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CS32: Data Structures and Algorithms
Professor Smallberg
Thilan Tran
Winter 2018
Libertinus Serif
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CS32: Data Structures and Algorithms

Linking C++ Files

Linking and Multiple Compilation

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib>
#include <math>
using namespace std;

// Circle.h "Header File"

class Circle
    Circle(double x, double y, double r);
    bool scale(double factor);
    void draw() const;
    double radius() const; // member function promises not to modify the object
                           // always consider if functions should be declared const

    // now let's try and make sure data can never be in a bad state
    // always document restrictions / invariants

    // Class invariant:
    //   m_r > 0 (check boundary cases)

    double m_x;
    double m_y;
    double m_r;

// double area(Circle x);     // non-member function, passing by value, x is a copy
// double area(Circle& x);    // passing by reference,
                              // x is another name for an existing Circle, cheaper
double area(const Circle& x); // passing by constant reference, x is another name,
                              // promises not to modify x, cheaper
    // still won't compile, area() calls radius() which is not a const function!

// now let's implement Circle class and area()
// interface (what) vs. implementation (how)

// Circle.cpp "Implementation File"

#include "Circle.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <math>
using namespace std;

Circle::Circle(double x, double y, double r)
  : m_x(x), m_y(y), m_r(r) // member initialization list, executes before function body
  if (r <= 0) // how do we deal with this? constructors don't have a return value
              // can't use default value, constructor should not return normally
              // if constructor doesn't create a meaningful object,
              // could use exceptions in this case
    cerr << "Cannot create a circle with radius " << r << endl;
  // m_x = x;
  // m_y = y;
  // m_r = r;

bool Circle::scale(double factor)
  if (factor <= 0) // how do we deal with issue? can return a bool
                   // check boundary! we decided circle of radius 0 is invalid
    return false;
  m_r *= factor;
  return true;

void Circle::draw() const

double Circle::radius() const
  return m_r;

double area(Circle x)
  const double PI = 4 * atan(1.0);
  return PI * x.radius() * x.radius();

// let's say above code and main routine are on separate files
// how to get it to compile?

// myapp.cpp

#include "Circle.h" // double quotes references an actual file somewhere
#include <iostream> // angle brackets references some predefined directories
                    // ie. compiler specifications
using namespace std;

int main()
  Circle c(8, -3, 3.7);
  Circle d(-2, 5, 10);
  d.scale(2);     // some people argue to always test for valid return values
  // d.m_r = -10; // how do we prevent this? public / private distinction
                  // now won't compile, main() isn't a member function
                  // but how can area() access the m_r member now?
                  // use a public accessor function
  // language alternative: private variables were accessible but not modifiable?
  // then it's very difficult to change implementations! principle of abstraction
  cout << area(d);
  double e;
  cin >> e;
  if(!d.scale(e)) // now we can check if scale() was valid
  • normally, compiler takes c++ source code (.cpp), translates to an object file (.obj)
  • object file is still not executable, example code only has code for the main routine
    • object file defines the main routine
    • object file needs the implementations for
      • Circle::Circle()
      • Circle::scale()
      • Circle::draw()
      • area()
      • operator <<
    • some of these implementations are found in the library code: defines <<, other standard library functions
  • object file must be linked with the library code to generate an executable (linker)
  • if Circle's functions still aren't implemented, building will generate a linker error, not a compilation error
    • implementing functions more than once is another linker error
  • preferably, split large programs across multiple files
    • compiling and linking many object files is better than compiling one large file (separate compilation)
    • will reuse different up-to-date object files instead of recompiling and then relink (relinking faster than recompilation)

Header Files

  • in example code, compiling the two files creates two object files that satisfy each other
    • but we would have had to declare the entire Circle class twice
    • use header files!
      • for every class, convention is to have a header file and implementation file
      • #include "Header.h" acts as if entire header file code has been copied here, shorthand
      • don't have to explicitly compile header files!
        • eg. command line compilation: g32 -o myapp myapp.cpp Circle.cpp
        • or g32 -o myapp *.cpp
        • using * as a wildcard
  • never #include .cpp files!
    • can lead to multiple defined functions

Include Guards

// Point.h
// =======

#ifndef POINT_INCLUDED // "include guard"
class Point

// Circle.h
// ========


#include "Point.h"

class Circle
  Point m_center;
  double m_r;

// myapp.cpp
// =========

// #include "Point.h" // bad rule, necessitates including both header files to
                      // use Circle class, and Point.h before Circle.h
#include "Circle.h"
// #include "Point.h" // this would lead to a multiple defined linking error!
                      // declares Point class twice
#include "Point.h"    // this is fine after adding include guards

int main()
  Circle c(...);
  Point p(...);
  • As a general rule, header files should always include other header files they need to compile
  • but could lead to errors when including both Circle.h and Point.h
    • can use include guards with #ifndef, #endif
    • include guard is not necessary when multiple .cpp files include the same file
    • every header's include guard name should have different names
    • convention of #define HEADER_INCLUDED

Circular Dependency

// Student.h
// =========


// #include "Course.h" // needs to know what a course is, circular dependency

class Course;

class Student
  void enroll(Cource* cp);
  Course* m_studyList[10];

// Course.h
// ========


// #include "Student.h" // needs to know what a student is, circular dependency

class Student;

class Course
  Student* m_roster[1000];

// blah.cpp
// ========

#include "Student.h"
#include "Course.h"

void f(Student* sp, Course* cp)

// foo.cpp  fine to have multiple includes and incomplete type declarations

#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>
class A;
class A;
class A // but only one actual declaration of class A
  • circular dependency! will not resolve by including headers
  • the compiler just needs to know how big the class declarations are
    • but all pointers to class types are the same size
    • thus, don't need to know all the details of a class to use a pointer to that class
      • or to use a class as a parameter or a return type
    • so convention is to use incomplete type declarations whenever possible (cheaper)
      • avoid unnecessary #include's
    • as soon as details of a class are necessary, the header file must be included
      • eg. using member functions, constructors, etc.

Constructing with Member Initialization Lists

class Circle
    Circle(double x, double y, double r);
    double m_x;
    double m_y;
    double m_r;

Circle::Circle(double x, double y, double r);
  : m_x(x), m_y(y)
  m_r = r;

class StickFigure
    StickFigure(double bl, double headDiam, std::string nm, double hx, double hy);
    std::string m_name;
    Circle m_head;
    double m_bodyLength;

StickFigure:: StickFigure(double bl, double headDiam, std::string nm, double hx, double hy)
  : m_name(nm), m_head(hx, hy, headDiam/2), m_bodyLength(bl)
  // must initialize m_head here, m_name is optional to initialize here
  // good practice to initialize everything here
  // m_name = nm; // first empty string then assignment, slightly more expensive
  // m_x = hx;    // private members of Circle! can't use simple assignment
  // m_y = hy;
  // m_r = headDiam / 2;
  // m_head = ??? // already previously constructed with default constructor
                  // (won't compile, didn't exist)
  // m_bodyLength = bl;

struct Employee
  string name;
  double salary;
  int age;

Employee e;

// ====== compiler-written constructor:
// Employee::Employee()
// {}

Circle c(-2, 5, 10);
// first m_x and m_y are initialized in member initialization list,
// then m_r is updated in constructor body

StickFigure sf(5, 4, "Fred", -2, 7);
// m_name first empty string, then "Fred"
// but if assigned using member initalizer list,
// doesn't call default constructor, cheaper
  • construction/assignment nuances
    • for built-in types, simple: just change the contents
      • doesn't matter if value is assigned later in body or initialized
    • for class types, different:
      • whenever object of a class type is declared/created, a constructor is always called
      • when assigning to a class type, it's an already constructed object, assignment != construction
      • eg. string starts out with empty string
      • for member objects in a class, may have to use member initialization list to construct them with parameters
    • recall: if you declare no constructors at all, the compiler writes a zero-argument constructor (default constructor)
  • steps of construction:
    1. construct the base object
    2. construct each data member, consulting the member initialization list
    • if not listed:
      • built-in type: left uninitialized
      • class type: default-constructed (having no default constructor is an error)
    1. execute body of constructor

Pointers & Dynamic Arrays

Writing a String type

class String
    // String(); // should empty string have a nullptr or a pointer to a zero byte?
                 // nullptr is cheaper/faster (more users benefit),
                 // pointer to zero byte acts like any other String
                 // (programmer benefits)

    String(const char* text = "");
    // can use a default parameter instead of a default constructor
    // can be called without arguments, default constructor!
    // default constructor means a constructor that
    // CAN be called with zero arguments

    // String(String other); // WRONG syntax for copy constructor, won't compile!
                             // cyclical, needs to call itself as a copy constructor
    String(const String& other); // correct syntax using const reference


    // void assign(const String& rhs);      // right hand side
    // void operator=(const String& rhs);   // we want to chain operator
    // String operator=(const String& rhs); // creates an extra copy, wasteful
    String& operator=(const String& rhs);

    void swap(String& other);      // for copy and swap idiom

      // Class invariant: // always make sure to document all cases
      //  m_text points to a dynamically allocated array of m_len+1 chars
      //  m_len >= 0
      //  m_len == strlen(m_text)
    // char m_text[???];   // should there be a limit on the number of characters?
    char* m_text;// now has a dynamic size
    int m_len;   // how to find end of the String? store size? append zero byte?
                 // why not both?

String::String(const char* text) // text is a pointer to constant chars!
  if (text == nullptr)// let's produce empty string if nullptr was passed
    text = "";        // text can point to different places,
                      // but can't modify those chars
  m_len = strlen(text);
  // m_text = text;  // WRONG! can't just copy the pointer,
                     // m_text then could have its string value changed elsewhere
                     // instead, m_text should hold its own char array
  m_text = new char[m_len+1];
    // can use a non constant array size when using new operator!
    // char built-in-type, so uninitialized
  // Blah* bp = new Blah[n];
    // on the other hand, default-constructors called n-times for the blah objects!
  strcpy(m_text, text);

// String::String()// make this as similar to the other constructor as possible
// {
//   // m_len = 0;
//   m_len = strlen("");
//   // m_text = new char[1];
//   m_text = new char[m_len+1];
//   // m_text[0] = '\0';
//   strcpy(m_text, "");
//   // now we can actually combine the constructors into one!
// }

String::String(const String& other)
  m_len = other.m_len;// yes, can access the private data members of any String
  // m_text = other.m_text; // no, has the same issue as compiler
                            // generated copy constructor, memory leaks
  m_text = new char[m_len+1];
  strcpy(m_text, other.m_text);

  // m_len = other.size();  // could alternatively copy using only member functions,
                            // but could be much less efficient!
  // m_text = new char[m_len+1];
  // for (int k = 0; k < m_len; k++)
  //   m_text[k] = other.charAt(k);
  // m_text[m_len] = '\0';

  // delete m_text; // BUT different forms of delete!
                    // for single dynamic objects, use delete p;
                    // for array of dynamic objects, use delete [] p;
  delete [] m_text;

// void String::assign(const String& rhs)    // we want to allow chaining operator
String& String::operator=(const String& rhs) // overloading assignment operator
                                             // can only overload existing operators
                                             // eg. s.operator[](k); or s[k];
  if (this != &rhs)
    // delete [] m_text;// no more memory leak
    // m_len = rhs.m_len;
    // m_text = new char[m_len+1];
    // strcpy(m_text, rhs.m_text);

