User Accepttance Tests for the contracts that we use to conduct our crowdsales
Contract: MFGToken
✓ should return the correct totalSupply after construction
✓ should assign all tokens to the owner
Contract: SyncFabCappedCrowdsale
creating a valid crowdsale
✓ should fail with zero cap
accepting payments
✓ should accept payments within cap (126ms)
✓ should reject payments outside cap (99ms)
✓ should reject payments that exceed cap
✓ should not be ended if under cap (126ms)
✓ should not be ended if just under cap (69ms)
✓ should be ended if cap reached (73ms)
Contract: SyncFabCrowdsale
✓ should have the same owner as its token's owner
✓ should be ended only after end (130ms)
accepting payments
✓ should reject payments before start
✓ should accept payments after start (219ms)
✓ should reject payments after end (151ms)
high-level purchase
✓ should log purchase (80ms)
✓ should increase weiRaised (71ms)
✓ should assign tokens to sender (68ms)
✓ should forward funds to wallet (212ms)
low-level purchase
✓ should log purchase (59ms)
✓ should increase weiRaised (87ms)
✓ should assign tokens to beneficiary (70ms)
✓ should forward funds to wallet (219ms)
22 passing (7s)