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224 lines (183 loc) · 6.54 KB

File metadata and controls

224 lines (183 loc) · 6.54 KB



GLSL dependency resolution

All shader functions in this library are defined via simple maps stored in vars, each grouping source code and dependencies to other GLSL functions/snippets. The example spec below defines a new function with two dependencies.


  1. Since GLSL snippets are stored in normal ClojureScript vars, namespaces of dependent GLSL snippets need to be required as usual.
  2. It’s recommended, though optional, to use the defglsl, glsl-spec or minified macros for these GLSL source snippets to reduce boilerplate & final JS file size (see macro section below for more details).
  3. This library is written using Emacs ORG-mode and all GLSL snippets here are defined using their own code blocks, which makes development easier.
(ns example
   [ :include-macros true :refer-macros [defglsl minified]]
   [other.namespace :as other]
   [another.namespace :as another]))

(defglsl my-spec
  [other/spec another/spec]
  "vec3 myFunc(vec3 a, vec3 b) {
     return ...;

;; alternatively the same spec *without* using the defglsl macro...

(def my-spec
   [other/spec another/spec]
   "vec3 myFunc(vec3 a, vec3 b) {
      return ...;

;; ...or...

(def my-spec
  {:deps [other/spec another/spec]
   :src  "vec3 myFunc(vec3 a, vec3 b) {
             return ...;

In order to correctly concatenate the various shader source snippets, a dependency graph is computed during assembly using Stuart Sierra’s dependency library. The assemble function below receives a spec and returns an expanded GLSL source string with all dependencies in the correct order. Note that cyclic dependencies are not supported.

(defn- build-graph
  ([spec] (build-graph (dep/graph) spec))
  ([g curr]
      (fn [g d] (build-graph (dep/depend g curr d) d))
      g (:deps curr))))

(defn assemble
  (if (seq (:deps spec))
    (->> spec
         (mapv :src)
         (apply str))
    (:src spec)))

(defn glsl-spec-plain
  [deps src] {:deps deps :src src})

GLSL minifier

So far the minifier only performs the following operations:

  • comment removal (both single & multi line)
  • whitespace removal
(defn- minify-floats
   src #"(\d+)\.(\d+)"
   (fn [[o d f]]
       (= "0" d)        (str \. f)
       (every? #{\0} f) (str d \.)
       :else            o))))

(defn- minify-line
  (let [src (-> src
                (str/replace #"\s{2,}|\t" "")
                (str/replace #"\s*(\{|\}|\=|\*|\,|\+|/|\>|\<|\&|\||\[|\]|\(|\)|\-|\!|\;)\s*" "$1"))]
    (if (= \# (first src))
      (str "\n" src "\n")

(defn- clean-line-breaks
  [src] (str/replace src #"\n{2,}" "\n"))

(defn minify
  (let [src (-> src
                (str/replace #"//.*" "")
                (str/replace #"/\*[\s\S]*?\*/" "")
                (str/replace #"^\n+" ""))]
    (->> (str/split src #"\n")
         (map minify-line)
         (apply str)

Macro definitions

In addition to defining GLSL source code as Clojure strings, the library also allows to read source from files via the defglsl-file and glsl-file-spec macros. For example, the following spec pulls in the source from the file resources/glsl/foo.glsl in the current project dir.

(defglsl-file foo [dep1 dep2] "resources/glsl/foo.glsl")
   (defmacro minified
     [src] `~(minify src)))

   (defmacro glsl-spec
     [deps src] `{:deps ~deps :src (minified ~src)}))

   (defmacro glsl-file-spec
     [deps path] `{:deps ~deps :src (minified ~(slurp path))}))

   (defmacro defglsl
     [name deps src]
     `(do (def ~name (glsl-spec ~deps ~src))
          (alter-meta! (var ~name) merge ~(extract-glsl-meta src)))))

   (defmacro defglsl-file
     [name deps path]
     `(do (def ~name (glsl-file-spec ~deps ~path))
          (alter-meta! (var ~name) merge ~(extract-glsl-meta (get name :src))))))

GLSL metadata extraction

To improve the user experience and ease the development of custom tooling (e.g. shader editors), all shader specs created via the defglsl or defglsl-file macros attach GLSL metadata to their generated Clojue vars. This metadata can then be retrieved via Clojure’s meta fn, like this:

(meta #'

;; {:line        165,
;;  :column      1,
;;  :file        "thi/ng/glsl/lighting.cljc",
;;  :name        skylight-color,
;;  :ns          #object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x5ded04ed ""],
;;  :glsl-return "vec3",
;;  :glsl-name   "skylightColor",
;;  :glsl-args   ["vec3 col1" "vec3 col2" "float height"]}
(def ^:private re-meta
  #"((((highp|mediump|lowp)\s+)?(void|bool|float|int|(b|i)?vec\d|mat\d))\s+([\w_]+)\s*\(([A-Za-z0-9_, ]*)\)\s*\{)")

(defn extract-glsl-meta
  "Attempts to extract function name, return type and args from given
  GLSL source string. If successful, returns map w/ these
  keys: :glsl-name :glsl-return :glsl-args"
  (if-let [m (first (re-seq re-meta src))]
    (let [return (nth m 2)
          name   (nth m 7)
          args   (vec (filter seq (str/split (nth m 8) #",\s*")))]
      {:glsl-return return
       :glsl-name   name
       :glsl-args   args})))

Complete namespace definition

   [clojure.string :as str]
   [com.stuartsierra.dependency :as dep]))