    String temp(rhs);// "copy-and-swap" approach for assignment operators
    swap(temp);      // works better with assignment,
                     // checks for self assignment, elegant!
                     // swap swaps the pointers
                     // temp is destructed at the end
  return *this;      // allows for chaining assignment operator

void swap(String& other)
  char* temp = m_text;
  m_text = other.m_text;
  other.m_text = temp;

  int temp2 = m_len;
  m_len = other.m_len;
  other.m_len = temp2;

char* f(...); // returns a c-string

void h()
  String s("Hello"); // passing an array of characters to constructor
                     // double-quoted literals already have a zero byte appended
  String s2;         // acts same as if String s2("");
  String s3(f(...)); // what if null pointer? (can test)
                     // or no zero byte? (can't really deal with this problem)
  char line[1000];
  cin.getline(line, 1000);
  String t(line);
  cin.getline(line, 1000); // will overwrite line! since t simply holds a pointer,
                           // t would now hold a different String if m_text
                           // was initialized by pointer assignment

void g()
  for (...)
} // memory leak! dynamically allocated memory isn't released!
  // memory is a finite resource
  // "garbage" memory fills up over time unless there is a destructor

Default Parameter Values

  • void f(int i, double d)
  • void f(int i)
  • if these functions act the same as if f(int i, 3.7), can combine into the same function using default values:
    • void f(int i, double d = 3.7)
      • this acts as both a one and two argument function
      • defaults to value of 3.7 for d if called with only one argument
    • eg. void g(int i, Point p = Point(), double d = 3.7)
      • acts as a one, two, and three argument function
      • can call:
        • g(10, q, 4.8);
        • g(10, q); acts as g(10, q, 3.7)
        • g(10); acts as g(10, Point(), 3.7)
      • cannot call:
        • g(10, , 4.8);
    • once you have provide a default value for an argument, all the other following arguments must also contain default values
    • default values can be any expression (even dynamically allocated objects), not necessarily constant
    • only cannot depend on the other parameters
  • default values only go in the prototype (header), NOT the implementation
  • can lead to ambiguities/compile issues
    • eg. function with two parameters (one default), and same name function with only one parameter
      • cannot call that function with one argument

Copy Constructors & Assignment Operator Overloading

// continued from String class above

void f(String t) // default copy constructor copies length and
                 // pointer to dynamic array from s to t
  // eg. t.set(0, 'J'); // here, value of s has changed out from under it!
                        // (because s and t both point to the same array)
  String u("WOW");
  // u = t;      // compiler generates an assignment operator that simply
                 // copies each data member from t into u
                 // in this case, leads to a memory leak:
                 // replaces and loses pointer to dynamic array ("WOW")
  // u.assign(t);// let's try writing a member function for assignment
  u = t;         // means u.operator=(t);
}                // t goes away at the end of a function,
                 // t's destructor is called, deletes dynamic array

void g()
  String s("Hello");
}                // tries to delete the same dynamic array, undefined behavior
                 // as it is, can't pass our String class by value (copy)
                 // solution: we have to write our own copy constructor that
                 // creates a new dynamic array

// all the following examples involve copies and have the same issues
// tries to delete the same dynamic arrays twice
String s("Hello");
String t(s);

String h()
  String x;
  return x;

// Ex. Overloading copy constructor from String class

String::String(const String& other)
  m_len = other.m_len;
  m_text = new char[m_len+1];
  strcpy(m_text, other.m_text);

  // m_len = other.size();
  // m_text = new char[m_len+1];
  // for (int k = 0; k < m_len; k++)
  //   m_text[k] = other.charAt(k);
  // m_text[m_len] = '\0';

// Ex. Overloading assignment operator from String class

// void String::assign(const String& rhs)    // we want to allow chaining operator
String& String::operator=(const String& rhs)
  if (this != &rhs)
    String temp(rhs);
  return *this;

Copy Construction

  • passing by value passes a COPY... how do copies work? copying is done by a copy constructor!
    • copy constructor creates an object based on another object
    • there are certain language constructs where copy constructor is called automatically (like default constructor)
      • eg. passing by value, returning an object, copy constructing ( String t(s); )
        • alternate syntax for copy construction String s3 = s1;
      • initializing a brand new object
    • compiler writes its own default copy constructor, simply copies each member into copy (shallow copy)
    • using compiler generated copy constructor with dynamically allocated objects can lead to issues
      • error trying to delete dynamic objects multiple times
    • using copy constructor on classes composed of other classes with their own copy constructor
      • automatically calls those specific classes' copy constructors

Assignment Operator

  • copying is NOT the same as assignment!
    • assignment operator does NOT call copy constructor
      • can only construct once
      • copy constructor theoretically wouldn't work in this case either, doesn't delete old dynamic memory
    • constructor: nothing in this to begin with (initialization)
    • assignment: there is stuff in this to begin with
    • compiler generated assignment operator copies each member (shallow copy)
    • make sure to check for errors from aliasing (don't sink your own ships)
  • you can overload operators in c++
    • example syntax in prototype: void String::operator=(...)
      • eg. s.operator
    • can only overload existing operators
    • for assignment operator, convention is to return (*this) as a String reference in order to allow for chain assignment
      • assignment associates from right to left
      • eg. i = j = k = 0;
    • have to ensure assigning an object to itself still works
      • eg. i = i;
      • otherwise, we may delete dynamic memory and then try to access there again

Inline Methods

  • inline function code is embedded directly into the calling function by the compiler (for speed)
    • all functions with their body defined in their class are automatically inline
    • speed up program, but may make the .exe file larger
inline int bar(int a) // in function prototype
inline int foo::bar(int a)
inline ItemType foo<ItemType>::bar(ItemType a)

Data Structures and Algorithms

Linked Lists

  • types of arrays so far:
    • fixed size array
      • number of elements has to be known at compile time
      • keep track of size
    • dynamically allocated array
      • now number of elements doesn't have to be known at compile time
      • but, now have to keep track of current size as well as max capacity
        • could be done with numbers or pointers
    • resizeable array (vector)
      • when going over capacity, dynamically allocate a larger array
        • how much to extend capacity by?
        • general rule of thumb, 1.5 * current capacity
      • copy all items into new array
      • delete old array, reassign to new array and increase capacity
  • Pros and Cons of Arrays
    • Pros
      • same time to access each element
        • compiler knows where elements are stored contiguously
      • easy to add to the end of the array
    • Cons
      • hard to maintain the order, such as inserting in the middle or beginning
    • weigh pros and cons when considering data structures!
    • difficult to insert in the middle because memory for an array is contiguous
  • how to make a data structure where the memory is incontiguous?
    • each value could hold a pointer to the next!
    • 65 -> 35 -> 69 -> 420 -> 666
    • how to signify end of the sequence? use nullptr
    • have a variable hold the first element of the list

Possible Approaches

  • this is a linked list!
    • first element: head / front
    • each element is a node
    • last element: tail / back
    • to insert in the middle, instead of having to shift elements:
      • allocate a new node
      • put data of interest in new node
      • new node points to previous node's next node
      • previous node points to new node
    • only way to traverse right now is forward through the pointers, one step at a time
    • can't jump into the middle of the list
    • other considerations:
      • save pointer to the last node if doing operations often around the tail
        • but in a one item list, head = tail
      • have each node also point to the previous node (doubly-linked list)
        • much easier to insert and delete
        • don't have to go through the loop again to find the previous node
        • can also travel backwards
      • make a circular list
        • last node points back to the head
        • no more nullptr's, fewer special considerations (but head, tail, empty still special cases)
      • add a dummy node
        • even though it doesn't hold a value, now there is always at least one node present
        • no more special cases!
        • acts as a placeholder
        • no longer needs a tail pointer

General Tips

  • Tips:
    • general rule: any time you write p->something, make sure to check
      • p has previously been given a value
      • p is not the nullptr
    • draw diagrams!
      • check typical situation (activity in the middle), at the head, at the tail
      • emtpy list, one-element list
    • don't do things in the wrong order
      • general rule: set values in the new node first


struct Node
  int   data;
  Node* next; // this is fine to the compiler, but can't have a node within a node

struct Node   // doubly-linked list
  int   data;
  Node* next; // successor
  Node* prev; // predecessor

Node* head;   // head points to the first element
              // if head == nullptr, list is empty

// Print out all values of the list

// while (head != nullptr)
// {
//   cout << head->data << endl;
//   head = head->next;
// }          // but now we can't go backwards, we lost head pointer!

for (Node* p = head; p != nullptr; p = p->next)
  cout << p->data << endl;

// Find an element of the list

Node* p;
for (p = head; p != nullptr && p->data != 42; p = p->next)
if (p == nullptr)
  cout << "Target value is not in the list" << endl;
  cout << "p->data is " << p->data << endl;
// check for nullptr everywhere! can't cout a nullptr
// what if the element isn't in the list?
// would this work with an empty list?
// short-circuit with p != nullptr!

// Insert element after another

Node* p;
for (p = head; p != nullptr && p->data != 42; p = p->next)
if (p != nullptr)
  Node* newGuy = new Node;
  newGuy->data = 32;
  newGuy->next = p->next;
  p->next = newGuy;

Stacks and Queues

  • collection of data, but with a limited possibility of actions
  • if so, implementing the data structure could be simpler


  • eg. the data structure runtime has to maintain:
    • calling a function suspends the current function
    • opens a new environment for the new function
    • falls back to the previous environment
    • all additions and removals happen at the end of the structure!
  • new items always inserted at the end, only last item can be removed
  • LIFO - last in, first out
  • this is a stack!
  • Stack:
    • create an empty stack
    • push an item onto a stack
    • pop an item from the stack (only when not empty)
    • look at the top item on the stack (only when not empty)
    • is the stack empty?
  • more possible stack functionalities
    • how many items are in the stack?
    • look at any item in the stack


  • what about similar, but with waiting in line? (first in line is served first)
  • new items always inserted at the end, but only first item can be removed
  • FIFO - first in, first out
  • this is a queue!
  • Queue:
    • create an empty queue
    • enqueue an item (at the tail / back)
    • dequeue an item (from the head / front) (only when not empty)
    • look at front item in the queue (no need to look at back of the queue) (only when not empty)
    • is the queue empty?
  • more possible queue functionalities
    • how many items are in the queue?
    • look at the back item in the queue
    • look at any item in the queue
  • these aren't low level data structures, both can be implemented with arrays or linked lists
  • these have limitations, rather than general purpose arrays / linked lists

Priority Queues

  • priority queue - extension of queue, every item has a priority value
    • items of same priority ordered by FIFO (so a queue)
  • eg. printer printing pages: 1000, 1, 1
    • if treated as a normal queue, average wait time would be ~1000 for each print job
    • if instead we prioritize shorter print jobs, average wait time would be ~350 for each print job
      • should also include an "aging scheme" so that items in the queue for a long time eventually get processed
  • unsorted sequence:
    • insertion: O(1) (just push end)
    • remove: O(N) (find highest priority item)
  • sorted sequence:
    • insertion: O(N) (insert in order)
    • remove: O(1) (just pop end)
  • BST:
    • insertion: O(logN)
    • remove: O(logN)
    • but if we're always approaching from the top side of the BST, high time complexity to rebalance the tree...
      • use a heap!


