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Thomas Opitz edited this page Apr 22, 2017 · 3 revisions

Creatures have several properties:


The life of each creature is increased by one after each tick. After it reaches maxLife, the creature dies.


After food intake the energy of a creature increases, until it reaches maxEnergy. The energy of a creature decreases depending on it's speed or pregnancy. If energy reaches 0 the creature dies.


Variable determining the velocity of each creature.


The vision range determines the range in which creature can see food and other creatures.


Each creature is male or female.


A certain energy-threshold has to be reached, so that creatures can mate.


The breedLength determines the length of pregnancy. If breedTime reaches 0 a new creature is born. breedLength also determines the starting energy of the newborn.


Determines the speed of progress in pregnancy. Higher breedProgressSpeed causes shorter pregnancies, but also higher energy consumption of the pregnant creature.


The AI contains the logic which leads to decisions of a creature. It has access to the WorldModel. After each tick of the simulation the AI decides on the next action.