phpcore is a tiny MVC framework to develop web-based applications in PHP. It's simple and easy to use.
- Download and install Composer by the following url
- Create phpcore project by Composer. Execute below commands
> composer create-project thnguyendev/phpcore [project folder] > cd [project folder]
- Configure web server
- Apache server Modify .htaccess file of project as per following
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [QSA,NC,L]
- Nginx server Insert following codes into your server configuration in nginx.conf
location / { index index.html index.htm index.php; if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php?q=$1; } }
- Create Routes [project folder]/src/server/models/Routes.php
<?php namespace phpcore\models; use phpcore\core\RouteDefine; class Routes { public const paths = array( "" => array ( RouteDefine::controller => "phpcore\\controllers\\HomeController", RouteDefine::view => "src/server/views/Home.php" ) ); } ?>
- Modify startup file [project folder]/src/server/Startup.php
<?php namespace phpcore; use phpcore\core\App; use phpcore\models\Routes; class Startup extends App { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $routeService = $this->getService("phpcore\\core\\RouteService"); $routeService->setRoutes(Routes::paths); $routeService->mapRoute(); } } ?>
- Create HomeController [project folder]/src/server/controllers/HomeController.php
<?php namespace phpcore\controllers; use phpcore\core\Controller; class HomeController extends Controller { public $message; public function process() { $this->message = "Welcome to Phpcore"; $this->view(); } } ?>
- Create a view for HomeController [project folder]/src/server/views/Home.php
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>Phpcore</title> </head> <body> <h1><?php echo $this->message; ?></h1> </body> </html>
Steps to create a Web API with phpcore framework.
- Follow steps 1 to 3 from Quick start to setup new project.
- Create Routes [project folder]/src/server/models/Routes.php
<?php namespace phpcore\models; use phpcore\core\RouteDefine; class Routes { public const paths = array( "getinfo" => array ( RouteDefine::controller => "phpcore\\controllers\\GetInfoController" ) ); } ?>
- Modify startup file [project folder]/src/server/Startup.php
<?php namespace phpcore; use phpcore\core\App; use phpcore\models\Routes; class Startup extends App { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->enableCors(); $routeService = $this->getService("phpcore\\core\\RouteService"); $routeService->setRoutes(Routes::paths); $routeService->mapRoute(); } } ?>
- Create an API controller [project folder]/src/server/controllers/api/GetInfoController.php
<?php namespace phpcore\controllers; use phpcore\core\ApiController; use phpcore\core\ContentType; class GetInfoController extends ApiController { public function get() { ContentType::applicationJson(); echo("{ 'Name': 'Phpcore', 'Author': 'Hung Thanh Nguyen' }"); } } ?>
This example will create a Web API that returns data from SQLite with Doctrine, make sure that SQLite PDO has been enabled in PHP configuration.
- Follow steps 1 to 3 from Quick start to setup new project.
- Modify file [project folder]/composer.json
Run below command in console to update project
{ "name": "thnguyendev/phpcore", "description": "The phpcore framework.", "version": "3.0.0", "keywords": ["framework", "phpcore"], "license": "MIT", "type": "project", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "phpcore\\": "src/server" } }, "require": { "doctrine/orm": "*" } }
> composer update
- Create Info class [project folder]/src/server/models/Info.php
<?php namespace phpcore\models; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; /** * @ORM\Entity * @ORM\Table(name="Info") **/ class Info { /** * @ORM\Id * @ORM\Column(type="integer") * @ORM\GeneratedValue * @var int **/ private $ID; /** * @ORM\Column(type="string") * @var string **/ private $Name; /** * @ORM\Column(type="string") * @var string **/ private $Author; public function getID() { return $this->ID; } public function getName() { return $this->Name; } public function setName($name) { $this->Name = $name; } public function getAuthor() { return $this->Author; } public function setAuthor($author) { $this->Author = $author; } } ?>
- Create DataService class [project folder]/src/server/services/DataService.php
<?php namespace phpcore\services; use Exception; use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Setup; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager; use phpcore\models\Info; class DataService { private $entityManager; public function __construct() { try { // Create a simple "default" Doctrine ORM configuration for Annotations $isDevMode = true; $config = Setup::createAnnotationMetadataConfiguration(array(__DIR__ . "/../models"), $isDevMode, null, null, false); // database configuration parameters for Sqlite $conn = array( 'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../db.sqlite', ); // obtaining the entity manager $this->entityManager = EntityManager::create($conn, $config); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } } public function initialize() { try { $infoRepository = $this->entityManager->getRepository("phpcore\\models\\Info"); $info = $infoRepository->findAll(); if (count($info) == 0) { $newInfo = new Info(); $newInfo->setName("Phpcore"); $newInfo->setAuthor("Hung Thanh Nguyen"); $this->entityManager->persist($newInfo); $this->entityManager->flush(); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } } public function getEntityManager() { return $this->entityManager; } } ?>
- Create database schema with Doctrine command-line interface. First, create configuration file [project folder]/cli-config.php
Then run below command
<?php require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; use phpcore\services\DataService; $dataService = new DataService(); return \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\ConsoleRunner::createHelperSet($dataService->getEntityManager()); ?>
> "vendor/bin/doctrine" orm:schema-tool:create
- Create Routes [project folder]/src/server/models/Routes.php
<?php namespace phpcore\models; use phpcore\core\RouteDefine; class Routes { public const paths = array( "getinfo" => array ( RouteDefine::controller => "phpcore\\controllers\\GetInfoController" ) ); } ?>
- Modify startup file [project folder]/src/server/Startup.php
<?php namespace phpcore; use phpcore\core\App; use phpcore\models\Routes; use phpcore\services\DataService; class Startup extends App { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->enableCors(); $routeService = $this->getService("phpcore\\core\\RouteService"); $routeService->setRoutes(Routes::paths); $routeService->mapRoute(); $this->addService(new DataService()); $this->getService("phpcore\\services\\DataService")->initialize(); } } ?>
- Create an API controller [project folder]/src/server/controllers/api/GetInfoController.php
<?php namespace phpcore\controllers; use Exception; use phpcore\core\ApiController; use phpcore\core\ContentType; use phpcore\core\HttpCodes; class GetInfoController extends ApiController { public function get() { $dataService = $this->getApp()->getService("phpcore\\services\\DataService"); if (!isset($dataService)) { throw new Exception("Data service not found", HttpCodes::internalServerError); } $entityManager = $dataService->getEntityManager(); $infoRepository = $entityManager->getRepository("phpcore\\models\\Info"); $info = $infoRepository->findAll(); if (count($info) > 0) { ContentType::applicationJson(); printf("{ 'Name': '%s', 'Author': '%s' }", $info[0]->getName(), $info[0]->getAuthor()); } } } ?>
This example demonstrate authentication with Firebase Jwt.