#include <stack>
using namespace std;

int main()
  stack<int> s;
  int n =; // n == 20
  s.pop();         // void! (varies with different libraries / languages)
  if (!s.empty())
    cout << s.size();

#include <queue>
using namespace std;

int main()
  queue<int> q;
  q.push(10);        // not enqueue / dequeue
  int n = q.front(); // n == 10
  if (!q.empty())
    cout << q.size() << endl;
    cout << q.back() << endl; // c++ allows this

Stack Implementations

  • with an array:
    • have to maintain capacity and current size
    • to push, assign value and increment size
    • to pop, simply decrement the counter
    • thus top is the "end" of array
  • with a linked list:
    • maintain just head pointer
    • to push, add node to the head, not the tail
    • thus treat the head as the top, easiest to get to
    • to pop, remove node from head

Queue Implementations

  • with an array:
    • have to maintain capacity, head, and tail
    • head at position 0, tail at position one beyond last item in queue
      • number of items in queue then just tail - head
      • to enqueue, assign value and increment tail
      • if tail moved up to capacity
        • should we shift head and tail back to the beginning of the array?
        • could be array space usable before the head
        • eg. size of 2, but 98 spaces earlier in array with values that have been dequeued
        • instead, treat the array circularly and wrap back around!
        • called "circular array" or "ring buffer"
        • if head == tail, queue is either empty or full, how to distinguish?
        • instead maintain another variable for the current size
    • when dequeueing, would have to shift all values backwards
      • instead, simply shift the head forward!
      • head is position of the first item in queue
  • with a linked list:
    • maintain head and tail pointers
    • to enqueue, add node to tail
    • to dequeue, remove node from head
    • unique case when empty or one element (boundary case)
    • usually no dummy node, singly linked (but tail still points to the end)

Evaluating Expressions with Algorithms

  • eg. sample custom expression for a database could be:
    • dept = 'IT' and salary >= 70000 and name != 'SMITH'
  • Prefix Notation:
    • does not need to consider precedence:
      • every operator takes a certain number of operands
    • f(x,y,z)
    • add(sub(8, div(6, 2)), 1)
    • + - 8 / 6 2 1
  • Infix Notation:
    • issues with precedence and associativity
    • 8 - 6 / 2 + 1
  • Postfix Notation:
    • does not need to consider precedence
    • 8 6 2 / - 1 +

Evaluating Postfix Expression

  • How do we parse through an infix expression in one go to solve these expressions?
    • translate into postfix and do it!
    • eg. 8 6 2 / - 1 +
      • can use an alogrithm with a stack to solve
      • ever operator should match with two operands immediately before it
      • going from left to right:
        • if at an operand, push it onto stack
        • if at an operator, pop its operands, and push the result of the expression
        • should end with a single result in stack
      • 8 6 2 /
      • 8 3 -
      • 5 1 +
      • 6

Translating Infix to Postfix

  • How do we translate an infix expression into postfix?
    • also use an algorithm with a stack
    • going from left to right:
      • if at an operand, put it in new postfix expression
      • if at an operator and stack is empty, push it onto the stack
      • otherwise if precedence is strictly higher than top of stack push it onto the stack
        • if top of stack is open parenthesis, always push
      • otherwise if precedence is not strictly higher than top of stack, pop it from the stack, check again
      • if come to open parenthesis, push it onto stack
      • if come to close parenthesis, pop until we come to an open parenthesis
      • at end, pop everything off the stack
    • eg. 8 - ( ( 2 + 1 ) * 2 - 3 ) + 4
    • Expression: 8 2 1 + 2 * 3 - - 4 +
    • Operator Stack: - ( ( + ) * - ) +


  • tree has a distinguished node (root), and one unique path from the root to any node
    • parent / child node relationships
    • leaf node has no children vs. interior node
    • depth of a node
    • height of the tree (max node depth)
  • alternatively, every node really only needs two pointers / children (left and right)
    • called a binary tree
  • every node has data and pointers to indicate structure of a tree
  • operations with trees can be done more easily with recursion
    • base cases for trees:
      • empty tree, sometimes leaf nodes
    • recursive cases must solve smaller problem:
      • fewer nodes / breaking down into sub-trees
      • shorter height
  • information can be passed up or down the tree recursively
  • processing patterns:
    • pre-order traversal:
      • process node => process children of that node
    • in-order traversal:
      • for binary trees: process left subtree => process the node => process right subtree
    • post-order traversal:
      • process children of a node => process that node (passing info up)
    • level-order traversal:
      • process each level's nodes from left to right => process next level
    • all O(N)
    • draw counter-clockwise loop around tree to visualize:
      • pre-order: dot on left
      • in-order: dot under
      • post-order: dot on right


struct Node
  string data;
  // Node* children[5];   // instead, variable number of children
  vector<Node*> children; // "singly-linked"
  Node* parent;           // "doubly-linked", optional

Node* root = nullptr;     // empty tree

// approach with a stack, or with recursion ...
int countNodes(const Node* t)
  if (t == nullptr)// only base case is empty tree, leaf node handled generally
    return 0;
  int total = 1;
  for (int k = 0; k < t->children.size(); k++)
    total += countNodes(t->children[k]);
  return total;

// print indented list
void printTree(const Node* t, int depth = 0); // default depth param in prototype

// void printTree(const Node* t) // have to keep track of depth for indents
void printTree(const Node* t, int depth)
  if (t != nullptr)
    cout << string(2*depth, ' ') << t->data << endl; // temporary string
    for (int k = 0; k < t->children.size(); k++)
      // cout << "  ";// won't work, subtrees don't know how deep they are
      // printTree(t->children[k], ++depth); // reassigning depth!
      printTree(t->children[k], depth+1);

// could overload printTree() with helper function
void printTree(const Node* t) { printTree(t, 0); }

int main()
  Node* windsor;
  printTree(windsor); // could overload printTree() or just use default parameter

Binary Trees

  • any valid tree can be represented as a binary tree
  • either empty, or a node with a left binary subtree and a right binary subtree
  • how to convert a tree with arbitrary number of children to a binary tree?
    • left points to one of the children, right points to "siblings"
struct Node
  string data;
  Node* left;
  Node* right;

// eg. for a family tree
struct Node
  string data;
  Node* oldestChild;
  Node* nextYoungerSibling;
  • complete binary tree is a binary tree that is filled at every level
    • except possibly the bottom, which is filled left to right
    • only one configuration for every number of filled nodes

Binary Search Tree

  • special application of a binary tree
  • either empty, or a node with a left BST and a right BST such that:
    • the value at every node in the left BST is <= the value at this node and
    • the value at every node in the right BST is >= the value at this node
  • traversals always O(N), visit every item
  • search: O(logN), similar to binary search on a sorted array
    • worst case O(N)
  • example insert algorithm: (O(logN), search and then insert)
    • if empty, add as first node
    • otherwise, if less than current item, follow nodes to the left
    • otherwise, if greater than current item, follow nodes to the right
    • loop recursively
    • but this could lead to unbalanced sort trees with O(N) searching!
  • example removal algorithm: (O(logN), search and then insert)
    • must keep track of parent
    • if target is a leaf node:
      • unlink from its parent (set parent to point to nullptr) and delete it
    • if has one child:
      • relink its parent to target's only child and delete it
    • if has two children:
      • replace its values with: (don't actually delete the node itself)
        • the largest value in its left subtree and then delete that node
        • ie. one step to the left and all the way to the right
        • the smallest value in its right subtree and then delete that node
        • ie. one step to the right and all the way to the left
    • thus, this utilizes a simpler deletion algorithm for the replacement
    • how do we choose which value to promote when deleting a node?
      • alternate left and right, or just randomly choose
  • balanced BST's:
    • AVL tree - height of left subtree and right subtree differ by no more than one
      • search: always O(logN), always balanced
      • insertion: first insert using "dumb" algorithm and then rebalance the tree (O(logN), worse constant than "dumb" approach)
      • deletion: O(logN), worse constant than "dumb" approach
    • 2-3 Tree - every node has two children (holds 1 value) or three children (holds 2 values)
      • all leaf nodes are at the same depth
      • search: don't have to go as deep
      • insertion: combination of splitting and promoting nodes
    • Red-Black Tree 2-3-4 trees - can represent structure using regular BST's
      • each node has extra boolean value defining its type / rules
      • no adjacent red nodes, every path from root to descendant has same number of black nodes
      • left and right subtrees differ up to a factor of 2
      • less work for balancing, but good enough
      • all operations: O(logN), better constant for insert / deletion than AVL tree
      • used with STL containers, eg. set
struct Node
  string data;
  Node* left;
  Node* right;

// inorder traversal
void printTree(const Node* t)
  if (t == nullptr)
  printTree(t->left);  // print left subtree
  cout << t->data << endl;
  printTree(t->right); // print right subtree

Hash Table

  • we want to organize items indexed by ints, eg. 40,000 9-digit student IDs with student records
  • if we had an array that is subscripted by the ID
    • lookup would be constant O(1), simply jump to the subscripted ID!
    • BUT wasted space in the array (1 billion slots in array, and what if the student record is large)
  • now, have the array hold pointers instead of the actual student record
    • less space needed (only allocate 40,000 student records), but still empty slots in array
  • now, organize the student ID's into various buckets
    • easy to determine what bucket student ID belongs to
    • can check even fewer elements in that bucket
      • buckets can be empty or have different number of items
    • eg. bucket number is last 4 digits of the student ID, 10,000 buckets with 4 elements each
  • general insert algorithm:
    • determine which bucket
    • add item into bucket
      • order of items in a bucket doesn't matter, so few items, just use the simplest insert operation
      • eg. front of a linked list
  • this is a hash table!
  • collision - two different keys map to the same bucket
  • load factor = # of items / # of buckets
    • tradeoff between many empty buckets and a long list
    • as load factor increases, collision chance and search time increase
      • 0.7 load factor
  • hash table with fixed number of buckets is actually O(N) but with a really low constant of proportionality
    • eg. for the student ID's, O(110000N)
    • slower as buckets become more full
    • for large enough N, BST still wins out!
  • compared to BST:
    • hash table has a start-up time
      • must initialize the buckets to nullptrs!
    • BST allows for easy sorted order traversal
      • possible solution with hash table:
        • every item in a bucket has a pointer to the next ordered item
        • probably doubly-linked
    • so, go with hash table unless we want to visit items in order
      • but if we don't have to visit sorted items often...
        • simply add all items from hash table into a vector, then sort the pointers / values
        • this is O(NlogN), worse than O(N) for BST traversal
        • but BST costs O(logN) for every insert
      • paying O(logN) cost somewhere, hash table may be more efficient

Dynamic / Resizable Hash Table

  • fixed limit on the load factor
  • resize hash table and reallocate entire table with new buckets once limit is reached
    • eg. twice as many buckets
    • but now keys may be rehashed to different buckets (mod buckets gives a different value)
      • must be re-added
    • then add the new item
    • newly reallocated table has low load factor, then starts to fill up until max load faactor
  • has constant time O(1), but every so often has to do a rehash O(N) when inserting
    • but on average, still O(1)! (amortized, averaged)
    • however, big rehashes can cause spikes of bad time complexity
  • instead, use incremental rehashing:
    • rehash some of the table at one time instead of entire table (eg. 5 elements)
    • when new table is partially rehashed:
      • search, insertion, and deletion must check both tables (still O(1))
        • every insertion / deletion will incrementally rehash more elements from the first table
    • but now, every insertion has a constant runtime!
      • ie. 20% of the time, in two-table mode, have a higher constant runtime

