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de bruijn & co...
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thma committed Sep 30, 2023
1 parent 405c3fc commit b6a4537
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Showing 5 changed files with 150 additions and 18 deletions.
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ import System.IO (hSetEncoding, stdin, stdout, utf8)
import HhiReducer
import Kiselyov
import System.TimeIt
import Text.RawString.QQ
import Text.RawString.QQ
import qualified Data.Bifunctor

printGraph :: ST s (STRef s (Graph s)) -> ST s String
Expand All @@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ main = do
hSetEncoding stdout utf8 -- this is required to handle UTF-8 characters like λ

--let testSource = "main = (\\x y -> + x x) 3 4"
mapM_ showCompilations [sqr] --, factorial, fibonacci, ackermann, tak]
mapM_ showCompilations [sqr, factorial] --, fibonacci, ackermann, tak]

type SourceCode = String
Expand All @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ tak = [r|
main = tak 7 4 2 --18 6 3

ackermann :: SourceCode
ackermann :: SourceCode
ackermann = [r|
ack = y(λf n m. if (is0 n) (+ m 1) (if (is0 m) (f (sub1 n) 1) (f (sub1 n) (f n (sub1 m)))))
main = ack 2 2
Expand All @@ -75,6 +76,12 @@ showCompilations source = do
putStrLn "The parsed environment of named lambda expressions:"
mapM_ print env
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "The expressions in de Bruijn notation:"
mapM_ (print . Data.Bifunctor.second deBruijn) env

putStrLn "applying plain compilation:"
print $ compilePlain env
putStrLn ""

let expr = compile env abstractToSKI
putStrLn "The main expression compiled to SICKBY combinator expressions:"
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88 changes: 87 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ My implementation closely follows Ben Lynn's implementation of Kiselyov's algori
My parser can parse programs of a very rudimentary language that is basically just pure λ-calculus plus integers. Here is an example:

sqr = \x -> * x x
sqr = λx. * x x
main = sqr 3

Expand All @@ -64,6 +64,90 @@ type Environment = [(String, Expr)]

Now we can define a compiler that translates such λ-expressions to combinator terms.

Our journey begins by translating λ-expressions to a data type `DB` which is quite similar to the λ-calculus terms but uses indices instead of variable names. This is done by the function `deBruijn`:

data Peano = Succ Peano | Zero deriving Show
data DB = N Peano | L DB | A DB DB | Free String | IN Integer deriving Show

deBruijn :: Expr -> DB
deBruijn = go [] where
go binds = \case
Var x -> maybe (Free x) N $ index x binds
Lam x t -> L $ go (x:binds) t
App t u -> A (go binds t) (go binds u)
Int i -> IN i

index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe Peano
index x xs = lookup x $ zip xs $ iterate Succ Zero

Lets see how this works on our example `sqr` and `main` functions:

let source = [r|
sqr = \x. * x x
main = sqr 3
let env = parseEnvironment source
putStrLn "The parsed environment of named lambda expressions:"
mapM_ print env
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "The expressions in de Bruijn notation:"
mapM_ (print . Data.Bifunctor.second deBruijn) env
This will produce the following output:

The parsed environment of named lambda expressions:
("sqr", Lam "x" (App (App (Var "*") (Var "x")) (Var "x")))
("main", App (Var "sqr") (Int 3))

The expressions in de Bruijn notation:
("sqr", L (A (A (Free "*") (N Zero)) (N Zero)))
("main", A (Free "sqr") (IN 3))

It's easy to see that the de Bruijn notation is just a different representation of the λ-calculus terms. The only difference is that the variable names are replaced by indices.
This is quite helpful as it allows to systematically adress variables by their respective position without having to deal with arbitrary variable names.

But why are we using Peano numbers for the indices? Why not just use integers?
Well it's definitely possible to [use integers instead of Peano numbers](
But there is a good reason to use Peano numbers in our case:
In the subsequent compilation steps we want to be able to do pattern matching on the indices. This is not possible with integers but it is possible with Peano numbers, because they are defined as an algebraic data type:

data Peano = Succ Peano | Zero

Now we'll take a look at the next step in the compilation process. The function `convert` translates the de Bruijn notation to a data type `CL` which represents the combinator terms.

convert :: ((Int, CL) -> (Int, CL) -> CL) -> [(String, Expr)] -> DB -> (Int, CL)
convert (#) env = \case
N Zero -> (1, Com I)
N (Succ e) -> (n + 1, (0, Com K) # t) where t@(n, _) = rec $ N e
L e -> case rec e of
(0, d) -> (0, Com K :@ d)
(n, d) -> (n - 1, d)
A e1 e2 -> (max n1 n2, t1 # t2) where
t1@(n1, _) = rec e1
t2@(n2, _) = rec e2
IN i -> (0, INT i)
Free s -> convertVar (#) env s
where rec = convert (#) env


Combinator terms are defined as follows:

Expand All @@ -75,6 +159,8 @@ data Combinator = I | K | S | B | C | Y | R | B' | C' | S' | T |

## to be continued...

## performance comparison
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/CLTerm.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module CLTerm
import Parser (Expr(..))

