OpenGL-based engine for creative programming in C++17.
Following packages need to be installed:
- libglvnd-dev
- GLFW3 (libglfw3-dev and libglfw3) not the wayland version!
- GLM (libglm-dev)
- eigen3 (libeigen3-dev)
- glad (python3-glad)
- gcc
- glslang-tools (for GLSL code linting)
git clone
cd quadric-engine
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ../
- Remove singletons and global variables
- Add right version to glad loader
- Formatting according to a standard (google style guide)
- Port geometries to templated classes and make generation of vertices run at compile time
- Make entire interface more like a library and less like a framework
- compile as a static library (no main function, wrap in namespace quadricengine/qe/quad/quadric)
- more control and flexibility to the developer
- less time for implementation of new features
- Improve shader support
- add debugging shader (fall back option, only geometry)
- add support for shader hot reloading (automatic reload on file save, see C++17 std::filesystem)
- Clean up git history (tags)
- Improve Scene object:
- Remove automatic merging of geometries, and save each geometry in a vector/array.
- Instead, allow the creation of a new geometry from merged geometries, which could then be used in a scene.
- Re-add OpenGL ES support
- Do proper C++ casting
- Look into WebGPU
- Don't append all geometries together, scenes should be composed of different geometries. Appending geometries should be done by creating another geometry.
- Make code work properly under wayland