Hash Functions

  • hash function - key -> integer (then take integer and scale to number of buckets)
    • then, integer mod number of buckets to scale to buckets
    • eg. strings, add up the ACII codes; /1000 or %1000 for numbers
      • could also multiply ASCII codes
      • selecting digits, folding (adding digits), modulo arithmetic, string to int
    • use a prime number for number of buckets
      • eg. h(x) = x % numBuckets
      • reduces collisions
      • deals with distributions that aren't uniform
    • want cheap, deterministic, uniformly distributed result
  • collision resolution schemes
    • linear probing - closed hash - data stored in a fixed-size array
      • "closed" number of buckets
      • if bucket is occupied, scan down from bucket until we hit the first open bucket
        • buckets represented as arrays
        • if at end of buckets, wrap around to the front
        • when searching, now have to probe linearly until we find our value or hit empty bucket
      • issue of primary clustering (values are as close to intended bucket as possible)
        • longer probing sequences and time to seach
        • difficult to delete items, limit on # of items to hold!
        • deleting items may disrupt the linear probing
      • less efficient, faster growth in search time
      • more memory efficient
      • average number of checks for insert/find: $1/2(1+1/(1-L))$
    • separate chaining - open hash tables - data stored in linked-lists, not size-limited
      • in case of collision, just add another value to the linked-list
      • more efficient, slower growth in search time
      • average number of checks for insert/find: $1 + L/2$
  • sample hash function for strings:
// FNV-1 variation (Folwer-No-Vo) -
// fast while maintaining low collision with high dispersion
unsigned int h = 2166136261U; // ensure positive, U removes compiler warning
                              // for large integer, ie. "offset basis"
for (int k = 0; k < key.size(); k++)
  h += key[k];
  h *= 16777619; // FNV_prime, eg. 2^40 + 2^8 + 0xb3

// STL hash function
#include <functional>

unsigned int hashFunct(const std::string& key)
  std::hash<std::string> str_hash; // define string hashing object
  unsigned int hashValue = str_hash(key);
  return hashValue % NUM_BUCKETS;


  • (max) heap - a complete binary tree where each node has a value >= all the nodes in its subtrees
    • order and what's in each child isn't important...
  • eg:
    60      80
  40  50  70  20
10  30
  • min heap - a complete binary tree where each node has a value less than or equal to all the nodes in its subtrees
  • is a complete binary tree
  • insertion:
    • first add the item to make a complete binary tree (only one possible location)
    • then, if the item is greater than its parent, simply swap them
      • "bubble" up the new items to its proper position (reheapify)
      • O(logN) to bubble up
  • removal: (only want to remove max item)
    • remove root
    • promote bottom-most item (of complete binary tree) and promote it to the root
      • ie. remake tree into a complete binary tree
    • "trickle" down the root to its proper position (reheapify)
      • at each level, make sure parent is larger than both its children
    • O(logN) to trickle down
  • heap sort / partial heap sort:
    • insert all items into a heap (O(NlogN)) and then extract however many items (OKlogN)
    • uses heaps to sort an array partially, eg. top N items
    • approximately O(NlogN)
  • but in either case, have to calculate position of the bottom-right node / parent and children nodes in the tree
    • there is another representation that allows for this calculation to be done in constant time
      • use arrays!
  • number nodes from left to right, top to bottom from 0 to N-1, and use that number as the index in an array
    • given node number i, is there a formula that generates the parent and children of i?
      • (i-1)/2 gives the parent of i (using integer division)
      • 2i+1 and 2i+2 gives the children of i, provided they are less than the number of nodes
    • now it is constant time to find the bottom-most item of the tree! (given at N-1)
    • can still use the same bubble up / trickle down algorithms (they still have the same complexity)
    • use array operations but visualize with a tree!


  • made up of multiple records (represented by a struct)
    • each record has related fields
  • a table can be represented by a collection of structs
  • how to efficiently search by different fields (eg. name, ID, phone number)?
    • retain one table, but:
    • use secondary data structures called indexes
      • eg. maps mapping name to slot in vector, id to slot in vector, etc.
    • when updating and deleting records, must update across all indexes
  • use BST to store data in order
  • use hash table for fast searching when order isn't important (eg. phone numbers)


  • made up of nodes (vertices) and edges (arcs) connecting them
    • graphs can have undirected or directed edges
      • cyclic graph where a path leads back to a node vs. acyclic graph
      • directed, acyclic graphs are relatively common
  • graphs can model many different types of problems
  • there are many graph algorithms of different time complexities
    • "graph theory"
    • eg. topological sort
  • implementation:
    • use a 2-d array if lots of edges between vertices but few vertices
    • each element indicates if there is an edge between vertex i & j
      • called an adjacency matrix
    • multiplying an adjacency matrix by itself yields a matrix showing us vertices 2, 3, etc. edges apart
    • could also use an array of lists if few edges and many vertices
      • eg. list graph[n]
  • breadth-first and depth-first traversals also apply to graphs
    • forward until dead end vs. exploring graph in growing concentric circles
  • can have weighted edges on graphs
    • use Dijktra's Algorithm to find the shortest path between any two nodes in a graph
      • uses settled / unsettled vertices

Standard Template Library (STL)

  • we've seen stacks and queues in the STL
  • using STL requires using namespace std


  • dynamically resizable array
  • error checking not built into subscript operator, because it would be expensive!
    • to be safe, check if subscript is out of bounds
  • at() function does do bounds checking
  • inserting in the middle is expensive
  • jumping to different elements is cheap (via brackets)
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

vector<int> vi;
vi.empty(); // true
vi.push_back(30);   // no push_front()
cout << vi.size();  // writes 3 (doesn't work for arrays!)
cout << vi.front(); // writes 10
cout << vi.back();  // writes 30
vi[1] = 40;         // gives a reference to that value, vi[3] = 50;
                    // would be undefined behavior
for (size_t k = 0; k < vi.size(); k++) // size_t, unsigned integer type
  cout << vi[k] << endl;
  // writes 10 40 30, one per line
vi.pop_back();      // undefined if vector is empty, vi.empty()
for (size_t k = 0; k < vi.size(); k++)
  cout << vi[k] << endl;
  // writes 10 40, one per line = 60; = 70;      // throws exception

vector<double> vd(10);          // vd.size() is 10, each element is 0.0
vector<string> vs(10, "Hello"); // vs.size() is 10, each element is "Hello"
int a[5] = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
vector<int> vx(a, a+5);         // passing a range of values in a container
// vx.size() is 5, vx[0] is 10, vx[1] is 20, ..., vx[4] is 50

// optionally:
vector<int> vx = {10,20,30,40,50}; // C++11
vector<int> vx {10,20,30,40,50};   // C++11
vector<int> vx(100);// all 100 elements are default initialized / constructed

// common mistake:
vector<int> vi;
// vi[0] = 10; // undefined! vi.size() is 0, no elements!


  • data members:
    • dynamically allocated array
    • size
    • capacity
  • empty:
    • nullptr to array
    • size, cap of 0
  • at full capacity:
    • allocates a larger capacity, copies values, deletes old values, retargets pointer, update capacity
  • this means saving a pointer can leave a dangling pointer later on after a pushback!
    • anything pointing to the vector can become invalidated!
    • remember the position instead of saving a pointer...


  • linked list
    • similar functions as the vector class (push_back, pop_back, front, back, size, empty)
      • but also has push_front and pop_front
  • subscript and at() are not given with a list!
    • very expensive
  • inserting / deleting in the middle is not as expensive
  • jumping to elements is expensive
#include <list>
using namespace std;
list<int> li;
cout << li.size();  // writes 3
cout << li.front(); // writes 10
cout << li.back();  // writes 30
li.pop_front();     // also pop_back()


  • associative containers:
    • designed so that searching for items is efficient
  • eg. a set is a collection that doesn't allow duplicates
    • more efficient than searching in an unordered container
    • no [] operator!
      • but can iterate over the container
        • guaranteed to iterate through set in order using < operator
        • requirement for items in set to have < operator defined
        • set's definition of duplicate:
        • !(a < b) and !(a < c), then a == b
        • this definition only works well with total ordering (eg. not case-sensitive strings)
        • other containers use different operators for ordering
  • set and multiset use a Red-Black Tree (BST) for implementation
    • standard requires logarithmic time for all operations
    • multiset allows for duplicate values
  • unordered_set / unordered_multiset use a Hash Table implementation
    • #include <unordered_set>
    • unordered_set.find(x)
#include <set> // defines std::set and std::multiset

set<int> s;
cout << s.size(); // writes 3
if (s.find(20) == s.end())
  ... not found ...
for (set<int>::iterator p = s.begin(); p != s.end(); p++)
  cout << *p << endl;
// guaranteed to write out 10 20 30


  • another associative container
  • maps one related value to another
    • eg. people to their phone number, ie. strings to ints
  • maps can only associate in one direction!
    • to search efficiently in both directions, need two maps
  • doesn't allow duplicates
  • map class stores each association in a struct variable:
    • eg. string first, int second
  • use iterators to traverse through
    • can access first and second variables similar to a struct
  • maps are automatically maintained in alphabetical order for the key!
    • thus if associating a complex data type, operator < must be defined to order items
      • but only for the left-hand side of the map (key)
  • map and multimap use a Red-Black Tree (BST) for implementation
    • O(logN) for all operations
  • multimap allows for duplicate keys
  • unordered_map / unordered_multimap use a Hash Table implementation
    • requires <, == operator
    • a hash function for the type
      • provided for built-in type, strings, thread-ID's, etc.
      • have to write hash function for other custom types
#include <map> // defines std::map and std::multimap
using namespace std;

map<string, double> ious;
string name;
double amt;
while (cin >> name >> amt)
  ious[name] += amt; // overloaded subscript operator,
                     // can add new maps or update maps in this way

cout << ious.size() << " people owe me money" << endl;
for (map<string, double>::iterator p = ious.begin(); p != ious.end(); p++)
  cout << p->first << " owes me $" << p->second << endl;

map<string, int> name2Phone;       // string to int, but not the other way around!
name2Phone["Carey"] = 0001112222;
name2Phone["Joe"] = 2223334444;
// name2Phone[1112223333] = "Ed"; // doesn't compile

map<string, int>::iterator it;
it = name2Phone.find("Joe");      // locate an association
if (it == name2Phone.end())
  cout << "not found!" << endl;
  cout << it->first; // look at the pair of values pointed to by iterator
  cout << it->second;

map<int, string> fones2Names;      // int to string

// dealing with duplicate keys:

// use a multimap...
// equal_range() returns a pair of iterators indicating the range of equal keys
multimap<string, double> borrowings;
pair<multimap<string, double>::iterator, multimap<string, double>::iterator> pr =
if (pr.first == pr.second)
  ...not found...
  for (multimap<string, double>::iterator p = pr.first; p != pr.second; p++)
    cout << "fred borrowed $" << p->second << endl;

// alternatively, use a map with another STL container for more than one value
map<string, list<double>> borrowings;

// unordered_map as a hash table
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;

unordered_map<string, double> ious;

Auto Keyword

  • how to reduce verbeage when declaring iterators?
  • declaration: sometype v = initializer;
  • auto keyword sets variable type to the initializer automatically in a declaration
    • type is determined at compile time (NOT a varying type)
// pair<multimap<string,double>::iterator, multimap<string,double>::iterator> pr
//  =  borrowings.equal_range("fred");
auto pr = borrowings.equal_range("fred");
  // returns a pair, pr will be a variable of type pair, less redundant

// for (multimap<string,double>::iterator p = pr.first; p != pr.second; p++)
for (auto p = pr.first; p != pr.second; p++)

