Retry4k is resilience and fault tolerance library written in kotlin.
//retry maximum of 3 times if nullpointer exception occurred
//retry maximum of 3 times if action returns returns result with string retryme and wait for 1000ms before every retry
val retryOnResult: (String) -> Boolean = {result -> result == "retryme"}
//Don't retry if the exception thrown by action is IllegalArgumentException.
val retryOnResult: (String) -> Boolean = {result -> result == "retryme"}
//Do some action before every retry attempt and after completion of either successfull or failure execution of action.
val beforeRetry:(Throwable?, String?, Int) -> Unit = { throwable,result, cuurentAttempt -> println("attempting for $cuurentAttempt time)}
val onCompleted:(Throwable?, String?, Int) -> Unit = { throwable,result, cuurentAttempt -> println("completed after $cuurentAttempt times)}
val retryStrategy = RetryOptions.Builder<String>().maxAttempt(5).retryOnException(
val retryOption = RetryOptions.Builder<String>().maxAttempt(3).retryOnException(
val retryExecutor = RetryExecutor(retryOption)
retryExecutor.execute { business logic }
- allow option to define custom wait strategy
- implement multiple backOff strategy (exponential, Jitter etc)
- publish as maven artifact
- pluggable metric publisher (dropwizard, micrometer)
- DSL based retryOptions