The app is under development (develop branch)
Mofi is a mobile application to track personal finances. It will allow you to link with your bank to automate the transaction registration processes, schedule recurring transactions, perform In-App purchases and In-App notifications, have detailed reports of your financial closings, it is modern and user friendly.
Mofi stands for Mobile Finances. This is my side-project as a solution for several clients, an app focused on financial management for individuals as well as for small business.
- I use Dart/Flutter, BLoC for business logic, Domain Driven Design architecture, MVVM and different third-party libraries.
- Firebase for Google and Email Authentication, Firestore Database and FirebaseStorage to store and retrieve data from the cloud.
- Asynchronous API calls from different providers to integrate with self solution, and use the JSON format for server communication.
- Created large custom Widgets based on client needs, following best practices on code.
- Tech stacks: Flutter, Dart, Google Firebase, Networking, APIs, JSON.
Google SignIn | Create account | Home Screen | Incomes - Expenses (Stats) |
CashFlow - Budgets (Stats) | Add transaction | Transactions Screen | Profile Screen |
Categories | Accounts | Budgets | App data. |