English prose and spellchecker build on nodehun & write-good
Built with ❤︎ by tiaanduplessis and contributors
$ npm install proofread-core
# OR
$ yarn add proofread-core
const proofRead = require('proofread-core')
So the cat was stolen.
Cuz for reasons.
// { suggestions:
// [ { index: 0, offset: 2, reason: '"So" adds no meaning' },
// { index: 11,
// offset: 10,
// reason: '"was stolen" may be passive voice' } ],
// typos: [ { word: 'Cuz', suggestions: [Array], positions: [Array] } ] }
Optionally specify the dictionary (see dictionaries directory for available english dictionaries) to use and any of the available write-good
So the cat was stolen.
Cuz for reasons.
`, {
dictionary: 'us',
passive: false
Contributions are welcome!
- Fork it.
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
Or open up a issue.
Licensed under the MIT License.