###How to access ESS data via R
- Request the data from ESS API using
from thehttr
library - Check status of the response. If you're pulling data via multiple iterations then implement either
. - If status is OK (200), then proceed to convert the data from response from JSON character string to an R object using
as typetext
- Then convert JSON character string to an R object using
function from thejsonlite
library - Assign index labels to each data pull (refer to data dictionary above)
- Save as dataframes or export as .csv files for offline analysis
#####Data Source 1: Sentiments Data Sample File: https://data.thumbtack.com/v1/sentiments/states
Here is a basic example on how to pull sentiment scores data at the states level. The same can be applied to CBSAs.
library(httr) # functions to send request to ESS API
library(jsonlite) # to convert json data type to R object
ss_url <- modify_url(paste0("https://data.thumbtack.com/v1/sentiments/states?"))
ss_response <- GET(ss_url)
ss_text <- content(ss_response, "text")
ss_data <- fromJSON(ss_text, flatten = TRUE)$data
Here is a more complex example of pulling all sentiment scores by demographic variables: gender, age, origin, and employer.
demographics <- c("gender", "age", "origin", "employer")
demographics_levels <- c(2, 6, 5, 3)
demographics_df <- data.frame(demographics, demographics_levels)
for(h in 1:nrow(demographics_df)) {
dem <- demographics_df$demographics[h]
s_data <- c()
for(i in 1:demographics_df$demographics_levels[h]){
s_url <- modify_url(paste0("https://data.thumbtack.com/v1/sentiments/states?", dem, "=", i , "&index=1&industry=0"))
s_response <- GET(s_url)
s_text <- content(s_response, "text")
s_data_i <- fromJSON(s_text, flatten = TRUE)$data
s_data_i$index <- i
s_data <- rbind(s_data, s_data_i)
#Assign labels to the age category codes:
if(dem == "gender"){
gender_code <- c(Female = 1, Male = 2)
s_data$gender <- names(gender_code)[match(s_data$index, gender_code)]
} else if (dem == "age"){
age_code <- c(`Under 25`= 1, `25-34` = 2, `35-44` = 3, `45-54` = 4, `55-64` = 5, `65 or above` = 6)
s_data$age <- names(age_code)[match(s_data$index, age_code)]
} else if (dem == "origin"){
origin_code <- c(`Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish` = 1, `Asian` = 2, `Other` = 3, `White (Caucasian)` = 4, `Black or African American ` = 5)
s_data$origin <- names(origin_code)[match(s_data$index, origin_code)]
} else {
employer_code <- c(`Non-employer` = 1, `Small Employer` = 2, `Large Employer` = 3)
s_data$employer <- names(employer_code)[match(s_data$index, employer_code)]
write.csv(s_data, paste("s_", dem , "_data.csv", sep = ""), row.names = FALSE)
#####Data Source 2: Question Scores
Sample File: https://data.thumbtack.com/v1/question-scores
Note that column scores
is type list.
library(plyr) # to convert list to dataframe
qs_response <- GET("https://data.thumbtack.com/v1/question-scores")
qs_text <- content(qs_response, "text")
qs_df <- fromJSON(qs_text, flatten = TRUE)$data
str(qs_df) # check type of each column
Given that the scores
column in this data is a list, we want to reshape the data. We can manipulate each item in the list by appending the information in the row of the nested list to each element in the list. Then, we convert this updated list to a data frame.
s <- qs_df$scores
for(i in 1:length(s)) {
s[[i]]$id <- qs_df$id[i]
s[[i]]$start_date <- qs_df$start_date[i]
s[[i]]$end_date <- qs_df$end_date[i]
s_df <- ldply(s, data.frame) # convert s to dataframe
s_df$index <- "National"
#####Data Source 3: Top Problems
Sample File: https://data.thumbtack.com/v1/top-problems
Example of pulling all top problem metrics at the industry level for "Landscape and Lawncare"
tp_response <- GET("https://data.thumbtack.com/v1/top-problems?index=1&industry=1")
tp_text <- content(tp_response, "text")
tp_df <- fromJSON(tp_text, flatten = TRUE)$data
tp_df$industry <- "Landscape and Lawncare"