// map<string,int>::iterator p = ious.find("fred");
auto p = ious.find("fred");

auto* p = new Circle(...); // p is Circle*
auto* p = f(...);          // if f returns a Shape*, p is Shape*


  • nodes and pointers in the list class are hidden from the user (they are abstracted away)
  • instead provide something that acts like a pointer, called an iterator
    • no longer have to do messy pointer work
    • abstract way of traversing through elements
    • iterator is a class type, begin() and end() return iterators
  • we can follow iterators with dereference operator, and use ++ and --
    • but can not use general pointer arithmetic, eg. adding 7 to an iterator
      • but you can with VECTORS! (cheaper!)
  • using iterators, possible to:
    • loop / traverse through a list
    • insert a value (value is inserted just before the passed iterator)
      • returns an iterator pointing to the inserted value
      • passed iterator remains the same (unless used with a vector, then becomes UNDEFINED to use!)
        • when inserting a value into a vector, the vector may have been RESIZED and REALLOCATED!
        • when reallocation occurs, all iterators become invalidated!
        • but when begin() and end() are recalled they return a valid iterator
    • erase a value (erase value passed iterator is pointing to)
      • returns an iterator pointing to the value after the erased value
      • the passed iterator becomes UNDEFINED to use!
  • iterators can't hold a value of nullptr!
  • sometimes need to use a const iterator (when a container is passed as const reference)
  • notes on lists: (doubly-linked list)
    • cannot use [] operator
    • cannot use comparison operators with iterators (>, <, <=, >=), there is no valid ordering
    • using iterator to traverse a list is always safe
  • notes on vectors: (dynamic array)
    • can use [] to access elements in a vector
    • comparison operators are valid
    • but could invalidate iterators when using push_back()
structure<data type>::iterator it       // a pointer to an element in a container
structure<data type>::const_iterator it // constant iterator for constant reference
li.begin(); // an iterator pointing to beginning of the list
li.end();   // an iterator pointing to just after last value of the list
            // can't follow the iterator here, must decrement first!
li.back();  // an iterator pointing to the last element of the list

// can use these iterators to initialize a vector
list<double> ld(10);                     // ld.size() is 10, each element is 0.0
list<string> ls(10, "Hello");            // ls.size() is 10, each element is "Hello"
vector<string> vs(ls.begin(), ls.end()); // vs.size() is 10, vs[0] is "Hello",
                                         // vs[1] is "Hello", ..., vs[9] is "Hello"

// Iterators with Lists:

for (list<int>::iterator p = li.begin(); p != li.end(); p++)
  cout << *p << endl;  // writes 10 20 30, one per line
// can also use rbegin() and rend() for reverse traversal
// (still would increment to advance the iterator)
// can also use constant iterators to promise not to change the list

list<int>::iterator p = li.end();
p--; // given a list with {10, 20, 30}, p points to 20
// p -= 2 won't compile

list<int>::iterator q = li.insert(p, 40); // insert() inserts just before iterator
// list is now {10, 40, 20, 30}
// q points to 40 (the inserted value), p still points to 20

list<int>::iterator q = li.erase(p);// erase() erases value iterator points to
// list is now {10, 40, 30}
// q points to 30 (value after erased value), now UNDEFINED to use p!

for (list<int>::iterator p = l.begin(); p != l.end();)
  if (*p == 30)
    p = l.erase(p); // remove value pointed by p, and reassign the
                    // return value back to it (no need to increment)

// Iterators with Vectors:

vector<int>::iterator p = vi.end() – 2;
// given a vector with {10, 20, 30}, p points to 20

vector<int>::iterator q = vi.insert(p, 40);
// vector is now {10, 40, 20, 30}
// q points to 40 (the inserted value), now UNDEFINED to use p!
// (vector could have been RESIZED and values REALLOCATED!)

p = vi.erase(q);
// vector is now {10, 20, 30}
// p points to 20 (value after erased value), now UNDEFINED to use q!

Iterators with Templates

A find function:

// b points to beginning, e points to just after the end
int* find(int* b, int* e, const int& target)
  for ( ; b != e; b++)
    if (*b == target)
  return b; // going to be generalized later for iterators, can't return nullptr
}           // we return just past the end value if target not found

// Template Version:
template<typename T>
T* find(T* b, T* e, const T& target)
  for ( ; b != e; b++)
    if (*b == target) // T must have an equality comparison operator
      break;          // but this WOULDN'T work when called with "Fred"
                      // (a pointer to a char array!)
  return b;// we want to decouple the target type from the traversing type
           // (to use with pointers / iterators)
string* sp = find(sa, sa+4, string(“Fred”));
  // would need a temporary string object to use correct equality comparison

// Template Version w/ Iterators:
template<typename Iter, typename T>
Iter find(Iter b, Iter e, const T& target)
  for ( ; b != e; b++)
    if (*b == target) // CAN compare string (*b) to a char pointer!
  return b;

int* p = find(a, a+5, k);
if (p == a+5)
  ... not found ...

list<string>::iterator q = find(ls.begin(), ls.end(), "Fred");
if (q == ls.end())
  ... not found ...

vector<int>::iterator r = find(vi.begin(), vi.begin()+5, 42);
if (r == vi.begin()+5)
  ... not found ...

STL Algorithms

  • #include
  • find(v.begin(), v.end(), val)
    • also works with arrays: find(&a[0], &a[5], 19)
  • reverse(v.begin(), v.end())
  • sort(v.begin(), v. end()) (uses quick sort, not supported with list, needs random access)
    • list has its own sort member function (special case, uses merge sort)
  • set_intersection() - compute intersection of two sorted collections of data
  • can pass a predicate function with many of these functions:
    • calls that predicate function on each of the elements!
template<typename Iter, typename Func>
Iter find_if(Iter b, Iter e, Func f)
  for ( ; b != e; b++)
    if (f(*b)) break; return b;

bool isNegative(int k) { return k < 0; }
bool isEmpty(string s) { return s.empty(); }

int main()
  vector<int> vi;
  vector<int>::iterator p = find_if(vi.begin(), vi.end(), isNegative);
  if (p == vi.end())
    ... not found ...
  list<string> ls;
  list<string>::iterator q = find_if(ls.begin(), ls.end(), isEmpty);

bool isGreater(int i, int j)
  { return i > j; }
bool makesLessThan(const Employee& e1, const Employee& e2)
  { return e1.salary() < e2.salary(); }
bool hasBetterRecord(const Team& t1, const Team& t2)
  if (t1.wins() > t2.wins())
    return true;
  if (t1.wins() < t2.wins())
    return false; return
  t1.ties() > t2.ties();

int main()
  vector<int> vi;
  sort(vi.begin(), vi.end()); // uses <
  sort(vi.begin(), vi.end(), isGreater);
  Employee ea[100];
  sort(ea, ea+100, makesLessThan);
  vector<Team> league;
  sort(league.begin(), league.end(), hasBetterRecord);

  list<int> li;
  li.sort(); // uses <
  list<Employee> le;

// pointers to functions:
int (*ptr) (int); // ptr points to any function that
                  // returns an int and takes a single int
ptr = squared;
cout << ptr(5);


  • to solve larger problems, break down into smaller problems
    • but there needs to be one or more base cases (stopping condition)
      • ie. situations that can be solved without a recursive call
        • proof of termination
    • recursive cases - must solve a smaller problem, closer to a base case (simplifying step)
      • usually:
        1. divide input problem in half (merge sort)
        2. operate on input that is one smaller
        3. eg. back to front (last and the rest), front to back (first and the rest), divide and conquer
  • eg. to sort an unsorted pile of N items
    • if (N > 1)
      • split into two unsorted piles of N/2 items
      • sort left subpiles
      • sort right subpiles
      • merge two resulting sorted subpiles into one sorted pile
    • base cases: N is 1 or 0
  • some issues
    • odd N? merge algorithm still works
    • down to one item?
      • would continue trying to sort/split a single item
      • infinite recursion!
  • some steps:
    1. write function header
    • find out what / num of arguments, return type
    1. define "magic" function
    • solves problem, but only with a smaller subset / n
    • same parameters and return type!
    1. add base case code
    • deal with simplest possible inputs
    1. solve problem w/ magic function (recursive leap of faith)
    2. remove magic...
    3. validate function
    • test with simplest possible inputs
    • test with incrementally more complex inputs
  • recursion vs. iterative solutions?
    • for simple recursion (one recursive call), easily implementable with iteration
      • iterative solution is usually faster
    • for more than one recursive calls, simpler to write and implement
      • divide and conquer recursion
  • recursion can be expensive! (lots of local variables)
    • DON'T use recursion when it isn't neccesary!
    • don't let recursive calls get too deep
  • can use recursive helper functions to simplify complex parameters
    • eg. binary search's confusing bot / top parameters

Recursion Examples

Sorting Algorithm

  • indexing: a subarray starts at b and goes to one item before end
void sort(int a[], int b, int e)
  if (e - b > 1) // more than one element
    int mid = (b + e) / 2;
    sort(a, b, mid);
    sort(a, mid, e);
    merge(a, b, m, e);

Finding a Target

bool contains(int a[], int n, int target)
  if (n <= 0)
    return false;
  if (a[0] == target)
    return true;
  // pointer airthmetic, start at second element of array
  return contains(a+1, n-1, contains);
// Order matters!
bool contains(int a[], int n, int target)
  if (n <= 0)
    return false;
  // calls n recursive calls even if early element is already target
  if (contains(a+1, n-1, target))
    return true;
  return a[0] == target;
// Back to front!
bool contains(int a[], int n, int target)
  if (n <= 0)
    return false;
  if (a[n-1] == target)
    return true;
  return contains(a, n-1, contains);
  • some initial issues:
    • never return false
    • have to check subscript / pointer arithmetic is valid
    • so, return false if n <= 0
  • optimize to reduce recursive calls
  • front to back vs. back to front approach

Solving a Maze

bool solve(start, goal)
  if (start == goal) // if we're at the goal
    return true
  mark this position as visited // check where we've been
  for each direction
    if moving one step is possible and not been visited,
      if (solve(pos reached by that move), goal)
        return true
  return false
  • some initial issues:
    • don't check where we've been
    • starting at the goal
  • is recursion solving a simpler problem?
    • distance not necessarily shorter, because of walls
    • mark where we have visited, reducing unvisited places


  • how do we categorize the speed of an algorithm?
    • can't just compare runtimes
      • must account for hardware differences
    • count steps in the algorithm in terms of N
      • any basic operation is a step
      • but we don't really care for speed with a small N
      • or about the exact details
    • so we can disregard the lower-order terms
      • can also generalize and disregard the leading coefficient
        • finding the worst case scenario
  • a function $f(N)$ is $O(g(N))$, if there exists $N_0$ and $k$ s.t. for all $N &gt;= N_0$, $f(N) <= k*g(N)$
  • f(N) is "order g(N)"

Operations with Arrays

  • O(1) - accessing elements in an array (constant time)
  • O(logN) - binary searching elements in an array (logarithmic time)
    • always dividing in half, log2N gives number of comparisons
      • can disregard base 2, all logarithms are proportional
    • grows very slowly over constant time
  • O(N) - searching elements in an array (linear time)
  • O(NlogN) - grows very slowly over linear time (linear logarithmic time)
  • O(2^N^) - printing all possible subsets in a collection
    • one more item doubles the time

