I'm Tiia and I have just graduated from the Academic Work Academy's Java Full Stack training. My previous education was in midwifery, and I have worked in the healthcare sector for nearly ten years. In 2022, I graduated as an expert in digital social and health services (Master of Health Care), which sparked a strong desire in me to work in the field of digital service development.
I have acquired good technical skills to work as a junior software developer. During the Academy's training, I learned technologies such as Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React, Redux, HTTP, REST API, AWS fundamentals, and GIT version control. After completing the Academy's training, we have been working as open consultants at Academic Work. While waiting for assignments, I have been doing the Fullstackopen online course at the University of Helsinki, which has provided me with additional practice in using technologies such as Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. At the same time, I have also started my own projects to strengthen my skills.