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Thomas Opitz edited this page Sep 27, 2015 · 3 revisions

Creatures have several properties: ###life/maxLife The life of each creature is increased by one after each tick. After it reaches maxLife, the creature dies.

###energy/maxEnergy After food intake the energy of a creature increases, until it reaches maxEnergy. The energy of a creature decreases depending on it's speed or pregnancy. If energy reaches 0 the creature dies.

###speed Variable determining the velocity of each creature.

###visionRange The vision range determines the range in which creature can see food and other creatures.

###gender Each creature is male or female.

###matingEnergyNeeded A certain energy-threshold has to be reached, so that creatures can mate.

###breedTime/breedLength The breedLength determines the length of pregnancy. If breedTime reaches 0 a new creature is born. breedLength also determines the starting energy of the newborn.

###breedProgressSpeed Determines the speed of progress in pregnancy. Higher breedProgressSpeed causes shorter pregnancies, but also higher energy consumption of the pregnant creature.

###ai The AI contains the logic which leads to decisions of a creature. It has access to the WorldModel. After each tick of the simulation the AI decides on the next action.

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