More Examples

Process for Evaulating Big-O

  • work inside-out, starting from the most deeply nested statement
  • have to account for hidden loops
    • eg. loops in embedded functions
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
  c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
// basic operations all take a constant amount of time
// array subscript operator is simply multiplication and addition
// every loop takes constant time, runs N times, this algorithm is O(N)

for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)   // entire algorithm is O(N^2)
{                             // body of loop is O(N)
  a[i] *= 2;                  // O(1)
  for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) // happens N times, O(N)
    d[i][j] = a[i] * b[j];    // array subscripts are O(1)
// work inside out, from most deeply nested statement
// shouldn't assume every loop in a loop is O(N^2)...
// if inner loop only ran up to 100, algorithm would be O(N)
// little trivial differences, eg. starting at 1 or going to N-1,  aren't important

for (int i = 0; i < N; i++ )     // entire algorithm is O(N^2)
{                                // body of loop is O(N)
  if (find(a, a+N, 10*i) != a+N) // find() is O(N), comparison is O(1)
    count++;                     // O(1)
// not just O(N) simply because there is one loop! (find() itself is O(N)!)
// have to count the hidden for loops!
// how do we account for if statements?
// for worst case scenario, assume body of if will always execute

for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)   // O(N^2)
{                             // O(i) + O(1) = O(i)
  a[i] *= 2;                  // O(1)
  for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) // O(i)
    d[i][j] = a[i] * b[j];    // O(1)
// sum of all numbers from 1 to N-1 is 1/2 N^2 - 1/2 N
// still O(N^2)! (ignore constant proportionality, for now)

for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)   // O(N^2logN)
{                             // O(NlogN)
  a[i] *= 2;                  // O(1)
  for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) // O(NlogN)
    d[i][j] = f(a, N);        // O(logN)
// given f() is O(logN)

// example with STL set
void addItems(set<int> &s, int q)
  for (int i = 0; i < q*q; i++)   // O(Q^2logQ^2)
    s.insert(i);                  // O(logN) to insert
}                                 // in worse case, N will eventually become Q^2

Multiple Variables

  • what if the Big-O depends on multiple parameters / variables?
    • have to keep track of both parameters!
      • either variable could dominate the other
for (...R times...)   // O(RClogC)
  for (...C times...) // O(ClogC)
    f(...c)           // O(logC)

STL Cheat Sheet

Container Insertion Deletion Access Find
list (linked list) O(1)* O(1)* O(1) - top or end, O(N) - middle O(N)
vector (resizeable array) O(N) - top or middle, O(1) - end same as inserting O(1) O(N)
set (set of unique items) O(logN) O(logN) NA O(logN) - tree
map (maps one item to another) O(logN) O(logN) O(logN) O(logN) - tree
queue and stack O(1) - push O(1) - pop O(1) - top NA

Table: STL

*to get to the middle, may first have to iterate through N items at O(N)

Sorting Algorithms

General rules:

  1. don't choose a sort until you know the requirements of the problem
  2. always choose the simplest sorting algorithm possible that meets your needs

stable sort:

  • takes into account initial ordering when sorting
  • maintains the order of similar-values items

unstable sort:

  • re-orders items without taking into account their initial ordering

Selection Sort

  • loop through unchecked indices, find minimum and swap
    • even if no swap is necessary (ie. minimum at current index)
      • this algorithm would still check the rest of the items
  • no best or worse case, always O(N^2^)
  • learning nothing on each pass
    • only useful when swapping/movements is really expensive compared to comparisons
  • example sort:
|5 3  7  6  1  8  2  4
1 |3  7  6  5  8  2  4
1  2 |7  6  5  8  3  4
1  2  3 |6  5  8  7  4
1  2  3  4 |5  8  7  6
1  2  3  4  5 |6  7  8
1  2  3  4  5  6 |7  8
1  2  3  4  5  6  7 |8
  • Implementation:
void selectionSort(int A[], int n)
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    int minIndex = i;
    for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++)
      if (A[j] < A[minIndex])
        minIndex = j;
    swap(A[i], A[minIndex]);

Bubble Sort

  • check pairs of items, put them in sorted order
  • after one loop, the largest item is guaranteed to be shifted to the last item
  • loop again, stopping right before that largest item
    • we can skip steps by setting the stopping position at the last swap
  • best case: O(N) - already sorted
  • worst case: O(N^2^) - reverse order, swapping all the time
  • average case: still O(N^2^) - but constant of proportionality is half as bad
  • example sort:
5  3  7  6  1  8  2  4|
3  5  6  1  7  2  4| 8 # 8 is largest item
3  5  1  6  2  4| 7  8
3  1  5  2  4| 6  7  8
1  3  2  4| 5  6  7  8
1  2| 3  4  5  6  7  8 # put stopping position at last swap
|1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8 # if no swaps, array is sorted
  • Implementation:
void bubbleSort(int Arr[], int n)
  bool atLeastOneSwap;
    atLeastOneSwap = false;
    for (int j = 0; j < (n-1); j++)
      if (Arr[j] > Arr[j + 1])
        atLeastOneSwap = true;
  while (atLeastOneSwap == true);

Shell Sort

  • built on underlying sort called h-sorting
    • pick a value for h
    • for every element in the array:
      • if a[i] and a[i+h] are out of order, swap them
    • if any elements were swapped in the last pass, repeat again with same h
    • eg. when an element is 3-sorted, every element is smaller than the element 3 items later
    • 1-sorting is a bubble sort
  • shell sort approach:
    • select a sequence of decreasing h-values ending with 1
      • eg. 8, 4, 2, 1
    • then 8-sort, 4-sort, 2-sort, finally 1-sort the array
  • ~O(N^1.25^) depending on the decrement sequence!
    • does not require much extra storage

Insertion Sort

  • similar to ordering a hand of cards as they are dealt
    • insert cards picked up in order into the hand
      • examine cards in hand one by one to figure out where to put the next card
    • hand is always in order
  • best case: O(N) - already sorted
  • worst case: O(N^2^) - reverse order, have to compare with all previous items
  • average case: O(N^2^) - but constant of proportionality is half as bad as previous algorithms
  • slightly better than bubble sort
  • except if all items are no more than some constant distance out of place, only shifting constant times, then insertion sort is O(N)!
  • example sort:
5 |3  7  6  1  8  2  4
3  5 |7  6  1  8  2  4
3  5  7 |6  1  8  2  4 # got lucky, only one comparison
3  5  6  7 |1  8  2  4
1  3  5  6  7 |8  2  4 # lots of comparisons and shifting
1  2  3  5  6  7  8 |4
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8|
  • Implementation:
void insertionSort(int A[], int n)
  for(int s = 2; s <= n; s++)
    int sortMe = A[ s - 1 ];
    int i = s - 2;
    while (i >= 0 && sortMe < A[i])
      A[i+1] = A[i];
    A[i+1] = sortMe;

Merge Sort

  • merging two sorted piles is O(N)
  • but what is the runtime for a recursive algorithm?
  • $T(N) = 2T(N/2) + O(N)$ (recurrence relation) ~ O(NlogN) (all cases)
    • much better runtime than O(N^2^)
      • except if all itmes are no more than some constant items out of place
        • may take longer than insertion sort
  • doesn't require random access (fine with arrays, vectors, lists)
    • list's sort member function uses merge sort
      • lists are easy to swap / copy items, so could be faster than quick sort if expensive to move items
  • because merge function needs secondary arrays to merge, this can slow things down compared to quicksort
  • requires extra storage (O(N)) to have a good constant of proportionality
  • Merge() Implementation:
void merge(int data[],int n1, int n2)
  int i=0, j=0, k=0;
  int* temp = new int[n1+n2]; // needs a temporary array!
  int* sechalf = data + n1;

  while (i < n1 || j < n2)
    if (i == n1)
      temp[k++] = sechalf[j++];
    else if (j == n2)
      temp[k++] = data[i++];
    else if (data[i] <= sechalf[j])
      temp[k++] = data[i++];
      temp[k++] = sechalf[j++];
  for (i=0;i<n1+n2;i++)
    data[i] = temp[i];
  delete [] temp;

Quick Sort

  • partition array around a pivot/divider (O(N))
    • pivot should evenly divide array, but hard to find median (merge sort would be faster at this point)
      • so choose first value or a random pivot
      • recursively sort each half
    • similar relationship to merge sort: pick a pivot (constant run time), recursively sort
    • other possible improvements (Sedgewick):
    1. find median of a small sample for the pivot, eg. first 3 items
      • but this is bad if array is already sorted
      • instead, median of 3 (first, middle, last)
        • 3 is the best compared to 5, 7, etc. values
        • not necessarily first, middle, last (vulnerable to forcing an O(N^2^)), can be random
    2. have quick sort abandon sub-arrays of size 9 or fewer
      • but the various pivots are still in their right place!
      • then call insertion sort / heap sort across the entire array!
      • items are no more than constant distance (9) out of place, so O(N) for insertion sort!
      • 9 is the sweet spot
    3. STL uses a variation on quick sort called introsort:
      • deep recursion happens if there are bad pivot choices
      • when depth exceeds some limit (2logN)
        • sort stops using quick sort for this sub-region, instead uses heap sort
      • completely avoid O(N^2^) runtime!
      • always O(NlogN)
  • best case: O(NlogN)
  • average case: O(NlogN) - depends on the split, but better constant of proportionality than merge sort
  • worst case: O(N^2^) - every pivot is the worst possible pivot, least or biggest value (mostly sorted or reverse order)
    • $T(N) = O(N) + T(N-1)$ ~ O(N^2^)
  • good sort to use if occasional O(N^2^) is acceptable
    • but requires random access (so only for arrays/vectors, not lists)!
      • picking pivot requires random access
  • example sort:
[5]3  7  6  1  8  2  4 # partition array around first pivot
      4  2        6  7 # swap elements that are on wrong side from either end
1  3  4  2  [5]8  6  7 # put pivot in corresponding spot when the ends meet
[1]3  4  2             # sort left half
1  [3]2  4             # one item is a base case, sort right sub-half
1  2  [3]4
               [8]6  7 # sort right half
               7  6 [8]
               6  7    # two items is another base case
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
  • Implementation:
void QuickSort(int Array[], int First, int Last)
  if (Last – First >= 1 )
    int PivotIndex;
    PivotIndex = Partition(Array,First,Last);
    QuickSort(Array,First,PivotIndex-1); // left
    QuickSort(Array,PivotIndex+1,Last);  // right

int Partition(int a[], int low, int high)
  int pi = low;
  int pivot = a[low];
    while ( low <= high && a[low] <= pivot )
    while ( a[high] > pivot )
    if ( low < high )
      swap(a[low], a[high]);
  while ( low < high );
  swap(a[pi], a[high]);
  pi = high;

Heap Sort

  • using heaps
  • approach: we can sort by inserting all the items into a maxheap, and then extracting them one by one
  • instead, build the maxheap in place...
  1. interpret unsorted array into a complete binary tree (in array notation, not neccesarily a maxheap right now)
    • starting from the bottom right item, make a heap out of the current subtree by trickling down
    • then work upwards through tree / backwards in the array
    • but bottom most leaf nodes are already heaps of their own (only one item)
      • so we can start the recursion at N/2 - 1 (in the array)
    • want to sort in ascending order, but we made a maxheap?
  2. remove each item:
    • swap position 0 of array with N-1, reduce N by 1, use same trickle down approach as extracting an item
      • just like when extracting from a maxheap, but swapping an item instead of deleting
    • when down to two items, just swap in order
  • O(NlogN), not as good constant of proportionality as quick sort
  • use this if we only need a certain number of items in order (can stop heap sort early)

Stability of Sorts

  • a stable sort maintains items that have equal value in the original order they were in
    • only O(NlogN) sort that guarantees this is merge sort
Sort Stability Big(O) Notes
Selection Sort Unstable Always O(N^2^) Simple to implement, works with linked lists. Minimizes number of item-swaps (good if swaps are expensive)
Insertion Sort Stable O(N) when sorted or nearly sorted, O(N^2^ otherwise) Simple to implement, works with linked lists.
Bubble Sort Stable O(N) when sorted or nearly sorted, simple to implement Works with linked lists. (slow, not recommended)
Shell Sort Unstable ~O(N^1.25^) OK with linked lists. Used in embedded systems due to fixed RAM usage.
Quick Sort Unstable O(NlogN) average, O(N^2^) for nearly, sorted, reverse sorted or repeated values (but O(NlogN with introsort, and best constant of proportionality) Limited pivot choice with linked lists, can be parallelized across multiple cores, can require O(N) slots of RAM for recursion (worst) or O(logN) (average).
Merge Sort Stable O(NlogN) always Works with linked lists, can be parallelized across multiple cores. Used for sorting data on disk (external sorting), requires O(N) slots of extra memory for merging. Requires extra storage to have a good constant of proportionality.
Heap Sort Unstable O(NlogN) always Used in embedded systems due to low RAM usage / performance.