- Follow steps 1 to 3 from Quick start to setup new project.
- Modify file [project folder]/composer.json
Run below command in console to update project
{ "name": "thnguyendev/phpcore", "description": "The phpcore framework.", "version": "3.0.0", "keywords": ["framework", "phpcore"], "license": "MIT", "type": "project", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "phpcore\\": "src/server" } }, "require": { "firebase/php-jwt": "*" } }
> composer update
- Create AuthorizationService class [project folder]/src/server/services/AuthorizationService.php
<?php namespace phpcore\services; use Exception; use phpcore\core\HttpCodes; use phpcore\core\RouteDefine; use Firebase\JWT\JWT; class AuthorizationService { private const key = "example_key"; private $app; public function __construct($app) { $this->app = $app; } public function authenticate($input) { $jwt = null; if ($input->userName === "admin" && $input->password === "nopassword") { $requestService = $this->app->getService("phpcore\\core\\RequestService"); if (!isset($requestService)) { throw new Exception("Request service not found", HttpCodes::internalServerError); } $time = time(); $payload = [ 'iss' => $requestService->getServer()["Name"], 'iat' => $time, 'nbf' => $time + 10, 'exp' => $time + 600, 'user' => [ 'userName' => $input->userName ] ]; $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $this::key); } return $jwt; } public function authorize() { $requestService = $this->app->getService("phpcore\\core\\RequestService"); if (!isset($requestService)) { throw new Exception("Request service not found", HttpCodes::internalServerError); } $routeService = $this->app->getService("phpcore\\core\\RouteService"); if (!isset($routeService)) { throw new Exception("Route service not found", HttpCodes::internalServerError); } $authorized = true; $route = $routeService->getRoute(); if (isset($route)) { if (isset($route[RouteDefine::authorize]) && $route[RouteDefine::authorize] === true) { $authorized = false; if (isset($requestService->getHeader()["Authorization"])) { list($jwt) = sscanf($requestService->getHeader()["Authorization"], "Bearer %s"); if ($jwt) { try { $token = JWT::decode($jwt, $this::key, array("HS256")); $authorized = true; } catch(Exception $e) { } } } } } if (!$authorized) { throw new Exception("Authorization failed", HttpCodes::unauthorized); } } } ?>
- Create Routes [project folder]/src/server/models/Routes.php
<?php namespace phpcore\models; use phpcore\core\RouteDefine; class Routes { public const paths = array( "authenticate" => array ( RouteDefine::controller => "phpcore\\controllers\\AuthenticateUserController" ), "getinfo" => array ( RouteDefine::controller => "phpcore\\controllers\\GetInfoController", RouteDefine::authorize => true ) ); } ?>
- Modify startup file [project folder]/src/server/Startup.php
<?php namespace phpcore; use phpcore\core\App; use phpcore\models\Routes; use phpcore\services\AuthorizationService; class Startup extends App { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->enableCors(); $routeService = $this->getService("phpcore\\core\\RouteService"); $routeService->setRoutes(Routes::paths); $routeService->mapRoute(); $this->addService(new AuthorizationService($this)); $this->getService("phpcore\\services\\AuthorizationService")->authorize(); } } ?>
- Create Authenticate User API controller [project folder]/src/server/controllers/api/AuthenticateUserController.php
<?php namespace phpcore\controllers; use phpcore\core\ApiController; use phpcore\core\ContentType; class AuthenticateUserController extends ApiController { public function post() { $requestService = $this->getApp()->getService("phpcore\\core\\RequestService"); if (!isset($requestService)) { throw new Exception("Request service not found", HttpCodes::internalServerError); } $authorizationService = $this->getApp()->getService("phpcore\\services\\AuthorizationService"); if (!isset($authorizationService)) { throw new Exception("Authorization service not found", HttpCodes::internalServerError); } $input = json_decode($requestService->getBody()); $jwt = $authorizationService->authenticate($input); ContentType::applicationJson(); printf("{ 'token': '%s' }", $jwt); } } ?>
- Create an API controller [project folder]/src/server/controllers/api/GetInfoController.php
<?php namespace phpcore\controllers; use Exception; use phpcore\core\ApiController; use phpcore\core\ContentType; use phpcore\core\HttpCodes; class GetInfoController extends ApiController { public function get() { ContentType::applicationJson(); echo("{ 'Name': 'Phpcore', 'Author': 'Hung Thanh Nguyen' }"); } } ?>