data CL = Com Combinator | INT Integer | CL :@ CL

instance Show CL where
showsPrec :: Int -> CL -> ShowS
showsPrec p = \case
Expand Down
60 changes: 49 additions & 11 deletions src/Kiselyov.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Kiselyov
Expand All @@ -22,20 +23,54 @@ I've only added minor changes to fit it into my codebase.
E.g. I've added access to the environment of named lambda expressions for free variables.

data Peano = Su Peano | Z deriving Show
data Peano = Succ Peano | Zero deriving Show
data DB = N Peano | L DB | A DB DB | Free String | IN Integer deriving Show

index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe Peano
index x xs = lookup x $ zip xs $ iterate Su Z

deBruijn :: Expr -> DB
deBruijn = go [] where
go binds = \case
Var x -> maybe (Free x) N $ index x binds
Lam x t -> L $ go (x:binds) t
t `App` u -> A (go binds t) (go binds u)
App t u -> A (go binds t) (go binds u)
Int i -> IN i

index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe Peano
index x xs = lookup x $ zip xs $ iterate Succ Zero

convert :: ((Int, CL) -> (Int, CL) -> CL) -> [(String, Expr)] -> DB -> (Int, CL)
convert (#) env = \case
N Zero -> (1, Com I)
N (Succ e) -> (n + 1, (0, Com K) # t) where t@(n, _) = rec $ N e
L e -> case rec e of
(0, d) -> (0, Com K :@ d)
(n, d) -> (n - 1, d)
A e1 e2 -> (max n1 n2, t1 # t2) where
t1@(n1, _) = rec e1
t2@(n2, _) = rec e2
IN i -> (0, INT i)
Free s -> convertVar (#) env s
where rec = convert (#) env

-- | convert a free variable to a combinator.
-- first we try to find a definition in the environment.
-- if that fails, we assume it is a SICKBY combinator.
convertVar :: ((Int, CL) -> (Int, CL) -> CL) -> [(String, Expr)] -> String -> (Int, CL)
convertVar (#) env s
| Just t <- lookup s env = convert (#) env (deBruijn t)
| otherwise = (0, Com (fromString s))

plain :: Environment -> DB -> (Int, CL)
plain = convert (#) where
(0 , d1) # (0 , d2) = d1 :@ d2
(0 , d1) # (n , d2) = (0, Com B :@ d1) # (n - 1, d2)
(n , d1) # (0 , d2) = (0, Com R :@ d2) # (n - 1, d1)
(n1, d1) # (n2, d2) = (n1 - 1, (0, Com S) # (n1 - 1, d1)) # (n2 - 1, d2)

compilePlain :: Environment -> CL
compilePlain env = case lookup "main" env of
Nothing -> error "main function missing"
Just main -> snd $ plain env (deBruijn main)

bulk :: Combinator -> Int -> CL
bulk c 1 = Com c
bulk c n = Com $ BulkCom (show c) n
Expand All @@ -53,17 +88,17 @@ compileBulk env = case lookup "main" env of
compileBulkLinear :: Environment -> CL
compileBulkLinear env = case lookup "main" env of
Nothing -> error "main function missing"
Just main -> snd $ bulkOpt breakBulkLinear env (deBruijn main)
Just main -> snd $ bulkOpt breakBulkLinear env (deBruijn main)

compileBulkLog :: Environment -> CL
compileBulkLog env = case lookup "main" env of
Nothing -> error "main function missing"
Just main -> snd $ bulkOpt breakBulkLog env (deBruijn main)
Just main -> snd $ bulkOpt breakBulkLog env (deBruijn main)

convertBool :: (([Bool], CL) -> ([Bool], CL) -> CL) -> Environment -> DB -> ([Bool], CL)
convertBool (#) env = \case
N Z -> ([True], Com I)
N (Su e) -> (False:g, d) where (g, d) = rec env (N e)
N Zero -> ([True], Com I)
N (Succ e) -> (False:g, d) where (g, d) = rec env (N e)
L e -> case rec env e of
([], d) -> ([], Com K :@ d)
(False:g, d) -> (g, ([], Com K) # (g, d))
Expand All @@ -75,6 +110,9 @@ convertBool (#) env = \case
IN i -> ([False], INT i)
where rec = convertBool (#)

-- | convert a free variable to a combinator.
-- first we try to find a definition in the environment.
-- if that fails, we assume it is a SICKBY combinator.
convertFree :: (([Bool], CL) -> ([Bool], CL) -> CL) -> [(String, Expr)] -> String -> ([Bool], CL)
convertFree (#) env s
| Just t <- lookup s env = convertBool (#) env (deBruijn t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,8 +158,8 @@ bulkLookup s env bulkFun = case lookup s env of

bulkOpt :: (Combinator -> Int -> CL) -> Environment -> DB -> ([Bool], CL)
bulkOpt bulkFun env = \case
N Z -> ([True], Com I)
N (Su e) -> first (False:) $ rec env $ N e
N Zero -> ([True], Com I)
N (Succ e) -> first (False:) $ rec env $ N e
L e -> case rec env e of
([], d) -> ([], Com K :@ d)
(False:g, d) -> ([], Com K) ## (g, d)
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ data Expr
| Var String
| Int Integer
| Lam String Expr
deriving (Eq) --, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Show Expr where
show = toString
-- instance Show Expr where
-- show = toString

toString :: Expr -> String
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