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1. Upstream analysis

thinhong edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 17 revisions

Project input structure

The project directory must be organized as follows:

    |-- raw
        |-- sample1
            |-- sample1_R1.fastq.gz
        |-- sample2
            |-- sample2_R1.fastq.gz
    |-- config
        |-- sample.<project_name>.pre.config
        |-- system.<project_name>.pre.config
        |-- amplicons.tsv
  • Note that single-end read fastq files should be named with suffix _R1.fastq.gz.
  • <user> is the username of shinyApp

Inputs required

  • Single/paired fastq files in .gz format for each sample
  • Filled sample config file, example
  • Filled system config file, example
  • DNA methylation marker panel file, example

How to run MethPanel


The fastq files are located in /path/to/upstream/analysis/<user>/<project_name>/raw/

python "/path/to/pipe/" $sample_config $system_config

Project output structure

    |-- raw
        |-- sample1
            |-- sample1_R1.fastq.gz
    |-- config
    |-- ref
    |-- raw_trimmed
        |-- sample1
            |-- sample1_R1.fastq.gz
            |-- sample1_R1.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
            |-- sample1_R1_trimmed_fastqc.html
    |-- aligned
        |-- sample1
            |-- sample1_R1.bam
            |-- sample1_R1.bismark.bam
    |-- called
        |-- sample1
            |-- sample1_R1.bismark.full.tsv
            |-- sample1_R1.bismark.CpG_report.txt
    |-- bigTable
        |-- bigTable.tsv
        |-- bigTable_filtered.tsv
        |-- bigTable_filtered.tsv.coverage.tsv
        |-- bigTable_filtered.tsv.methylation.csv
        |-- bigTable_fullRead.tsv
        |-- bigTable_fullRead_polymorphism.tsv
        |-- bigTable_fullRead.tsv.coverage.tsv
        |-- bigTable_fullRead.tsv.methylation.csv
        |-- metrics
            |-- metrics.tsv
            |-- metrics_table.tsv
            |-- trimmed_matrix.tsv
        |-- multiQC
    |-- patterned
        |-- sample1
            |-- sample1.pattern
            |-- frequency
                |-- amplicon1.tsv
                |-- amplicon2.tsv
            |-- matrix
                |-- amplicon1.tsv
                |-- amplicon2.tsv
            |-- pattern
                |-- amplicon1.tsv
                |-- amplicon1.pdf
                |-- amplicon2.tsv
                |-- amplicon2.pdf
    |-- polymorphism
        |-- amplicon1.polymorphism
        |-- amplicon2.polymorphism

Shinyapp structure on shiny server

    |-- app.R
    |-- www
        |-- full_read.png

Link essential outputs from upstream analysis to shiny server

Edit file /srv/shiny-server/MethPanel/app.R (file app.R on this GitHub) as follows:

  • Edit /path/to/upstream/analysis to match your upstream analysis folder
  • Manually create password for each user, username must be the same as the /path/to/upstream/analysis/<user>