Table: Comparing Sorts


Drawing with Shapes

class Shape // Circles and Rectangles are Shapes
  virtual void move(double xnew, double ynew);
  virtual void draw() const; // now, program will decide at runtime which
                             // appropriate function to call
  double m_x;
  double m_y;

void Shape::move(double xnew, double ynew) // same move() function for every shape
  m_x = xnew; // compilation error if m_x and m_y aren't declared in the class Shape
  m_y = ynew;

class Circle : public Shape // tells compiler a Circle is a kind of Shape
  // void move(double xnew, double ynew); // inherits move() function from Shape
  virtual void draw() const;              // good practice to denote virtual here
  // double m_x;                          // inherits data members from Shape
  // double m_y;
  double m_r;

class Rectangle : public Shape
  // void move(double xnew, double ynew); // inherits move() function from Shape
   virtual void draw() const;             // good practice to denote virtual here
   virtual double diag() const;
  // double m_x;                          // inherits data members from Shape
  // double m_y;
  double m_dx;
  double m_dy;

void Shape::draw() const // how do we call the derived class's draw()?
                         // declared virtual in prototype
{                        // for now, we have to implement this generic draw() function
  ... draw a cloud ...   // generic draw action for any shape...
void Circle::draw() const { draw a circle }
void Rectangle::draw() const { draw a rectangle }

// etc for other shapes...
// let's draw a picture...

// ???* pic[100]; Wouldn't work, different shape classes
// Circle* ca[100];
// Rectangle* ra[100];
Shape* pic[100];     // can hold Circles AND Rectangles
pic[0] = new Circle; // how do we tell compiler Circle is a type of shape?
                     // converts Circle pointer to a Shape pointer
                     // pic really does contain pointers to shapes
pic[1] = new Rectangle;
pic[2] = new Circle;

for (int k = 0; k < ...; k++)
  pic[k]->draw();   // assumes all shapes have a draw() function
// for( int k = 0; k < ...; k++)
//   ca[k]->draw();
// for( int k = 0; k < ...; k++)
//   ra[k]->draw();

void f(Shape* x)    // for any shape now
{                   // converts Circle reference to Shape reference
  x->move(...,...); // move() works with all shapes
  x->draw();        // but draw() is different for every type of Shape!
// void f(Circle* x)
// {
//   x->move(...,...);
//   x->draw();
// }
// void f(Rectangle* x)
// {
//   x->move(...,...);
//   x->draw();
// }

double Rectangle::diag() const
  return sqrt(m_dx*m_dx + m_dy*m_dy);
double Square::diag() const // a reason to override a virtual function:
{                           // a more efficient implementtation
  return m_dx * sqrt(2);
  • lots of repetition, some of these functions should work for every shape
    • our move() function will take the same parameters for all shapes, just absolute x and y coordinates
    • have to use multiple arrays and functions:
      • array for each shape type, needs a family of functions for different shapes
    • error prone to add a new shape!
  • how to reduce repetition and make it easier to add new objects / classes?
    • find a generalization!
    • circles and rectangles are all shapes
    • need approach that works for all shapes


  • this is inheritance!
    • goals of inheritance:
      • reuse:
        • every public function from base class is automatically reused in derived class
        • not private members, however!
      • extension:
        • adding new functions or data to a derived class
        • however, unknown to the base class!
      • specialization:
        • override existing functions from base using the virtual keyword in declaration
        • can still call base function using :: operator
    • general steps for inheritance:
      • figure out what to represent (bunch of shapes)
      • define base class with functions common to all derived classes (area(), draw())
      • write derived classes with specialized versions of each common function
      • using polymorphism, we can access derived variables with base ptr / reference
      • remember to define virtual destructor in base class
  • generalization: Circles and Rectangles are a subclass of Shape
    • in c++, they are both derived classes of Shape
  • Shape is a superclass
    • in c++, Shape is a base class
  • a derived class pointer is automatically converted to a base class pointer (upcast is automatic)
    • Derived* => Base* (pointer to base within the specific derived class)
    • Derived& => Base& (same for references)
    • Derived => Base (c++ allows this, ie. slicing)
      • eg. Shape s(C); s = c;
      • converts to the base object within the derived object
      • BUT we lose the derived object
      • preferable to use pointers or references
    • NO automatic conversion from Base* => Derived*
      • downcast, have to use static_cast<SomeDerivedClass*>
      • must be sure our conversion is meaningful:
        • undefined behavior if base ptr doesn't actually point to a derived object of that type
  • can't have contrary relationship where two classes can't be derived from each other!

Inheritance in Memory

  • how can compiler access data members in a base class then?
    • every derived object has an embedded base object within it
    • compiler calculates the layout of the derived objects in memory
    • this is how the automatic conversion works between base and derived classses
    • note: can't access a derived class's members given a pointer to its base class

Functions within Base and Derived Classes

  • how to make sure every shape can be drawn and moved?
    • add to declaration of Shape
    • but the implementation for some functions are different for each type of shape...
    • draw() might be different, but move() would act the same for different types
      • don't have to repeat the implementation of move() for every type of shape!
        • just implement move() IN shape, and remove declaration of move() from the derived classes
        • the derived classes inherit the move() function from Shape!
      • we can do the same for the data members that are the same for all shapes
    • just have to implement what makes derived classes different from their base classes
      • eliminates duplication of code!

Virtual Functions

  • what about for draw()?
    • different implementation for every shape...
    • but still needs to be declared within Shape, so that f() would compile!
      • must guarantee all shapes have a draw()
    • for now, we need a generic draw() for just a Shape
    • how do we call the derived class's specific draw() functions?
      • tell compiler to make the decision at runtime NOT compile-time (would call generic draw())
        • static binding: compile-time binding, call generic function no matter what (cheaper!)
        • dynamic binding: runtime binding, call appropriate function depending on object
    • different binding options for different languages
    • usually: dynamic by default, have to indicate static
    • c++: static by default, have to indicate dynamic (keyword virtual in declaration)
      • optional to repeat virtual in all the implementations of derived classes' functions
  • virtual functions allow base class functionality to be redefined in derived classes
    • can still access base class functions using base:: prefix
      • eg. Person::talks()

Overriding Functions

class WarningSymbol : public Shape
  void move(double xnew, double ynew);

void WarningSymbol::move(double xnew, double ynew)
  // move(xnew, ynew); // won't work, recursive call
  // this->Shape::move(xnew, ynew);
  Shape::move(xnew, ynew);
  ... move like a Shape
  ... flash 3 times

WarningSymbol ws(...);
ws.move(...);  // warning symbol DOES flash! compiler calls the immediate move()
f(ws);         // warning symbol does NOT flash! calls Shape's move() function!
Shape* sp = &ws;
sp->move(...); // warning symbol does NOT flash!

void f(Shape& x)
  • what if we then have a new Shape that doesn't move like all the other shapes?
    • eg. warning symbol that flashes 3 times
    • let's write a new move() that calls Shape's move()
  • if we write a new move() function:
    • works correctly when called as a WarningSymbol object
    • but when called after being converted to a Shape, will not flash!
  • redefining base class move as virtual would fix the problem
    • BUT could be expensive to redefine a large program like this
  • in our example case, let's redefine move() as virtual

Virtual Functions Demystified

Shape sp;
if (...)
  sp = new Rectangle(...)
else ...    // sp is some other shape

sp->draw();    // how does compiler know which draw() to call?
               // effectively: call function sp->vptr[1] points to
// sp->diag(); // remember, we can't do this, can only call Shape functions
               // with a Shape ptr...
  • polymorphism refers to the same function call leading to multiple actions
    • eg. when using a base pointer or a base reference to access a derived object
  • compiler makes a table holding virtual functions (ie. virtual table, vtbl)
    • Shape's vtbl holds move() and draw()
      • the position of these functions in vtbl is the same for all derived classes
    • Rectangle's vtbl holds move(), draw(), and diag()
      • the move() points to Shape's move() since Rectangle doesn't override it
  • but how do we know which slot in vtbl to go to?
    • the compiler adds an extra data member whenever classes have a virtual function
      • virtual pointer, vptr, that points to vtbl!
      • all constructors also initialize the vptr to point to the correct vtbl
  • this implementation of virtual functions doesn't require recompilation when more Shape types are added

Pure Virtual Functions

class Shape
  virtual void move(double xnew, double ynew);
  // virtual void draw() const;  // still necessary to declare here!
  virtual void draw() const = 0; // no longer need generic draw() implementation!
                             // pure virtual function (Shape now an abstract class)
  double m_x;
  double m_y;
// void Shape::draw() const
// { // for now, we have to implement this generic function
//   ... draw a cloud ...
// }
  • how do we get rid of the implementation of this generic, unecessary draw() function?
    • ie. avoid writing "dummy" logic
  • use pure virtual function that points to null in the vtbl
    • no longer providing an implementation that is automatically inherited
  • what happens if we call draw() with a Shape that isn't part of a derived object?
    • now, it is a compilation error to create a Shape!
  • if a class contains at least one pure virtual function:
    • this is now an abstract class / abstract base class (ABC)
      • NOT allowed to create objects of that class type!
      • not an issue:
        • many other abstractions eg. shape, mammal, many base classes
    • however, can still have references / pointers to a Shape!
      • can also still construct abstract class within another!
  • derived classes can also be abstract
    • eg. ClosedFigure inheriting from Shape with pure virtual function fillColor()
    • ClosedFigure will inherit the pure virtual function draw() from Shape!
  • failing to declare pure virtual function in a derived class means it would also be abstract
  • ABC's also force user to implement certain functions to prevent bugs


class Shape
  Shape(double x, double y);
  double m_x;
  double m_y;
Shape::Shape(double x, double y)
  : m_x(x), m_y(y)

class Circle : public Shape
  Circle(double x, double y, double r);
  double m_r;
Circle::Circle(double x, double y, double r)
// : m_x(x), m_y(y), m_r(r) // wrong! trying to access private members of Shape
  : Shape(x, y), m_r(r)
  • steps of construction:
    1. construct the base object (no matter where its listed)
    2. construct each data member, consulting the member initialization list
    • if not listed:
      • built-in type: left uninitialized
      • class type: default-constructed (having no default constructor is an error)
    1. execute body of constructor
  • steps of destruction:
    1. execute body of destructor
    2. destroy data members / objects
    3. destroy the base object


class Shape
  virtual void draw() = 0;
  // virtual ~Shape() = 0; // should be virtual
  virtual ~Shape();


class Polygon : public Shape
  virtual ~Polygon();
  Node* head; // collection of coordinates
Shape *sp;
if (...)
  sp = new Circle(...);
  sp = new Polygon(...);
delete sp; // calls Shape's destructor! leads to memory leak
  • base class's destructor must be declared virtual to call the correct destructor!
  • compiler error that there is no implementation for the base object destructor
    • can't be a pure virtual function:
      • destructor for all derived classes call this destructor
    • but since we declared it, destructor is no longer compiler generated
  • in general: if a class is designed as a base class, declare its destructor as virtual and implement

