ARM64 installer.
  3. Either download (x64) or (ARM64) and unzip the file into a folder.
  4. Run these commands in terminal:
  sudo npm install playwright
  npx playwright install
  xattr -cr [sparxsolver app's file path]
  1. If you don't know the sparxsolver app's file path or need help with installing, watch the video at

Known bugs

  • The first time you launch the app, the questions won't work. To fix this, close and reopen the app.
  • Some questions will just not go through at all.

SparxSolver v1.0

29 May 23:34
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The first release of the Spakes SparxSolver. Insanely unstable and has no proper logging. DONT USE THIS AT ALL COSTS. If you're curious, then check out the instructions:


Make sure to click allow to the popups during the setup, or the app won't work properly.

  1. Download SpakesSetup.exe. and open it.
  2. Accept all installation popups, and at the end a SparxSolver shortcut will appear on your desktop
  3. Use that the launch the (unstable) app.