Function and Class Templates

Function Templates

  • multiple functions for the same operations with different types
    • we can overload these functions
    • eg. minimum(int a, int b), minimum(double a, double b)
      • same algorithm for finding the minimum...
      • but different machine language for comparing ints vs. doubles (different byte sizes)
      • but source code is identical!
  • instead, can we tell compiler the pattern for the algorithm?
    • pattern for manufacturing a function
    • use template syntax in c++
  • multiple templatized function calls of the same type call same function for that type
  • can also have multi-type templates
  • steps for templates:
    • match some template function (doesn't consider conversions)
      • "template argument deduction"
        • have to match the type exactly, except for matching to const in template (simple conversion)
      • at least one formal parameter must be defined by the template
    • instantiated template must compile
    • compiled code must function properly
      • eg. comparing c-strings with < only compares the pointers, undesired result
        • instead would need another minimum() using strcmp(a, b)
  • non-template functions takes precedence over a template function
    • specific case over general case
  • should pass by constant reference instead of value to deal with expensive types!
    • because it's possible to take any type in the template
  • template functions must be declared and implemented in header files!
    • use #include to use the templated functions
template<typename T> // typename and class are interchangeable (besides convention)
T minimum(const T& a, const T& b) // more efficient to pass by const reference
  if (a < b)
    return a;
    return b;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
?? minimum(T1 a, T2 b) // works if called with int double, double int, int int, etc.
  if (a < b)
    return a;
    return b;

int k = 3;
double x = 3.0;
minimum(k, 3);    // compiler manufactures code for minimum() with ints
minimum(x, 3.14); // same for doubles
minimum(k, x);    // no matching function template! doesn't consider conversions!
                  // now would match second template function (multi-type)
                  // but could return an int instead of a double depending
                  // on order of parameters
                  // this is impractical...
Chicken c1, c2;
// minimum(c1, c2); // comparison operator not overloaded for chickens!

Useful Construction Syntax

template<typename T>
T sum(const T a[], int n) // could sum up ints, chars... strings(?)
  // T total = 0;         // no constructor for strings with just an int...
  // T total;             // would work for strings now, starts as empty string
                          // but for primitives, would be uninitialized
  T total = T();          // calls default constructor for strings,
                          // appropriate value for built-in types (0 false, nullptr)
  for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
    total += a[k];
  return total;

  string x(10, '*');
  cout << x;               // if only using an object once, can use temporary object
  cout << string(10, 'x'); // string of 10 stars
  double(x);               // can also use this syntax for built-in types with
                           // appropriate value (0, false, nullptr)

Template Errors

  • used to have vague compile error messages when using templates
    • hard to track down errors across multiple functions, eg. code example below
      • only pointer is being passed
    • we never see the function compiled from template
  • now compilers provide a traceback of function calls
template<typename T>
void g(T x)
  T y(x);
  minimum(x, y);
template<typename T>
void f(T x)
int main()
  f(i); // int
  f(d); // double
  f(c); // chicken, compiler error!

Class Templates

  • making a stack class:
    • could use a type alias for different types
    • but what about different stack types in the same program
    • class templates solve this
  • write a pattern for manufacturing classes!
  • similar syntax:
  • special syntax for returning an internal struct!
template<typename T>
class Stack
  Stack(const Stack<T>& other);
  Stack<T>& operator=(const Stack<T>& rhs);
  void push(const T& x);
  T top() const;
  int size() const; // should stil return an int!
  SomeStruct returnStruct();
  SomeStruct* returnStructPtr();
  T m_data[100];
  int m_top;

  struct SomeStruct
    T temp;
    int tempNum;

template<typename T>
inline T Stack<T>::someInlineFunc(T a) {}

template<typename T>
Stack<T>::Stack() : m_top(0) {}

template<typename T>
Stack<T>::Stack(const Stack<T> other) {}

template<typename T>
Stack<T>& Stack<T>::operator=(const Stack<T> rhs) {}

template<typename T>// for every function, have to restate the template
void Stack<T>::push(const T& x) {} // works on a stack of T's

template<typename T>
T Stack<T>::top() const {}

template<typename T>
typename Stack<T>::SomeStruct Stack<T>::returnStruct() {}

template<typename T>
typename Stack<T>::SomeStruct* Stack<T>::returnStructPtr() {}

int main()
  Stack<int> si;       // manufactures constructor, destructor
  si.push(3);          // known to be a stack of ints,
                       // manufactures push function with ints
  Stack<Coord> sc;     // manufactures constructor, destructor
                       // error if Coord has no default constructor!
  sc.push(Coord(3,5)); // manufactures push with Coords

Template Specialization

template<> // can define specific behaviors for chars, such as uppercase / lowercase
class Pair<char>
  // must redefine entire class!
  // (also possible to only specialize certain functions)


File Input / Output

  • #include
  • #include
    • defines std::ofstream (output file stream)
    • defines std::ifstream (input file stream)


ofstream outfile("results.txt"); // outfile is a name of our choosing.
                                 // (forward slash for windows)
if ( ! outfile )		 // Did the creation fail?
  cerr << "Error: Cannot create results.txt!" << endl;
  ... return with failure ...
outfile << "This will be written to the file" << endl;
outfile << "2 + 2 = " << 2+2 << endl;


ifstream infile("data.txt");    // infile is a name of our choosing
if ( ! infile )		        // Did opening the file fail?
  cerr << "Error: Cannot open data.txt!" << endl;
  ... return with failure ...

// read an integer:
int k;
infile >> k;
  // If you want to consume and ignore the rest of the line the
  // number is found on, follow this with
infile.ignore(10000, '\n');

// read a std::string:
std::string s;
infile >> s;         // read the next word into s
  // or
getline(infile, s);  // read a whole line into s

// read the next character from the input,
// whether it's a letter, blank, newline, or whatever:
char c;

// check for end of the input file:
  // Example 1
std::string s;
getline(infile, s);
if ( ! infile)
  cerr << "End of file when trying to read a string" << end;

  // Example 2 - read and process each line of a file until end
std::string s;
  // getline returns infile; the while tests its success/failure state
while (getline(infile, s))
    ... process s

  // Example 3 - read and process each character of a file until end
char c;
  // get returns infile; the while tests its success/failure state
while (infile.get(c))
  ... process c

  // Example 4 - read and process each integer in a file until end
int k;
  // operator>> returns infile; the while tests its success/failure state
while (infile >> k)
  ... process k

// while(!infile.eof())
// does not return true until after attempt to read past eof is made!

Stream Parameters

void greet(ostream& outf)// outf is a name of our choosing
{                        // not ofstream, pass by reference
                         // (can reference cout or a ofstream attached to file)
  outf << "Hello" << endl;
int main()
  ofstream outfile("greeting.txt");
  if ( ! outfile )
    cerr << "Error: Cannot create greeting.txt!" << endl;
    return 1;
  greet(outfile); // writes Hello to the file greetings.txt
  greet(cout);    // writes Hello to the screen

int countLines(istream& inf)   // inf is a name of our choosing
  int lineCount = 0;
  string line;
  while (getline(inf, line))
  return lineCount;

int main()
  ifstream infile("data.txt");
  if ( ! infile )
    cerr << "Error: Cannot open data.txt!" << endl;
    return 1;
  int fileLines = countLines(infile);  // reads from the file data.txt
  cout << "data.txt has " << fileLines << " lines." << endl;
  cout << "Type lines, then ctrl-Z (Windows) or ctrl-D (UNIX):" << endl;
  int keyboardLines = countLines(cin); // reads from keyboard
  cout << "You typed " << keyboardLines << " lines." << endl;

Object Oriented Design Steps

  • generally, two phases:
    • determine overall class design
    • determine class data structures / algorithms
  • class design:
    1. classes and objects necessary
    2. outward-facing functionality
    3. data each class holds
    4. how they interact
  • class design steps:
    1. identify potential classes
    • nouns in the spec.!
    • eg. calendar, appointments, time-slot, password, start-time, end-time, participants
      • narrow down into classes (calendar, appointment)
    1. identify operations
    • what actions need to be performed in spec (verbs!)
    • eg. add new appnt., remove existing, check other users' calendars, supply password
      • associate actions with classes (functions)
    1. determine relationships & data
    • general relationships:
      • Class A uses objects of class B, not necessarily contains
      • Class A has-a (contains) objects of class B (composition)
      • Class A is-a specialized version of class B
      • this determines private data & inheritance
      • eg. calendar contains appointments, has a password, uses other calendars
    1. determine interactions
    • determine how each class interacts with the others
    • come up with use-cases:
      • eg. user wants to add (locate, update) an appointment, determine if they have an appointment
    • class design is an iterative process!
  • tips:
    • avoid using dynamic cast to identify common types of objects
      • instead add functions to check for various classes of behaviors
      • eg. if (p->requiresOilToOperate()) ...
    • avoid defining specific isClass() functions for every object
      • instead add functions to check for various common behaviors
    • avoid duplication of member variables in related subclasses
      • instead move to base class with accessor / mutator methods
    • never make data members public or protected
      • class constants may be, however
    • never make a function public if only used in class that holds it
      • instead private or protected
    • never return list / vector / iterator / pointers to private objects
      • instead do all the processing within the class if action needs to be taken



  • Midterms 1/30, 2/26
  • Final 3/16
  • Start early, develop incrementally, read what you write !!!


  • Can use Valgrind tool to detect memory leaks
  • Class Composition
    • when class contains member variables that are objects
    • Order of Construction (inside to outside)
      • member variables constructed in order (in order of the member variable listing, member initialization list doesn't matter)
      • then current class constructor
    • Order of Destruction (outside to inside)
      • current class destructor called first
      • member variables destructed in reverse order
    • class composition != class inheritance
  • Copy Constructors
    • shallow copy just copies all data members
    • deep copy (redefine default copy constructor) is needed in the cases of pointers / when not SHARING the same adresses / using dynamic memory
    • similar to writing assignment operator (make sure to delete current dynamic memory and return *this at the end)
  • Data Structures
    • 3 functions
      • how to store and organize
      • how to add and remove data
      • how to apply functions (eg. search data)
    • add, contain, remove...
    • Pros / cons for every structure and differing efficency / complexity


  • Linked Lists:
    • made up of Nodes with value and pointer
    • head pointer points to first term
    • loop-free
    • variations:
      • doubly linked, sorted, circular
    • operations:
      • insertion, search, removal
    • pros: efficient insertion, flexible memory, simple implementation
    • cons: complex searching and delete